@BlackDeathBlade 16 сағат бұрын
Part of why T1 just go back to standard meta drafting in LCK can be summed up by something Keria said at one point last year or two. He talked about how if you want to be the best player in the world, you should be able to play in any meta. And it makes sense from a player perspective. Contrary to what the LFN cast has been saying, T1 isn't a meta dependent team. If T1 is a meta dependent team, why is their worst placing at literally anything 3rd in the past 2-3 years? Regular season is the best time to be experimenting stage picks as well as adjusting and improving on picks they might be bad at. There's always a choice to be made whether or not they play to win or play to learn and improve. Fearless draft in LPL might have been the advantage that they needed to improve their versatility in draft compared to LCK. It's why I think GenG actually had a disadvantage in draft against TES because their overly winning ways made analyzing winning and losing drafts difficult.
@ogun6464 16 сағат бұрын
The V&A museum in London is amazing. I preferred it to the British Museum
@BlackDeathBlade 16 сағат бұрын
I'm not surprised that Riot would actually be involved somehow in the Saudi tournaments. It would probably explain some of the assets that came to the tournament. Also, there's nothing inherently wrong with countries with questionable policies and moral stances wanting to host their own esports tournament. I think people in video game communities these days put far too much emphasis on good morals and the obsession with it drives me nuts. Like yeah Saudi Arabia isn't the best country in the world when it comes to human rights, but there's always going to be governments in planet earth that don't agree with our view of what human rights should be. I do agree that if you virtue signal like a mofo and you decide to participate in their tournaments then you're a hypocrite, but I do not agree that being a willing participant of EWC necessarily means you have no qualms on how the Saudi government runs or agree with them by association. These days it's sickening how absurd people will go into lengths about flaunting their moral superiority to judge if people are "qualified" to be involved in their communities these days or hell play a video game. Like anyone can enjoy video games and watching our favorite players play, but I think people tend to forget that everyone has different cultural and moral backgrounds that they lived with.
@Slashresto 17 сағат бұрын
On the 1 week tournament part i agree with Thorin , i heavily prefer them over the worlds 1 month lenght style. Everyone knows that if a team is on fire it is SO MUCH EASIER to keep momentum up if u keep playing back to back then if u get a week break between big games where each team has a chance to reset mentally.
@ParadoxPope 17 сағат бұрын
Fucking McDonald's does bearnaise in Europe?
@Slashresto 17 сағат бұрын
What about making a rule in competetive where teams are only allowed 1 teleport per team, it would create some more interesting gameplay in the lanes where u no longer have TP. Perhaps u mismatch so one team runs TP mid the other runs it Toplane and that could create interesting new dynamics, diffrent meta picks etc. We also get combat summoners in more lanes which should make the lanes much more active and less about playing PvE for 15 before first big teamfight where farmers like Chovy simply just has a leg up on everyone else.
@CountCocofang 17 сағат бұрын
When will we see some fire thumbnail faces from Thorin?
Thorin with an ABSOLUTE banger at 53:01
@healy33 17 сағат бұрын
YAMATO IS BASED ASF, Snatch is my favorite movie of all time hands down
@deuxexmachimax 17 сағат бұрын
Take a shot whenever Throin says "the joke is". The joke is you'll get wasted or die if you attempt it.
@Nerithielful 18 сағат бұрын
The whole thing started when a *Gen G fan (Chovy fan) said that the loss doesnt count it was an unserious tournament blah blah and people started mocking and trolling him and he kept getting emotinal about it and was posting constantly about it
@sodaron5828 18 сағат бұрын
Sodaron was here 🎉
@Aanenk 18 сағат бұрын
if youre on ukrains side then be happy sending them your money while all prices go up around u smh
@arthuratlas2166 18 сағат бұрын
Kinda surprised at the fact that nobody seems to care about the fact that almost the best NA team ever, with great macro is really just a Korean team. It's like taking current HLE and being shocked that they might randomly perform against Asian teams, whereas G2 despite being in not the greatest form atm is at least still actual western players.
@belesir8847 18 сағат бұрын
Jacob Wolf is such a clown, perfect example of an American who doesn't know there's a world outside of America.
@AMightyStorm 18 сағат бұрын
T1 win does matter, what kind of burnt ass ideas are yall cooking here
@simonxiao7242 18 сағат бұрын
Lpl loves team fights.. lck run you all around the map and get gold lead..hence riot wants lpl to win by nerf all lck play style No need to complain.. riot just doing riot things . Helping lpl all day long
@user-lt9md7mw1m 18 сағат бұрын
I think koreans are better in tfs as well, they are much more nuanced and surgical
@simonxiao7242 18 сағат бұрын
@@user-lt9md7mw1m bro if you watch lpl you know they fight for everything.. they fight you for a fking ward... They just fight for everything... If you just count pure team fight.. and take away all macro.. lpl have higher chance of winning
@user-lt9md7mw1m 18 сағат бұрын
@@simonxiao7242 isnt fighting for everything a bad sign, no discipline
@skrattaoppar9753 16 сағат бұрын
@@user-lt9md7mw1m it's honestly far from the truth, LPL just have a different playstyles that they look like they fight for everything. some teams do dragon set ups and some do grubs, that is why some teams facechecks often cuz they try to prevent the enemt team from snowballing by executing their core strategy.
@aquatikdawn3082 18 сағат бұрын
so in other world GenG didn't do the golden road since the event will be permanent now. so yeah ~
@whiteflame24 19 сағат бұрын
I don't think people give Tian the recognition he deserves as the true GOAT of match fixing.
@Matt-wm1bf 19 сағат бұрын
Why is everyone so surprised? They took Chinas money with a smile, why wouldn't you take Saudis. hell you most of you Euros and Asians gave them that money back at the pump every day. Then lets not act like the west isn't fucked up in its own way. We are all dirty and all the virtue signaling makes me laugh.
@SnowLepard92 19 сағат бұрын
They should have played taric supp using the space groove or 5th age skin during the tournament 😂😂
@heinertier4855 20 сағат бұрын
glad thorin remembered diamonprox - one of the greatest moments of watching esports to me was iem katowice vs both azubu teams and him flipping off blaze after the semi finals.
@PF777 19 сағат бұрын
Nice piece of memory you unlocked for me hahaha, what a legend
@Yied1 20 сағат бұрын
Honey mustard is king
@falsearbitrator2560 20 сағат бұрын
dGon with the L for the episode imo. We don't care that you went to Saudi for the bag, but stop pretending like you have to be a saint to not go to Saudi
@adamohm 20 сағат бұрын
honestly, have listened to this podcast for years. And must say that monte and thoorins record being correct in there projection is quite bad xD Was it not like 2 weeks ago Monte said GenG was potentially the best team ever?? And now they have lost the first game in the tournament?? Yikes...
@miguelweerasinghe24 19 сағат бұрын
nah, even with T1 winning (I am a huge T1 fan), Gen G played on a new patch, and with awful meta read. it does seem bad but at the time, Gen G looked unbeatable. now it seems Gen G is beatable but it still number 1 on average (consistency) in the world. I think T1 has a higher peak and BLG could show up if it becomes a top lane meta or TES gets an adc focused meta. Just because Gen G had a bad meta read (based on the draft tactic leaks) and shit the bed on a tournament where scrimming was limited, doesnt mean they are bad or not currently the team that looks best.
@michaelc.5327 20 сағат бұрын
masterclass episode from thorin, really enjoyed watching this episode. All the analogies to non-esports related political issues, ability to theory-craft alternatives / thought experiments, pop culture references , kino
@iMmunashe 21 сағат бұрын
The irony of Americunts complaining about a nation "sports-washing" is beyond laughable
@lulkaka 21 сағат бұрын
seeing thorin pop out of his chair for the first time was crazyyy
@CountCocofang 21 сағат бұрын
2:16:46 I can't deal with "going quietly into the night" or "solobolo". Also always make fun of "momentum".
@tmcpanda795 21 сағат бұрын
Thorin is so annoying. Free Monte.
@reysolo3672 21 сағат бұрын
Screw Saudi. Can esports paid for view be like pokeGo? Long live LFN.
@samsharpe787 21 сағат бұрын
I will miss Monte on the show but as long as we get him on SI i can survive. Yamato is the best there could be to replace monte.
@DDKstreetballa 21 сағат бұрын
I hope we get to see yamato more!! Was so badass seeing dgon host ewc i was in chat spamming
@Slashresto 21 сағат бұрын
Look at it this way : IF you disregard any personaly opinions about SA and ONLY look at it from a pure factual/logical way then it makes total sense that we have a large Esports scene in Riyadh if they are willing to invest alot of money into facilities etc It saves Riot alot of money , teams get a place where they can go to bootcamp and prepare for tournaments etc , the infrastructure can be built up and be kept in one location and thus improve production quality. I see no logical downsides to alteast MSI/EWC beeing held in Riyadh yearly and only upsides. Now ppl will go on and make stupid arguments about human rights or whatver but that BS doesnt hold up anymore. Nobody actually cares what so ever about theese topics when push comes to shove! (ppl just like to say they care cause thats they gotta do to not get cancelcultured)
@YockeyJockey 21 сағат бұрын
Just desserts for the "if you don't like it then leave" crowd to be barred from locking in their fruity character skins at a Saudi Valorant tournament.
@F00Lsmack 21 сағат бұрын
Stop motion Thoorin
@znachwd2015 21 сағат бұрын
EWC was far away from failing. You failed by keeping DGon on LFN. Bunch of hypocrites
@miguelweerasinghe24 19 сағат бұрын
DGon has to work, why would you blacklist a person from taking the bag for a gig. it would be the same as doing what riot did to monte (they blacklisted him for fighting for caster working rights and wages) and in DGon's case it is just casting for an event. If all the money is coming from Saudi then it means no other industry people care enough to fund the people over saudi. its a fault of economics not morales. Also you do not know how much DGon does for LFN or whether his contract includes ownership over power spike/co-op ownership which he has been part of since episode 3 (I didn't check ep 1 and 2). him working for ewc on contract is not him making a morale statement, its him getting the bag, which you may as well. it gets money out of saudi so less is spent on human rights violations etc...
@znachwd2015 19 сағат бұрын
@@miguelweerasinghe24 you do not get it. Monte and Thorin are shitting on Saudis constantly and yet they choose to support and work with a person that takes blood money and sportwashes the Saudi terror. This is prime hypocrisy.
@CountCocofang 17 сағат бұрын
LFN collectively made the decision to turn down millions of Saudi money when they offered to buy into the company. But why do you think they should police the decisions of individuals within LFN?
@CountCocofang 17 сағат бұрын
LFN collectively made the decision to turn down millions of Saudi investment. But why do you think they should police personal decisions?
@PixelKatana 21 сағат бұрын
That opening by Thorin guilted me into calling my parents.
@mitchr1619 22 сағат бұрын
I get the point about an increased Worlds' reward pool as the logical conclusion of the encroaching snowball effect, but wouldn't this kill a lot of the leagues inherently? Or am I misunderstanding? The amount of teams profiting from Worlds is limited, and it's often the same large orgs? If orgs have to depend on that revenue isn't it not worth the participation? I don't really understand what funds the smaller ineffectual teams in LCK and LPL even, which you hope would be continue to thrive in coming years. Edit: the Saudis and other 3rd party tournaments could fund the orgs additionally, but the participating teams would consistently be the big orgs anyways
@M2IceMan 22 сағат бұрын
No junglers that trash talk? Do we all forget Lord Gilius?
@DBXNaato 22 сағат бұрын
as saudi arabia starts covering more and more esports it becomes harder and harder to enjoy my hobby, sucks
@miguelweerasinghe24 19 сағат бұрын
I mean by that logic, you can't enjoy esports when NA or China host because the US exploits workers Galore with sexual harrasment and social issues within their organisation and china has many human right violations: Repression in Xinjiang. Fear of Arbitrary Arrest. Religious Freedom Abuses. Stifling Freedom of Expression. Forced Labor. Assault on Hong Kong's Autonomy. Severe Restrictions in Tibet. and Riot has the huge sexual harrasment issues and predatory tactics on pricing (Ahri) so you just cant play or watch league. if the product is good, just watch saudi games but continue protesting saudi. let's take that bag to get the money out of saudi.
@HeLLraiSa911 22 сағат бұрын
@ricardorodriguez8497 22 сағат бұрын
For me worst part was the english costreamers I was aware of were fucking morons every other time they opened their mouth lmao. Had to settle for Baus, ffs. And I mean, for fucks sake.
@everything-has-a-handle-now 22 сағат бұрын
Thorin is esport and Ralf Reichert created esport. So Ralf Reichert is Thorin's father. Ralf has joined Saudi, one could argue the dark side. aka Ralf Reichert is Darth Vader, Thorin Luke Skywalker, and has to defeat him. Very nice
@sadmax2838 22 сағат бұрын
Although I agree on the opinion (opinion, not fact!) that this ewc shouldn't count for the golden road, this monte take on "everyone without a microphone doesn't deserve an opinion on whether this is the end of the golden road or not, nobody cares about your opinion" is one of the most disgustingly arrogant takes in general I've seen in a long time. Esports, any sport is nothing without their fans, it's basically just a circle jerk between talented people without their fans, even these media platforms where mildly qualified pundits talk about esports is nothing without their fans and listeners. What's the qualification for "having a microphone" to have a relevant opinion, anyway? If you want to discredit the opinions of casuals, do it with logic, instead of whining that "y'all's opinions don't matter".
@treynguyen1236 20 сағат бұрын
Well these people gave their 20s and 30s to the scene, essentially the most youthful parts of their lives. What have these "fans" do for the scene? They aren't even willing to spend a few bucks for a pay per view model, partly leading esports to what it is now. So yeah, their opinions are quite worthless.
@skrattaoppar9753 16 сағат бұрын
@@treynguyen1236 you know we are keeping lol pro scene active by buying the skins right? esports is just a way to sell skins with how unprofitable it is. maybe you are trying to kill it by not spending at all lol
@roachdoggjr4648 22 сағат бұрын
I found it hard to find english coverage of the event for some reason. Wasn't interested in costreams, I ended up watching on some Thai stream or something lmao
@Darkmage1000 22 сағат бұрын
I watched it thru the lck casters who had thier own
@miguelweerasinghe24 19 сағат бұрын
tyler 1 or ls is an option
@roachdoggjr4648 19 сағат бұрын
@@miguelweerasinghe24 I know, I wasn't interested in costreams tho, I didn't want commentary while I had it on in the background
@StillKeepOnLosing 22 сағат бұрын
EWC shows that Thoorin's TSM "AFK Mid" LeChoke'vy James can still choke with another Super Team.
@raymondandsweetheart7150 22 сағат бұрын
I agree with monte about the golden road. How about we wait for GG to win before continuing with the golden road. They lost the best team in a world. Maybe jet lagg lack of practice ext ext. But let's not forget everyone and there momma assumed GG was going to sweep this tournament. Maybe if they win I'm hype for worlds and see if they can do it.
@nosuitsgiven 23 сағат бұрын
Thorin world record for interruptions during one attempted Monte rant .
@jamesde4428 21 сағат бұрын
nah this is average pace not his worst
@MidsummerNightScream 18 сағат бұрын
BTW, for people who don't know