@EndercakeTheMessenger 2 сағат бұрын
I feel like listening to video’s that are about mental health has flipped my stomach but actually helped me by making me not feel required to handle my trauma head on, it’s not the same kind of trauma as mentioned in this video but it has still helped me with how other people process trauma and how they handle it and more about trauma, i feel like this has also helped open a new path in my life where i may try and study psychology and how to help people with their trauma, i just want to say thank you for making this video
@onlysvpernatural 8 сағат бұрын
Haii! As a trans person we DO NOT give one flying fuck about gender swaps twitter just HATEES fun!!
@MylingCyrus Күн бұрын
In a world of family guy strive for bobs burgers
@stephguzdoodles 2 күн бұрын
Amazing work, Apollo! The voice acting and the ending leading to future shorts make me so eager and anxiously waiting for the next short! Congrats on this wonderful pilot! ❤🎉
@parttimed.m.1111 4 күн бұрын
Look at campbells old stuff (gen 13). He has grown up massively (look at danger girl). With mj, keep in mind that shes a model. Look at real life models, they are always amazing looking.
@thedemolitionmuniciple 4 күн бұрын
It's really painfully ironic how Rowling decided to say that Hermoine was a person of colour, when she is not only the only character in the books/films who really tries to stand up for the House Elves, but is also then looked down on and often admonished by other characters for it. Ain't nothing wrong with buying a Lovecraft novel; a dead man gets no money/support from it. But Rowling is still alive, and gets royalties from Hogwarts Legacy. Buying the game is supporting Rowling; no way around it. Anyone can go ahead and play it if they really want to, but that means they're putting the game ahead of any allyship with trans people. (I would also have questions as to why they really feel the need to play a game that is about putting down a slave rebellion, but that's just me)
@angelagokool9514 7 күн бұрын
Can't wait!
@technotoister 8 күн бұрын
as an aroace person personally i don't like drawing or seeing NSFW stuff and even get dysphoric when i get horny, but i respect people who do as long as they aren't doing anything that's harmful
@talscorner3696 9 күн бұрын
I'm not going to attend pride events because I'm an introvert and large, loud events kill my social batteries immediately (and demanding to be catered to would be reaching heights of stupid that my autistic ass can't put to words xD). That aside, I very much understand the history and necessity for that defensive stance, as well as I understand that, as much the less well intentioned among us would like to make us believe otherwise, just because I'm straight, white and go by he/him, I'm not the source of all evils (I am demi, tho, which is basically the next closest thing to being evil incarnate, if the debate is to be believed xD). I don't think I'll ever feel truly welcome in the community (haven't anywhere anyway, so, eh, shrug), so this is not something I'm saying for myself, but there's plenty of people who definitely belong much more than me, value this aspect of their identity much more than I do and are at least straight. Let's judge people by their deeds.
@Cinderbloom 9 күн бұрын
Slightly belated to this one, but although I found most of the video quite good, it was a bit strange to hear Hypersexuality - something which is often used in medical circles to describe an illness - in this case spoken of... Against such. I know that's not the intent, but it felt a bit icky here.
@iminthejar 9 күн бұрын
Dude can you just get to the fucking point so much unnecessary babbling just so you can get extra watchtome
@MeMe-ds4pg 10 күн бұрын
Could you do an exploration where you make the neck connect a little further back on the head?
@moth5969 10 күн бұрын
Fore the nb i dont call it gender swap icall it presentation style or s3x swap thus in a more fem or mor masc presentation i am a nb so i think i have a good say on this stuff
@Cy_Cyborg 10 күн бұрын
Personally, I think another big part of why autistic people tend to be drawn to cartoons and animated content, on top of the stuff you mentioned, is that its way easier to identify facial expressions and subtle detail because it's often very exagerated, even in more grounded styles of animation. I studied animation at uni and the way things like lip shapes and eye movement are pretty consistent across styles (because if you stray too far from the standard, it becomes hard to read) too, so not only is it easier to read, its a bit more predictable in a way as well. Personally I also have terrible facial recognition (which I THINK can be associated with autism, though don't quote me there) and usually find it easier to differentiate between the characters in animation than in live action. I think you'll find there's so many autistic furries for similar reasons too. Most furies lean towards a more cartoony art style for the art that represents them online, which means autistic people will have an easier time reading things like expressions, but the animalistic features can help with that too. Things like big, expressive ears (something you see in a lot of fursonas) can help convey those expressions easier too.
@harrypotteryescaillouno45 11 күн бұрын
I usually separate art from the artist. Harry Potter is what I read from 6 to 7th grade behind my religious mom’s back. I didn’t care about the author and heard that she retcons things only for attention. All I see of her is desperation no matter how negative her image is.
@emmafnal 11 күн бұрын
It's only transphobic if you gender swap a trans characters because it can be really offensive to trans ppl who connect with that character
@WooperSuper 11 күн бұрын
My favorite game, Cool Kid Cody, has a couple of disabled characters. The main character of Season 2, Mini, is autistic. There's also a wheelchair user, Melody. They're ENEMIES. Here's a couple scenes of them both together: --- [S2E8: Mini's Choice.] Melody: AHHHH, a brand new Puppet! I've always wanted one! Melody attempts to catch her but she flies just out of reach. Mini: AHHH!! Watch it, I belong to Rhyme and Rhyme alone! Melody: No faaaaaair, come back here! Mini: Wait, you still don't know how to fly?? Didn't you JUST Goduate?? Even I learned how to fly in just three days! Melody: Huh? But weren't you born just now? Mini: ... D-did I say three days? I meant three seconds! Melody: Wait, I recognize that stupidity. You're Mini! Melody: Rhyme's been complaining about you all week you know. Why're you avoiding her? What're you hiding? Melody: Don't tell me you're headed to that detention center [Referencing Juvie, who starts dating Mini in S3E7] you're always on about. Mini: DETENTION CENTER?! Y-you're just a dumb kid, you wouldn't get it even if I told you. Melody: RHYRHY!! MINI'S DITCHING YOU FOR BABY JAIL!! Mini: I'm the age of majority, at the very least I'll be going to toddler jail! Mini: Ugh whatever, I'm done talking to you. I've got a cake to deliver. --- [S3E10: Walk On Forever!] Mini: Wait, MEL?!? Melody: Oh Gods, some strange old lady is talking to me. Mini: You KNOW me! Melody: I know, I was just being a brat. Wanda: Who is she? Do we need an adult? Melody: No, she's cool. Figuratively I mean. Mini: LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE- Andante: Is something the matter? Mini: EEK!! Nope, everything's fine! Melody: Dad, you don't have to hover. Can't you go cramp Rhyme's style? Andante: And leave my peasantwich unfinished? I think not. Andante returns to his pizzawich. Wanda: Well then, back to business? Melody: I thought you'd never ask. The two turn the volume on Mel's phone up to an obnoxious degree and continue their very important episode of My Little Horsey. ---
@FewVidsJustComments 11 күн бұрын
My headcanon is that the scene with "Waiting on a Miracle", where she slows down time while singing, is actually her secret gift. Its a theory as full of holes as a peice of cheese, and as ignorant to things as Phineas with Isabella, but I still like it.
@EnclaviousFiraga 14 күн бұрын
A straight person at pride? They must not be as straight as they think they are😬
@MultiKwolf 15 күн бұрын
@eclat4641 16 күн бұрын
Suportive ones yes.
@RandomSaucepan6477 16 күн бұрын
Port by the sea is one of my favorite animations that I’ve seen on here and it reminds me so much of Steven Universe for so many reasons
@angelagokool9514 16 күн бұрын
Great job, so far! In one of my comments on one of your previous videos, I had mentioned how much I loved that the character names and the fictional location that you had created were food-inspired, much like the Strawberry Shortcake series of the 80s, but as I listen to you talk about the series and the characters, I realize that it's so much more than that. Strawberry Shortcake was a series based off of greeting card characters, which led to a series of toys, which led to an animated series, mostly aimed at children. The characters were child characters, having adventures in Strawberry Land, and the stories were just mainly focused on love and friendship, whereas your series, Mint and Friends, sounds more fleshed out. It sounds more nuanced and realistic than an episode of Strawberry Shortcake. Mint and Friends is clearly targeting an older audience, with more attention to character development and plot lines. While the character designs are appealing, it sounds like it's meant to be more than just cute. It also sounds more entertaining than actual reality shows! I've been looking for more recent cartoon series to watch, but most streaming services don't have anything of interest to me, other than Disney/Pixar shorts, on Disney Plus. I'll be back for more! Also, I love the idea of Cherry being Autistic, being on the Spectrum myself. There really aren't too many Autistic cartoon characters out there. From one Aspie to another, thanks!
@Jeminix2 16 күн бұрын
Omg it’s weird hearing not your voice come out of her! So excited to see her animated tho♥️♥️♥️
@angelagokool9514 16 күн бұрын
I get the feeling that Mint will be one of those types who is introverted in person, but who will really surprise you, once they start performing. Some celebrities are or have been like that. Michael and Janet Jackson were. Eddie Murphy is. Plus, Bubblegum is very calm and supportive. Can't wait to see the rest! Keep up the good work!
@mrjacob1000 17 күн бұрын
Finally someone who noticed and someone who gets it I personally despise adult animated shows like Family Guy, American Dad, Bob's Burgers, Futurama, and Rick and Morty the only ones I can tolerate are The Simpsons at least the older seasons from the 90s, Housebroken, King of the Hill again mainly the older seasons, Helluva Boss, and Hazbin Hotel. Especially with Family Guy's constant swearing, slurs, mocking many famous people some of which are currently suffering such as Michael J Fox, as well as blood and violence all in a means to make some sick twisted people to laugh to me it doesn't at all seem to be adult or even for a mature audience if anything it makes these shows more childish and I think its one of the reasons animation isn't really respected by so many adults these days and just claim it to be just something to shut the kids and teens up. I'm going to say it in my opinion Bluey is more adult than any of these shows combined not by swearing, slurs, and modern jokes that are undoubtedly going to age poorly in the future but by portraying real life scenarios, adult issues, and even difficult concepts in a way that even children can understand in a way that doesn't feel manipulative. Which is the main reason I want to get into movies and TV for a career they are clearly rushing ideas for tv shows that they all feel run of the mill I want to change that I want to create both films and shows mostly animated that could possibly change the way people view not just animated adult shows but just animation in general.
@sketch-eee4165 17 күн бұрын
Before I watch the video imma say that all types of peeps are welcome at pride. Yes even Super Sayans. And Gems. And Kirbies. And that guy. Fr tho I think the only ones who should not be welcomed are the ones who hate the LGBTQIA+ Community.
@thislycantomboy7087 17 күн бұрын
I finally caved and started watching The Digital Circus, and I felt figuratively gaslit when Jax wasn’t a roguish rapscallion w/ a heart of gold. like. lmao dawg was a massive dick from the jump
@Inam-798 18 күн бұрын
In my country Apollo is a only boys name
@JUKO-kitten-UwU 18 күн бұрын