Star Wars Memes Compilation
9 ай бұрын
Star Wars Podcast: Is Rey a Mary Sue?
Star Wars Facts That Will Shock You
Spiderman No Way Home is AMAZING!!
@alliedbrandon1355 Күн бұрын
Your recreation of the episode 7 ending was great
@CitizenScott Күн бұрын
“Fractured with possibilities” That’s a weird way to say open to numerous directions which all were better than what Rian Johnson did…. lol
@What_do_I_Think 2 күн бұрын
Where did it start to went wrong? *When George Lucas sold Star Wars to Dismay!* It is a corporation that only cares about money, not about dreams or fans or a consistent story. It is ONLY about money. NOTHING else. Ok, now it is also about feminism, I know.
@RaysofLight98 2 күн бұрын
And of course, they also broke the character that was only referenced: the chosen one. Otherwise known as “Kylo’s Evil Melted Mascot- Wackus Bonkas”.
@SBrundle 3 күн бұрын
I’m amazed at how badly you’ve misread Darth Vader, ostensibly because he “doesn’t care about personal relationship”, and “his redemption seems last-minute”. A) In the OT, he’s mysterious, cold, and calculating. Until Luke reawakens his humanity. When you factor in the prequels, it’s easy to see that the passionate anger of his youth has mellowed into a cold, sarcastic bitterness. He’s no longer even passionate in his anger and cruelty. He just casually kills and manipulates without a second though. B) It seems very clear that once Lucas locked in on Father Vader, that some form of redemption was the plan. There are hints as far back as EMPIRE, such as Vader being too distracted to even bother killing Piett. And seeds are sprinkled throughout JEDI. Yes, Vader remains committed to the party line up until he chooses to save Luke, but that’s sort of the point. He makes a crucial difference at a crucial moment, and finally admits his mistakes, instead of doubling-down on rationalizations.
@rraiders345 3 күн бұрын
The fact that KZfaq videos like this had more effort put into them than Star Wars by Disney
@UseDgh 4 күн бұрын
Agree with the point on Like, but not Kylo - the original trilogy worked perfectly fine without a deep dive into how Anakin turned to Vader, it was explained in a line or two, nothing else was needed and everyone bought into it at the time.
@Darth-Vader_148 5 күн бұрын
The first possiblitiy is so logical
@Remix-pr4xd 6 күн бұрын
37:05 I think a good example of how to bring back a legacy character without taking away from a new character is Tobey Maguire in Spider-Man No Way Home. In that movie Tobey’s Spider-Man isn’t reverted back to how he was before Spider-Man 1 to make Tom’s Spider-Man look better, he’s still the same character we left in Spider-Man 3. Sure he might not have much of an arc in NWH but he’s very much like the Obi Wan of the Spider-Man trio. He delivers wisdom onto his younger variants and steps in to help them without any question because he’s already lived through their experiences.
@DarthdYT 6 күн бұрын
Great example. Yeah, I love that film and how they handled each Peter's backstory.
@henrymockingbird9645 8 күн бұрын
@aarondecker7980 8 күн бұрын
Too bad the show didn't have the optimistic impact that you alluded to.. at least in my view. The Ahsoka series so far isnt as jarring as something like Kenobi where every epsisode shifts in quality from pretty good to bad. Other than a handful of cool moments, the Ahsoka show was pretty generic leaving only a little to be excited for in the future.
@DarthdYT 6 күн бұрын
Agreed, it was lackluster. Although this video was more about the character than the then upcoming show, if that makes any sense.
@Leenaryutlaw 8 күн бұрын
This is all so right. J.J. Abrams set the trilogy up for failure. I don't get why people don't acknowledge this??
@DarthdYT 6 күн бұрын
A ton of audience members are just there for entertainment and JJ does a pretty good job of that. By comparison I would say that TLJ is more character-based and the slower pacing gives people more room to see flaws in the story. Plus I'll bet all the nostalgic hype leading up to TFA made a lot of fans more lenient with any issues they saw.
@Leenaryutlaw 6 күн бұрын
@@DarthdYT I guess that's the reason then. It's a shame. It could've been a good trilogy
@eleonorepb4565 8 күн бұрын
Leia was always written to appeal to a male audience rather than being written like a normal character. In the first movie they dedicate many time to say that she is beautiful but the men's look is never mentionned. After her rescue she confort Luke because many people would want a woman who dedicate time to save them but the fact that she was brutilized by the bad guys to show that they are evil is never mentionned. She is also the typical distant rich woman put in danger to be rescued by the everyman. She isn't that different to a character made to be a waifu in an anime. But she get a pass unlike those characters because of the nostalgia and because Star Wars is generally more intelectual than the average anime.
@DarthdYT 6 күн бұрын
Yeah, I covered her a bit more in my recent big video on wasted characters. She had a really strong introduction and it just didn't lead anywhere.
@RealToastedOngod 12 күн бұрын
He wasn’t an idiot when you get really angry you can’t think straight.Also the movies after it were already made so they had no choice
@DarthdYT 11 күн бұрын
It's a parody edit. I've got lots of video essays that do deep dives but this title isn't really serious.
@pixlv6384 16 күн бұрын
10:04 really Rian? Sequel trilogy Luke, The man who willingly tried to kill his nephew because of a bad dream is consistent with original trilogy Luke, the boy who willingly threw away his lightsaber in front of the worst man in the galaxy because he still had faith in the second worst man in the galaxy? Have you watched the original trilogy?
@kaloyan2090 16 күн бұрын
I found it recently but it slaps!
@DarthdYT 16 күн бұрын
@robertengland8769 17 күн бұрын
When the force awakens came out, I thought Finn was going to be the hero. Who knew? They didn't even give him a chance. (Same as Luke).
@robertengland8769 18 күн бұрын
The '70's were different than 2024. It was a different world. I was around then, so I know. The original movie was a stand alone film. Should have remained that way.
@ellieisabamf 18 күн бұрын
Hahaha, but also I never noticed he was casually getting his split ends trimmed 😂
@marklechman2225 18 күн бұрын
J.J. Is a one-note hack and probably the most overpaid person in Hollywood.
@robertengland8769 19 күн бұрын
Are you kidding, Disney? Mark Hammill is star wars, same as R2 and 3po and Obiwan Kenobi. Killing off the character of Luke was a very bad decision, Disney! You didnt even give Luke a chance.
@robertengland8769 20 күн бұрын
Personally, i dont like that Han and Luke and Leia had to die. Without them, there is no star wars. Any further crap from Disney will be an even further flop. Disney aint star wars.
@DarthdYT 18 күн бұрын
I think it was towards the end of my newest video where I talked about the fact that yes, those characters had to die, because that's the way of life. One generation dies and the next takes over. We think nobody will ever be able to replace our parents, but our kids will replace us one day too. The Matrix, Lord of the Rings, Hunger Games....these universes are all so much bigger than just the original stories/characters we're familiar with. (although in part, I will agree with your first sentence. Those characters represent the "original Star Wars". But does that mean we can't have movies about Yoda? or Bane? Yes, the original Star Wars died out with those characters but that doesn't mean the franchise is dead because they were just one story out of many)
@hqueso 23 күн бұрын
IMO, JJ has a key misunderstanding when it comes to ambiguity. He thinks confusion is the same as intriguing uncertainty.
@VideoSage 23 күн бұрын
The only thing i want from another big StarWars film, is a full redo of the Sequels- with Lucas guidance.
@Brandon-yy5cc 24 күн бұрын
Wokism killed and still is killing the Star Wars franchise.
@Enrico-cz9pr 25 күн бұрын
Ed è pure Carina la jedi❤
@anthonyshoop575 25 күн бұрын
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
@Adam-tx3iq 25 күн бұрын
Great video, but the AI art takes me out of it SO much
@DarthdYT 25 күн бұрын
That's really interesting because I'm the exact opposite. I'm such a visual person I've always HATED describing things I couldn't show.
@swungburrito9231 25 күн бұрын
That aged well
@quacko6151 25 күн бұрын
the force awakens is my least favourite starwars movie because that was the catalyst and reason why 8 and 9 were so bad, my reasoning is that with the force awakens, the plotline they went with was not what these films needed, they needed to not just be that 20 years later the galaxy is back in chaos, han is just a smuggler again and the jedi have been destroyed AGAIN it should have been about lukes new jedi order, the new republic and stopping a resurrection of palpatine
@horatioswanz 26 күн бұрын
not bad. Feels like I'm watching a proto-version of what the channel will hopefully evolve into. Like an old Comics Explained video, before Rob started putting some stank on it.
@DarthdYT 25 күн бұрын
Haven't seen those vids; can you give me an idea of what you'd like to see?
@Deltagamer1939 27 күн бұрын
Don’t worry guys the sequels aren’t canon 😂😂
@dexterbragg88 27 күн бұрын
Shit… this is the best movie I’ve never seen. 1:03:23 damn near made me cry. This is wonderful
@DarthdYT 26 күн бұрын
Thanks :)
@dexterbragg88 26 күн бұрын
@@DarthdYT no cap homie. I may disagree just a little bit on the force powers thing but bro… this the best Star Wars essay I’ve ever heard. You, my good sir, understand Star Wars.
@sethtfp2373 27 күн бұрын
My issue with Kyle has never really been his redemption arc, cause it was kinda set up from the beginning that he was probably gonna return to the light eventually. My biggest problem has always been that he’s just so god damn lame, and the movie’s plot is centred around a bad guy who is just completely incompetent. He’s presented as an obstacle for the protagonist despite the fact that he never beats her. It’s a travesty.
@sethtfp2373 27 күн бұрын
Oh my god I forgot how dry Anakin was in the 2nd movie. 💀
@thierryeubanks3586 28 күн бұрын
Gwyendoln Christie was wasted, she was awsome in The sandman
@Dr_Doctor_Lee 28 күн бұрын
id say the starkillerbase was not burning but covered in snow, cuz of its shield. the shield that would be a rayshield cuz of..rays. but since it is communicated that spaceships aka hard objects aka particles cant pass throu, its as well (or with an additional shield) a particle shield. btw that implies if you build a weapon that shoots mass with lightspeed, it could pass throu shields. also would deal a realistic amount of damage. it wouldnt desttoy a planet but greatly damage it. sooo..why did they mount superlasers on stardestroyers? ah. cuz the writer lacks creativity :3 and insight. and skill
@Dr_Doctor_Lee 28 күн бұрын
1:02:18 he did that one scene better than disney did the entire star wars franchise
@cioplasmmajic8327 28 күн бұрын
I fundamentally disagree with your take on the Special edition change to Han Shot First. You can be mad that Lucas changed it, but it doesn't change Han's character. Even in the original Greedo obviously planned to shoot and was preparing to shoot. Any court would call what Han did self defense, shooting first or no. And Han did not shoot the instant he saw a blaster pointed at him; he tried to negotiate, and only shot when it was clear Greedo was going to shoot.
@Schmigglefrum 29 күн бұрын
too sad to finish :(
@DarthdYT 28 күн бұрын
Yeah it can get that way😞
@dexterbragg88 29 күн бұрын
1:03:07 dude…. I would’ve shit my pants if this happened
@ascendedraven1934 Ай бұрын
Luke was a teacher. He taught us all.
@Edward-nf4nc Ай бұрын
"I will do what I must" to bring peace. 'I must protect Luke from Maul' 'I must make sure Luke escapes' 'I must protect Leia and the Resistance' Also, Obi-Wan was attacked. The only times that I know of Obi-Wan using anger was after Maul killed Qui-gon, maybe when Dooku asked if he could do better and when Maul mocked Obi-Wan on how Obi-Wan had just stood there as Maul killed Qui-gon and Obi-Wan was defeated as he had become unbalanced, although he survived against Maul Yoda saved him and Anakin from Dooku. "Never for attack". Luke attacked Vader in anger and nearly fell to the Dark Side! "Never for attack" When Rey first fought Ren she was trying to protect herself and although she seemed angry during the 2 part, she didn't try and kill him afterwards. "Never for attack" After Obi-Wan defeated Vader on Mustafar he didn't kill him, although all that fight was in defence, when he defeated Vader and then excepted "then my friend is truly dead" he didn't kill Darth Vader as his mission was to make sure Leia and the Resistance escaped and he had done that. Even though he thought Anakin was dead, he didn't try and kill Vader "never for attack". When Luke killed Jabba's men it was to protect his friends or leading members of the Rebellion. He used the gun on the barge to destroy the barge, but he did not use the Force for that! "Never for attack" Rey didn't even really use the Force to kill her grandfather, the lightsabers themselves, not Rey, arched the Force lightning back at the Emperor, and that was to save the fleet, who were trying to save the galaxy and beyond. "Never for attack". In the Ashoka series Ezra doesn't use his lightsaber in Shin's attack, not even against Shin herself who has a lightsaber! He says the Force is his ally "that's all I need" and he used the Force so he didn't need to kill them. When the fighting got more intense he sometimes used a blaster, but he did not use the Force to kill anyone. "Never for attack". Yes, Ezra was known to kill people, but things were different for him than they were during the Clone Wars and for Luke. He also sometimes used animals to fight instead of cutting people apart himself, which I think is different as drawing a lightsaber was meant to be a last resort. A Jedi was meant to use all their tricks before using their lightsabers, and Ezra sometimes did that. People change, times change and the Jedi must change with them, but "Never for attack" does not need to change, how you view and use it is what must change. Rey's anger when she tried to attack Snoke was caused by a sense of purpose and desire to protect, not anger caused by hatred or vengeance, or fear like Luke's desire to protect Leia from falling to the Dark Side.
@seamus4A Ай бұрын
What’s the song during the Lando bit
@Mr.Yoda66 Ай бұрын
Thank you very much for this deep dive into the writing and potential rewriting of the Star Wars Sequels! I thoroughly enjoyed it! 😃 By the way, how much of this video is not in any of your other videos? And how much am I missing from your complete deep dives of Rey, Kylo and Finn by not watching their respective videos?
@DarthdYT Ай бұрын
Thanks! I'd say ignore those 3 as (to the best of my ability) I remastered the audio and re-edited a bunch so these versions I think are much better. Basically everything was new material up until the Rey/Finn/Kylo sections, then the ending synopsis was new too.
@Mr.Yoda66 Ай бұрын
@@DarthdYT Awesome, thanks so much!
@jim.the.editor Ай бұрын
Not sure I agree that we needed to see Luke's fall... But if he was going to have fallen between the movies, we needed to see much more of our old Luke coming out of his shell in his redemption arc... an arc we never really got.
@Valkanna.Nublet Ай бұрын
"He err 'probes' her mind without permission" CSI music starts. I got into an argument when I pointed out what Luke did to Ben in the hut. Even if you remove the lightsabre there is no way to explain what Luke was up to in good terms. He went into the hut of a sleeping person, someone that was under his care, with the intent to violate that person's mind.
@DarthdYT Ай бұрын
ooooo, I really like that idea. On the one hand, it's theoretically no different than searching your teen's room for drugs to make sure they've not gone down a dark parth, but yeah, once you add in the "delving into his personal thoughts" bit it's a different level.
@Valkanna.Nublet Ай бұрын
5:43:30 A film review that ends up talking about one of the major problems with society as a whole. People are so desperate for answers that they'll cling to anything just so they 'know', holding onto that answer even when better explanations are given.
@Valkanna.Nublet Ай бұрын
One of my biggest problems with Rey is that she's supposed to be the main character, it's supposed to be her story, yet during the 1st film she does absolutely nothing pro-active that moves the plot along. The closest she comes to doing anything on her own is REacting to being kidnapped and escaping, but even then all she does is hide until someone else comes to save her. Every single decision that moves the plot is made by someone else; leaving the planet, finding the rebels, going to Mazz, getting kidnapped, the attack on the base, the infiltration of the base, her being rescued from the base and then from the planet, her facing the bad guy. It's always other people making the choices and taking the actions. All Rey does is follow people getting dragged about, sometimes literally. She takes a passive role in her own film... That before we get to the claim "it's a feminist film" when all of those actions that move the plot are being made by men.
@Cunningcreeper Ай бұрын
Hey you forgot Shmi 😂