@eluded7 15 сағат бұрын
Its really interesting listening to your experience
@annabarram 7 сағат бұрын
Thanks for commenting and watching! Hopefully it's both interesting and helpful to hear about my experience. Are you sober or just checking out my channel?
@Disappointingyourdemons 2 күн бұрын
Wow, good stuff Anna! I am back being sober after a 4.5 year bender that almost took me out. . I had 7 years in the states before moving down here to the Caribbean so this isn't my first rodeo. Early sobriety is weird for sure. It's like literally learning how to be a human being again. The whole having no friends thing or having nothing to do is what has derailed me in the past. But this time around I've realized that those people aren't my friends. Not a single one of my old drinking and drugging buddies has even so much as texted me to make sure I'm ok or still alive since I've basically ghosted. You know who has? Everyone I know in recovery and the friends I've made since getting sober. I'll have, God willing, 3 months sober tomorrow, and already my life is even better than it was before I relapsed. Thanks for making these videos, they really do help and if you have some free time, please check out my channel for my story of alcoholism/ addiction and recovery. ODAAT!
@annabarram Күн бұрын
Wow, so glad to hear you made it back alive. That's so scary! And thanks for checking out my video! I appreciate it so much!! It is totally like learning how to be a human again. It's the weirdest thing. It's really hard when old drinking friends just drop off after you get sober. I'm so sorry you had that experience too. It does make me feel less alone though, knowing that you know how that feels. And yes, I have also found an amazing community and actually good friends who show up and care about me. It floors me that I have the community and life that I have now. Everyone says that after they are sober for a while and I had a hard time believing them but just trusted them, and now I have that too. CONGRATS ON 3 MONTHS TOMORROW!!!!! That's a big deal!!! I'll definitely check out your channel and I'm so glad that these videos are helpful. Much love :)
@RICHARDOCONNOR-s2j 3 күн бұрын
Rock-bottoms will not look the same for each of us. What matters is that we recognize them. I drank to take the " EDGE OFF" for 34years. As a younger man to get up the courage to talk to girls in college. Then later in life to decompress from a long day at work. Eventually I got to a point where I told my mind and body, I DON'T CARE I AM GOING A WHOLE YEAR!
@annabarram 2 күн бұрын
Very true that everyone's rock bottom will look different! What was your rock bottom? I totally get that drinking progression. I had a similar experience in that it gradually got to be more and more and more frequent, until I looked around and alcohol was not only consuming my life but it was the whole point of my life.
@RICHARDOCONNOR-s2j 2 күн бұрын
@@annabarram Rock bottom for me was waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to catch my breath. I drove myself to the ER that morning and was diagnosed with hypertension. My bp 194/109. Long story short I drank too much and ate too much for too many years. Once I quit my diet dramatically improved. I lost 87lbs in 10months, BUT THE BEST PART and what keeps me sober nearly 3yrs later, is remembering that night and how it felt not being able to catch my breath.
@annabarram 2 күн бұрын
@@RICHARDOCONNOR-s2j Wow. What an incredible journey. Thank you so so much for sharing what you've been through. I'm sorry it was a rough road but it's so inspirational to hear what you came back from. And congrats on losing all of that weight, that must not have been easy! I really like how you remember that night even 3 years later or especially 3 years later so it keeps you sober. I find that it's so easy to forget the dark times. I need to think of a way to continue to make the scary times when I was using easier to recall and remember just how bad they were, so I never go back. Hope you're having a good weekend, Richard!
@@annabarram Anna I really enjoy hearing from you. At 56 I can remember having a pen pal in 3rd or 4th grade in the 1970s. Back then it was another boy (maybe from India) it took 1/2 school year to hear back from him. We never seemed to have anything in common. When do you hit day300? Do you have a p.o box? I would like to send you something for when you do.
@annabarram Күн бұрын
Pen pals are awesome. It's amazing to think about how far we've come with technology. I do remember the days when I would write letters vs. a text. I kind of miss those days, honestly! I don't have a PO box, unfortunately! You're so kind to think of sending me something for 300 days. It's coming up here soon!!
@canadianpeasant3490 3 күн бұрын
Man I was dying for a fat rock yesterday, all day, I'm 6 weeks sober and I'll still just ache like a mf-er, annoying that the psych cravings can be almost as bad as being in acute withdrawal, esp when combined with fatigue, emotions, aches and pains, having that past memory/cognitive behavioral, association w instant pain relief, is a mf danger zone Like urge 2 use is overpowering only control addicts have is over people, places and things that limit opportunity, my sober life is set up in such a way that I would be going out of my way to use and it would take extraordinary effort, on my part that would be cringe and remarkable as an endeavor. it's helpful watching AML sometimes esoecially the interviews where the addicts break down over their abandoned children etc like it is and always will be a choice between a buzz or family end of day don't want to be a member of the bastard active add*ct club Being physically restrained, by my sober bf, relocated and don't know anyone and don't have a car, is the best thing, sadly don't even fully trust myself and only the biggest part of me wants sobriety, there's still that 1/4 to 1/3 of me that wants a shitty buzz that doesn't want to die or be forgotten after it dies fucksake Usually just have to take a day to rest when desire to use gets bad, fatigue is a big trigger so just surrendering to being tired and feeling like crap, crying it out etc in the first place is for the best, knowing that's going to be the outcome anyway, it's stupid to try and escape from bad feelings which happen all the time on a continuous daily basis lmao Facts and honesty spoiler alert, sober life isn't great but knowing that the psych craves are at least in part fantasy and delusion, bc I may not enjoy the buzz as much as I imagine esp w personal costs being so high that makes it less enjoyable and more of a paranoid schizo buzz Lmao
@RICHARDOCONNOR-s2j 3 күн бұрын
I watched that channel as well as other Kensington ave youtubers my first year. Also, listening to Kevin O'hara of Alcohol Mastery truly helped calm my anxiety and me get through many sleepless nights.
@annabarram 2 күн бұрын
Yeah, totally agree about the surrender thing. It's like 100% a requirement to get and stay sober. And also like idk if you felt this way, but I had to lose everything to actually and finally surrender. Thanks for your thoughts and sharing your experience and story. It's truly so helpful to hear. And congrats on 6 weeks clean/sober!!! That's fucking awesome. Keep going and lmk if I can do anything to support you! Much love :)
@zackcraft7204 3 күн бұрын
This was a heavy video. Being sober is better. I have a lot of analysis to say on this video but I don't wanna sperg out in the comments section lol. You're doing well Anna!
@annabarram 2 күн бұрын
Would love to hear your thoughts/analysis!! And yeah, it is pretty heavy about how hard early sobriety is :( but it's just my experience so maybe others have had an easier time? Let me know what you think! And thanks for your encouragement. Means so much to me!
@zackcraft7204 2 күн бұрын
​@@annabarramit's good that you structure your evenings. Evening is always the hardest part. I just end up going to sleep very early these days. My social life is dead but that's okay
@annabarram 2 күн бұрын
@@zackcraft7204 yeah I think what's been tough for me is to redefine what my social like looks like or will look like. And accepting that it will look very different than it did before. How have you been doing lately? And I feel you on going to bed early. Sometimes it's just best to go to bed and start a new day fresh.
@zackcraft7204 2 күн бұрын
@@annabarram I've been doing okay. Except yesterday I overdosed on caffeine. I dunno what got in to me but I was enjoying this pitcher of ice coffee so much that I drank almost all of it. The anxiety and agitation made me feel like withdrawals, it was a long night last night. Thankfully feeling better this morning though, and its still the weekend at least.
@pannitalmadge7464 5 күн бұрын
2 fuchsia month's
@annabarram 3 күн бұрын
10000000% the most fuchsia of sober times
@ShadesOClarity 5 күн бұрын
Hi Anna. Hell, my last relationship was with a woman I met after an A.A. meeting. Of course, it crashed and burned. We don't speak at all now. It was just *snap gonzo.
@annabarram 5 күн бұрын
"Snap gonzo" SO RELATABLE. I'm so sorry to hear that you also had a bad dating experience. It's tough out here. How are you doing??
@ShadesOClarity 5 күн бұрын
@@annabarram I am fine now. Had another bout. This damned disease. I have a video coming tomorrow about it.
@annabarram 5 күн бұрын
@@ShadesOClarity I will keep an eye out for your video. I'm so glad you're ok, I know how deadly this disease is. Can I do anything to support you?? Much love :)
@RICHARDOCONNOR-s2j 6 күн бұрын
Anna this is my favorite vlog so far! The first 6months is physical/emotional. The second 6months is mental/spiritual. YOU ARE DOING GREAT! The more sobriety sucks the first year the better it works. ps... I am allergic to dogs who shed (pit-bull dad) but I like Carl's attitude.
@annabarram 5 күн бұрын
Awwwww I'm so glad you like it! I appreciate your note about the second 6 months. You are so so right. That's exactly how I am experiencing the second half of my first year in sobriety. Also, that's pure gold advice about the more sobriety sucks in the first year the better it works. My mind is blown. That will be in the back of my mind now with every decision I make about my life this first year. HAHAHA I"m glad you like my dog's attitude 😂 I do too. He's hilarious. How old is your pit bull?? I love pit bulls so much!
@RICHARDOCONNOR-s2j 5 күн бұрын
@@annabarram Romeo is 7. Looked like a Smurf as a puppy (blue coat like a Frenchie) My next-door neighbor calls him Kong because his head is as big as his body. Just a big baby. The rabbits in my yard don't even take him seriously.
@annabarram 3 күн бұрын
@@RICHARDOCONNOR-s2j you have rabbits to?!?! Kong is such a great nickname for a pup with a big head, LOL. And Romeo is the perfect name for a pit bull. I love it. And a blue coat 🥰
@dw6410 6 күн бұрын
Just on a side note I think you would enjoy Peter Santenello's channel - he travels all over in real life situations, my point being it can give us a good perspective sometime looking through the lens of someone else's day to day life or problems/ struggles, and I am not trying to promote him other than the fact I think you would enjoy him. Soft white underbelly is a good channel as well but darker interviews not very uplifting on some notes. also Nikki Delventhal channel traveling.....
@annabarram Күн бұрын
I will check his channel out! Thank you!! And I have seen Soft white underbelly...definitely a darker depiction of drugs and other stories of peoples' lives. But an honest one. I'll check out Nikki's channel too. Thanks for sharing those with me! I love finding good channels to check out and dive into. Hope you're having a good weekend, and so sorry for the late response!
@dw6410 6 күн бұрын
we all go through it / we all need support and each other whether through family, friends, venues like this what have you, we cannot do it alone, the older we get the worse our emotions and feelings can be what if it's this or what if it's this a simple cough , not feeling good day, a pain , it all can delve us into unnecessary worriedness, concern is one thing, yes we need to be concerned but not to the point we are obsessive about it, easy to say but we all do it...
@annabarram Күн бұрын
Sorry, just seeing this now! Thank you for responding to this video! It was a different type of video but what has been front of mind for me lately. It's a good reminder to not go through this or anything alone, since that is what I often default to. It's hard not to obsess but I'm working on that one :)
@dw6410 6 күн бұрын
awesome / keep going you got this
@annabarram 5 күн бұрын
Thank you!!!! Much love :)
@modom11 6 күн бұрын
I’m so glad i found your channel… I moved away from portalnd 15yrs ago when i met my nos husband. After years of therapy and becoming a mom i became sober from alcohol for almost 9yrs and from pain meds for 3.5yrs… i also do not have girl friends due to severe trauma from middle/high school…. You are my kind of person and im so glad to have found your channel. Xoxo
@RICHARDOCONNOR-s2j 6 күн бұрын
Just found her channel too. I'm an east coast dad but appreciate and can relate just the same.
@annabarram 5 күн бұрын
Awwwww so happy to connect with you!!! Wow, congratulations on getting sober from all of those things. It's not easy. And what a beautiful success story to hear about your journey. I love that so so much. Would love to hear more about your whole journey. Thanks for checking out my channel, too. Excited to create more videos to connect with you more! Much love :)
@seanoflaherty6678 6 күн бұрын
Don't get wrapped up in the med field now. They aren't the source of truth. No matter what they tell you, you may have. Take the matter into your own hands.
@annabarram Күн бұрын
Sorry, just seeing this now! Thank you for the advice, I definitely am very skeptical of the motives behind some medical entities in our country at this point.
@RICHARDOCONNOR-s2j 7 күн бұрын
Day 300 was the turning point for me. Once you I got there, I knew I was going a whole year.
@annabarram 6 күн бұрын
Love that. Thanks for the beacon of hope. I'm almost 9 months sober and it can feel stagnant sometimes. I really appreciate the encouragement from someone who is further along in this journey!!! Much love :)
@zackcraft7204 7 күн бұрын
"i spent time with people who hated me a little less than i hated myself" well put, i get it, ugh.
@annabarram 6 күн бұрын
It's so poignant and tragic to realize that was the truth of the situation I had put myself in. I'm sorry you had a similar experience, but it's honestly comforting to know I wasn't alone in that. Much love, Zack! :)
@zackcraft7204 5 күн бұрын
@@annabarram after you leave them all behind have you found you have no friends left, or were any of them your real friends? I have a couple left, people from before of course.
@canadianpeasant3490 7 күн бұрын
Yeah, the trap house/party life was more social and was There for me like a pseudo 'family' (really more like a cult) after my only remaining family member died. Like its understandable to me having sought out bad company, There is no Honor among Thieves and relationships having no value beyond superficial conversations, but each member of the cr@ck cult respectively did their big reveals and showed me what kind of contempt they had in their rotten hearts. That shit can really cause a Heart to rot and turn Stone cold Like im not made for the streets and neither are you, the streets is a cult, how is it not
@annabarram 6 күн бұрын
TOTALLY a pseudo family. That is spot on and so well said/articulated! And I like that you have compassion for yourself because you understand why you sought that out. It makes so much sense and makes me realize I can have compassion for myself for doing the same thing. I've never heard the streets characterized as a cult, but I can see how that might make a lot of sense. So well articulated, my friend. Thanks for your thoughts, they're so insightful and helpful. :) much love
@SnookisInfant-gt8xu 7 күн бұрын
Fellas this is the woman swiping left on you then precede to tell you you’re worthless while dating this man. It’s not worth it fellas
@RICHARDOCONNOR-s2j 7 күн бұрын
Spending time with yourself is great advice. I'm 56. Still working on that.
@annabarram 7 күн бұрын
It seems like it's a fairly new idea to "date yourself" or spend time with just "you". Like I grew up with the expectation that I should get married young, etc. So it's been tough to rewire my brain to grasp the whole "date yourself" concept. Glad you're working on it too :)
@EvilestGem 7 күн бұрын
Yup. Drugs are great until they aren't. I could say that drugs are terrible but I did acid when I was younger and it changed how I think about things it was that impactful, and I mean in a positive and creative way. You could say I was changed for the better. There is a context to everything. Anyway, glad you are in a better place Anna. Regarding other drugs I lost all my friends either to paranoia or suicide.
@annabarram 7 күн бұрын
Oh damn, I'm so so sorry to hear about your experience and that you've lost all of your friends. That's absolutely horrific. And I can totally see how some drugs would be more enlightening for some people. I'm so glad to hear you had a positive experience with what you experimented with and that it spurred some creativity for you. :) Thanks so much for commenting and watching, love connecting with you!
@RICHARDOCONNOR-s2j 7 күн бұрын
Hope you are feeling better. A health scare is what it took me to finally sober up after 34 years of drinking. You are young and strong. You are going to be fine.
@annabarram 7 күн бұрын
Thank you, Richard! What an encouraging thing to hear. I appreciate you. How long have you been sober? Love connecting with you!
@RICHARDOCONNOR-s2j 7 күн бұрын
@@annabarram July 14 It will be 3yrs
@RICHARDOCONNOR-s2j 7 күн бұрын
I spent my 1st year getting sober watching Kevin O'hara and Kensington Ave Philadelphia. One motivates you to keep fighting. The other reminds you where you could end up if you give up.
@annabarram 7 күн бұрын
Totally true about staying motivated to keep fighting and the reality of where you could end up. Good reminders to not go back.
@alexandramcpherson4189 8 күн бұрын
This is like the gal with no plan
@annabarram 7 күн бұрын
Haven't heard of that channel until now! Thanks for sharing. Definitely very similar. Are you sober too?
@alexandramcpherson4189 7 күн бұрын
@@annabarram I'm sober, just stumbled upon your channels. Although I'll say this, yours seems a much more realistic journey!!! The boredom thing makes so much more sense to me a sober person though after you explained it. Good luck on your journey!!!
@annabarram 6 күн бұрын
@@alexandramcpherson4189 awww thank you, Alexandra!!! How long have you been sober and how is it going? I'm so happy to connect with you and hear a little bit about you and your own journey. And I really appreciate the kind words and encouragement. Appreciate you :) much love
@aronaeleven5574 13 күн бұрын
I've always drown or numb my emotions away. This has masked and prevented me from dealing with the issue. Luckily, there have been intelligent role models to help me learn to control my emotions. As you say, sharing awareness is helpful because we all have needed help and support from others to make life more meaningful and enjoyable, without resorting to antisocial behaviours. So we can address our sometimes complex needs with 100% attention.
@annabarram 12 күн бұрын
Thanks for your thoughts :) it's really nice to hear from you! I like what you said about "masked" because it's so true. I feel like I wear a lot of masks to hide my actual emotions, which has led to serious drug addiction. So learning how to unmask and face those emotions is new and difficult. Hope you're doing well my friend, much love :)
@aronaeleven5574 12 күн бұрын
@@annabarram You're doing great, my friend. It's awesome how we can learn new strategies to help us cope. I've taught myself to read and write through the internet, and it bums me out when I spell words wrong. I like communicating with you, but I worry I might say the wrong thing and upset you. I have encountered many complex obstacles in pursuing my list of goals. "Kind regards, and stay strong."
@annabarram 11 күн бұрын
@@aronaeleven5574 Aww thank you. I know, sometimes it's hard to find the right words, especially when it comes to something so serious like sobriety and recovery. I always appreciate what you have to say and contribute. More than you know!
@Slayer-7373 13 күн бұрын
I’m currently going through the same exact thing!!! I’m going soon to get all sorts of cancers checked out, my heart everything. Same as you I’m absolutely terrified at what might come back. Like you said when I’m wrapped up in my addiction I don’t even think twice about my health which makes 0 sense!!!! I wish you nothing but the best of luck when you go 🙏🖤, keep us updated!!!
@annabarram 12 күн бұрын
Really??? Damn dude, I'm sorry to hear that but it's also comforting to know that I"m not alone. Keep me posted on how you're doing and how your test results come back. Here to support as much as I can. Thanks so much for the encouragement and kind words. You rule, much love my friend :)
@stevieray7203 13 күн бұрын
The chase…it manipulates the brain chemicals when we “win” a “prize”, but in reality you want someone who CHOOSES you, not makes you wonder. Also as an older woman looking back, value a nice guy, consistent and even a bit “boring” and DO NOT sleep with them until they are committed. PERIOD.
@annabarram 12 күн бұрын
I love this perspective so so much!!! Thank you for sharing that thought, total game change to think of it as someone who "chooses you" and knowing that they have chosen to be with you whole heartedly. I think I"m starting to appreciate the consistent and "boring" type of person more and more as I get older, in the best sense possible. Thanks so much again, much love :)
@zackcraft7204 14 күн бұрын
I struggle a lot taking care of myself as well. It's so much effort to deal with all the healthcare stuff. I just had shingles and didn't even bother going to the doctor because I didn't have time and it didn't seem worth it. It's hard to do every single thing for yourself. Just try to do each thing one step at a time. Right now I'm trying to work up the effort to just shower and shave before I have to get on the camera and pretend I feel good.
@annabarram 12 күн бұрын
Thanks, Zack. I appreciate that so much. It's encouraging to hear your thoughts and experience. How are you doing?
@zackcraft7204 11 күн бұрын
@@annabarram I'm doing okay but getting the summer time blues I guess. It always happens. I've had a pretty overwhelming month with work, health stuff, and other obligations. I've kept almost all of them but the pressure just makes me want to say fuck it, blow everything off and end up in a full scale relapse, but of course that won't help. Just have to take everything moment by moment
@annabarram 11 күн бұрын
@@zackcraft7204 Yeah, the summer blues are totally a thing...especially now that I'm sober. I'm so sorry to hear it's been such an overwhelming month with work and health stuff (and everything else you have going on). Sending love and good energy your way. Here to support you in any way that I possibly can, over the Internet :) you are not alone.
@canadianpeasant3490 14 күн бұрын
You look healthier than a horse you should be fine Look into chinese medicine tumors are phlegm in tcm
@annabarram Күн бұрын
hahaha thank you :) and I will look into Chinese medicine, I'm all about looking into alternatives to Western medicine when any situation calls for that.
@canadianpeasant3490 14 күн бұрын
I cry in sobriety all the Time too but i am very guarded emotionally because some pain is just too personal and want privacy , so be crying and people are like "Whats wrong" and I'm speechless and cant articulate Whats wrong and i dont want to anyway so my partner is putting Up with my depressive stupors and its going great
@annabarram 12 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing, it's nice to hear I'm not alone with the crying thing. I hope you're doing well :)
@GeneralMcNuggs 14 күн бұрын
Start looking into mushrooms. Turkey tail, lion's mane, psybicilin low dose. Nature's oldest teacher is the key.
@pedxing 14 күн бұрын
this video was JAM PACKED! dang, Thanks Anna! well... sounds like you are doing all the right things to deal with your apprehension around an unknown health circumstance. so you know... keep that up! Here's the good news: death comes for us all. I don't mean for that to be fatalistic but rather as an encouragement to continue living a life with more kindness, more patience and grace, and less suffering. since you're becoming more accepting of your own knowledge of what you refer to as faith I would offer up a couple of unique practices that Buddhists have that are specific non-generic mindfulness focal points: Contemplation of Death (Marana-sati), and Reflection on Impermanence (Anicca). and heck... even Practicing Loving-Kindness (Metta). pretty interesting to me that a faith that is like 2500 years old has built in practices for dealing with the knowable and unknowable truths of our own finite mortality and then has guidance on what we can do with it to calm our hearts and enrich the world around us. Someday maybe I'll find the clarity to inhabit these practices but in the mean time I thought I would mention them in case they can do someone else some good before they do me. ;-)
@annabarram 12 күн бұрын
Thank you!!!! Thank you so so much :) this is very encouraging and helps to hear this perspective. I don't find it fatalist to think about death as something that's inevitable. It's sort of comforting actually. And thanks for passing along those tools, I will absolutely check them out. Appreciate you so much. Much love :)
@9to5poker53 14 күн бұрын
Don't trip on your health, it's all genetics at the end of the day. Everyone has their number. Some get called earlier than others. I used to be a hypochondriac. It's a good sign you are starting to care about your health. I had a stroke at 35 followed by heart surgery to fix a congenital heart defect that they suspected caused it. I was a coke/opiate addict. Had just gone on a coke bender 8 days prior. That was a Godshot. He was telling me to slow the fuck down. Still don't know to this day how much the coke contributed, got mixed feedback from Drs, but I don't doubt it played a role. Fortunately I didn't have any residual deficits and it was all verbal in presentation, but to be faced with your mortality and a 3 day hospital stay really makes you understand what's important. And I can tell you future tripping isn't one of them. Everything will fall into its right place in due time if you are making steps slowly in the right direction. Keeping the Faith is the best thing you can do. All will be revealed to you at some point. Take it easy on yourself
@annabarram 12 күн бұрын
Damnnnn you had a stroke at 35??? Thanks for your thoughtful comment and encouragement. I appreciate it so so much. And I guess it makes sense that you had a stroke being on an 8 day coke bender. It's good for me to hear how a coke bender like that ends because I was doing the same shit. Never had a heart issue or stroke from my use but I'm sure I was headed there. Thanks so much for the reassurance and encouraging me, it helps a lot.
@TheWeekendYogurt 14 күн бұрын
Sending you some love <3
@annabarram 12 күн бұрын
Thank you so so much :)
@9to5poker53 15 күн бұрын
I thought I was a nice guy until I did my sex inventory lol. I manipulated chicks and didn't always clarify that I only wanted casual relationships. It was through doing the steps that I realized I was a fuck boy. Life is so much more peaceful not feeling like I am using someone. I have a conscious and that shit would take me out every time
@annabarram 15 күн бұрын
HAHAHA I just finished my first draft of step four tonight! How timely. And damn, I really respect your self-awareness and ability to admit that you were a f*ckboy. It's so refreshing to hear. I too have had f*ckboy days so I get the other side of it too. Thanks for sharing your experience and connecting, I love it. :)
@9to5poker53 15 күн бұрын
@@annabarram Hey I mean we're human. We all do it on some kind of level. Getting older (37) also makes it a lot less appealing. It takes too much effort lol. I imagine it would be much harder for me in my 20's. I need to get back to the program tho. Been a rough few years. Your channel has been helping remind me of how helpful the program really is tho, so thank you for that. I have a love/hate with the program but am trying to get motivated/inspired to go back and your growth/sharing the message is helping ppl like me.. Oh yeah, don't date in the program unless you have some serious time. Guaranteed nightmare lol. Seriously tho, it fucks with your program and if a breakup happens you stop wanting to go to mtngs. Don't shit where you sleep basically. Sounds easy but it's not because it's so convenient lol
@annabarram 14 күн бұрын
@@9to5poker53 I'll be 37 in October, so I feeeeeeelyouuuuuu lol. Like it's not cute to be a f*ckboy at this age. Or a drug addict, for that matter. Not that it's ever cute to be addicted to drugs and/or alcohol. I'm so so happy that my channel and weird little videos are helpful to you and encouraging. That's so encouraging to hear and makes me so so so happy! I also have a love/hate relationship with the program. Like I hate that it helps me kinda. IDK. I'm always here to support you and be a sober sounding board for anything and everything!!! LOL "guaranteed nightmare" is so true. I would know, unfortunately. Hope you're having a good start to the week!!
@canadianpeasant3490 16 күн бұрын
Theres a reason why drug addicts exist, its because that high/Rush feels so good, and also that insane Manic Euphoria doesn't exist or Ever happen otherwise in real life. There is a definite Costs benefits assessment happening in an addicts head at all times. When you make that Choice to relapse, at that point you're willing to deal with the withdrawal and negative consequences in advance of and in anticipation of the high, and the devil always fronts and prepays on that first high regardless of the payback Being a bitch. And thats the shitty/scary part in recovery, is dealing with all of the mundane, daily arches and pains of normal life, not expecting or looking forward to any analgesic or euphoric reprieve from the life train making no stops. The pains and lows of drug abuse are no doubt worse than the pains of sober life, doesn't compare either, but Theres more or less continual pain and malaise in both addiction and in sober life too. Except in sobriety There is no pain avoidance, so no break from that, or Pleasure seeking bc the sober Pleasures dont compare and aren't as compelling, Ice Cream cone can Never be a cr@ck rock and bowling w family Will Never be as fun as conversing w a Bunch of euphoric idiots (myself included). I Mean that is sick but IT is what IT is But choosing to Forego the party to be present with m'y family in all of the lower back acheing daily Grind is a reward on a much Deeper and profound spiritual Level that Also in its own right and league doesn't compare to addiction. Sober life is rich in love, care and concern, and careful management of Gods resource of life itself Sobriety a sacrifice of love and how fucking Much our familles love and need us is the only cure Am still in the middle of a drawn out prolonged post acute withdrawal phase and, still find myself occasionally jealous of the homeless bum in the Alley whose life completely sucks, but they still get to feel euphoric for maybe a couple or few hours a Day regardless of what that looks like to the outside world Who has no experience w Its ex
@annabarram 15 күн бұрын
WOW I got so much out of your comment. I don't even know where to start. You really nailed everything I'm feeling about addiction, euphoria, and the pain of doing and not doing drugs. Nothing will ever compare to the euphoria of being high. Nothing. But at the same time, nothing in my sober life could ever be worse than my lowest point of my addiction. You're a gem, my friend. Thanks for sharing and connecting with me, I appreciate it more than you know :) much love lemme know how I can support ya
@ginadomenique 18 күн бұрын
Karl should be the first service dog trained to sniff out fuckboys (of any gender). Bring him on dates and if he signals, uh oh your friend is having an emergency and you gotta run bye!
@canadianpeasant3490 19 күн бұрын
Yeah I learned what this type of guy is about in my 20's, had a guy intorduce me to his mother lmfao and then rip me off for $300. In the past year moved on quickly from a couple guys that showed me they didn't value me. At one point accepted that I had goofed all relatioships it's over, etc really prayed for aceeptance of celibacy if God didn't have a husband for me, me a sinner, I don't deserve one and don't expect one anywaymindset. But God had a spouse for me in mind which coincided w me sobering up, sobering me up boo and now that's my reason for sobriety is maintaining relationships and w family. Like reality check active addicts are selfish losers that don't do acts of love or service in relation to what is needed, to maintain relationships the need is high and expectations are high of everyone in good families every member is present and accountable... conversely everything addicts do is for a high that can't be maintained annyway womp womp parties over and kys levels of depression, shitty hangover and they are isolated and alone , let's not be a part of the isolated loser club Kay
@TheWeekendYogurt 19 күн бұрын
The coughs :) respect that you can admit that you’ve been drawn to these types even though they’re not good for you
@annabarram 19 күн бұрын
😂coughing on coffee. Thank you :) :) working on not being drawn to toxic people but it's a hard pattern to break.
@zackcraft7204 19 күн бұрын
fuckboy or narcissist? Mid 30's you are too old to be a fuckboy or fall for a fuckboy lol. See them for what they are and blast past
@ManBearPing 19 күн бұрын
I don't have any problem with fuckboys, but i like your videos, they are so Charming!
@dw6410 20 күн бұрын
Good to see and hear awesome ❤🙏
@ShadesOClarity 21 күн бұрын
I have never done cocaine or Ketamine - it is not my DOC. I think I mentioned that I don't like stimulants. That is why I stay away from the street. Yes, Fentanyl is in everything. Please stay sober.
@annabarram 21 күн бұрын
Good call staying away from street drugs and everything that comes with that territory. I think people underestimate how easy it is to buy drugs that have Fentanyl or really anything other than the drug they think they're buying in it. Because I did that for a while too. Anyway, 8 months sober today and keeping it moving. Thanks for your support and for watching and commenting :) I appreciate you! much love :)
@pedxing 21 күн бұрын
I'm also a HUGE fan of bikes. one big turning point for me was one day going to meet a friend for a bike ride at 7am, still obviously drunk from the night (let's face it DAYS) before but for some reason I thought it was a good idea. Failed to navigate a corner and completely threw my face into the asphalt head over handlebars. I'm thought I was on the ground for a minute when I noticed my phone was ringing. got to my knees and answered it and it was my friend wondering where I was. I laid it out flat and told them I crashed and where I was and they just said "don't fucking move, I'm on my way." I picked up my bike and started walking anyway. they caught up in their truck pulled over in front of me and just said... "get in". no judgement, didn't give me a hard time, didn't tell me what a piece of shit I was, just scraped me off the ground and took me home and made sure I got inside. I mean, I was barely able to function from being drunk in the first place but now I was bloodied, scraped all over my face, pants shredded, and bruised in more places than I even knew. Later looked at my phone and saw that they had been trying to message/call me for like 12 minutes. I had just been laying in the middle of an intersection for 12 minutes. I live in a rural town and it was a sunday at 7 so I lucked out there. fast forward to 2024 and I have talked/texted that friend every single day since then with very very few exceptions. That was over 5 years ago. the road was long, there were certainly bumps along the way, but without a bicycle and a friend like that I would have landed in a landfill a long time ago. They were an absolute lifeline that I didn't even know that I needed. You can never repay a friend like that of course except by changing your mind. While I never want to see someone suffer the way that I did during that time I know how important the simple acts of availability were to me and my recovery and I will be there every single day for someone else now that I know how. so ehhhh yeah. I like bikes. and I like your videos. thanks for posting. =)
@annabarram 21 күн бұрын
OH MY GOD!!!! What a tale this is!!! I'm so happy that you're OK!!! And thanks for sharing your story. That's remarkable that nothing worse happened to you, seriously. The bicycle story resonates hard with me too, seems like we have a love for bicycles in common!! :) And it's really cool to hear about the friend who helped you. That makes a big difference to have friends/family or even just one friend who will show up, help you, and support you no judgement, no questions asked. Truly an incredible story. Thanks again for watching, commenting, and sharing. I love it. So so much love :)
@zackcraft7204 21 күн бұрын
i never did ketamine but i once rode a bike for like 100 meters on DXM and it was incredibly harrowing lol
@annabarram 21 күн бұрын
Oh damn I bet that was harrowing!!! riding bikes on anything is like not a good call...neither is doing drugs so I guess at the very least my bad choices have been consistent?
@dovebby 21 күн бұрын
is your elliott tattoo for elliott smith ? he's one of my favourites. i wanna sober hang with you !
@annabarram 21 күн бұрын
YES IT IS!!!! You're literally the only person who has ever gotten that. Everyone else says, "Who's Elliott?" I'm like "Elliott Smith duh". We must be soulmates.
@dovebby 21 күн бұрын
@@annabarram that is awesome and hilarious - that no one knew ! this makes me think i need to finally get my tattoo for him. and for real !!!
@annabarram 21 күн бұрын
@@dovebby yes this is your sign to get an Elliott tattoo!! what do you think you'll get? and, are you in Portland??
@dovebby 7 күн бұрын
@@annabarramit's on the list before i move from this town maybe i'll get the words "fond farewell" ! no, i live in canada ~ i wish i was in portland
@annabarram 6 күн бұрын
@@dovebby awwww damn! If you're ever in Portland lmk!!!!
@dovebby 22 күн бұрын
this video is excellent ! amazing message and the delivery is everything, you're articulating things that a lot of people don't consider.
@annabarram 21 күн бұрын
Oh thank you!!! I'm so happy to hear that, you have no idea. I hope that some shred of what I'm saying is helping at least one person. I really appreciate you taking the time to leave an encouraging comment. Much much love :)
@canadianpeasant3490 22 күн бұрын
Question, Do you think addicts have a high or low pain tolerance, as both active addiction and sobriety are high pain experiences for drug addicts
@annabarram Күн бұрын
Sorry I didn't respond! Just seeing this now. I do think that addicts and alcoholics may tend to have a higher pain tolerance yet simultaneously are very emotionally sensitive. So that may result in using because the emotional pain experienced in life is too much to handle for many, but the physical pain of using is less painful and makes the emotional pain subside. What do you think?
@canadianpeasant3490 22 күн бұрын
Im not in active addiction and i have many compelling Reasons for maintaining sobriety and i am successfully doing so today, all Day
@annabarram 21 күн бұрын
That's great you're still sober!!! Supporting you from Oregon :) much much love!!!
@canadianpeasant3490 22 күн бұрын
Yeah I'm a 'dry drunk' crackhead, I'm staying sober for my loved ones, and my loved ones are giving me a great home life that thankfully Makes staying sober pretty alright. Knowing it isnt worth doing Drugs to hurt my family is enough and Works for me, but doesn't remove the désire and i deal with IT daily too. Once you smoke coke especially the Euphoria is incomparable and Theres a big memory and reward association in your Brain that you have to subjugate and reason against continually. Like grieving that feeling and painstakingly rewiring your Brain Over months and years to overcome anhedonia and feel Pleasure Over normal things is really a lame thing to go through but its better than the alternative of losing family.... Like its that real.
@annabarram 21 күн бұрын
Thanks for your in-depth comment and insight on this. Super interesting and makes me feel very understood and affirmed, and like I'm not alone!! I'm glad to hear you're doing ok and staying sober, even though it's really hard to do so. I'm supporting you!!!
@canadianpeasant3490 19 күн бұрын
@@annabarram Yeah dawg I support you and am following along Feel involuntarily sober sometimes because my family won't accept me as an addict but loves me for who I am 100 So I'm being lovable because end of day, every addict on the street in cheating on their loved ones with dope
@canadianpeasant3490 19 күн бұрын
Every active addict is hurting their family and it sadly is low key sadistic being able to take any pleasure in that and every active addict is also out on the street compaining that they miss their family Like bottom line of life its pick one drugs OR love, not both
@canadianpeasant3490 19 күн бұрын
@@annabarram Love and relationships or drugs can't have both
@ShadesOClarity 22 күн бұрын
Nice video. Stay sober.
@annabarram 22 күн бұрын
Thanks!! My first roller derby and doing it sober was actually pretty cool :)
@TheWeekendYogurt 22 күн бұрын
We have the same sunglasses haha
@annabarram 22 күн бұрын
The purple ones?!?
@TheWeekendYogurt 22 күн бұрын
Yep but in orange
@annabarram 21 күн бұрын
@@TheWeekendYogurt I love everything about that!!