Weird World Building #3 - Naruto
@theblackishboy1105 Күн бұрын
I feel like he's not that likely to win togashi usually doesn't favor things this obvious for one but for two nen is usually best when used thoughtfully this dude gives off enhancer vibes he has no control over his emotions and is way too quick to start fights i could see him getting nuked early on he's lower on the list of potential winners imo. I feel like wooble might be screwed because kurapika is probably gonna die this arc so i really don't know who could win, hawkenberg seems like he's doomed to fail, possibly killing himself trying to shoot tsen and missing due to his ability to see into the future. The ghandi dude seems like a good king ruling wise but he seems too focused on reigning that winning so he's probably gonna die. I feel like it'll be that dude with the centipede or something or maybe it'll all get completely thrown out for some reason
@hcohic9884 2 күн бұрын
camilla went for benjamin because he is the noly one who she doesnt have any bodyguards monitoring him because of the rank hierchy chart of queens and bodyguard so she cant easily curse him... her ability is not strong if you want to beat her but its very tricky if you want to ""kill"" her to achieve the condition of the succession war because you need a specific hatsu and knowledge of the conditions and limitations of her hatsu..for example does an indirect kill still count as a kill... two people simultaniously delieve the killing blow can that '' break '' the ability..can you destroy her body after she dies or does she fully regenerate like the terminator...can she be manipulated into killing herself or does the ability still detect the many possibilities but my biggest prediction is that her killer will have be killed or commit suicide instantly after killing her which to deny the cat from the lifeforce needed to revive her which will be ironic since her plan is for her guard to sacrifice themself so itll be someone sacrificing himself to kill her
@jaydesai2707 2 күн бұрын
Just a small correction worth pointing out - in Chapter 390, the coin Tenftory shows Coventoba is a 1, not 10. It was fixed in the official volume scans :) Great video!
@hcohic9884 4 күн бұрын
i always thought he can store 8 hatsus 4 in each hand probably preselected.on paper he is the favorite but to me he is top 3 . he haseverything going for him. nen knowledge and experience. strength possibally emitter. connection . military. big personel. versitility in abilities and personel and high rankamong princes give him access to cruicial intel.. fearless and driven and smart enough to consolte with his advisers. my only argument against him is that thematically he doesnt fit the message of the arc . the ones who fit are halkenburg zhang lei and tserriednich but thats not thematically
@hcohic9884 4 күн бұрын
wobles nen beast ability is one ofthe many big mysteries of this arc thats rarely talked about. i think. i agree with most things you said but ill add this: babies are very relyant on natural instinct almost like animals or chimera ants which in my theory means they are natural nen users and we all know the urn ceremony forcefully awakened the nen of all princes. so woble not only has guardian beast ability but also her own nen ability. trying to guess it is difficult but it must related to family or protection like sadi maybe a manipulation or enhancement. who knows .. maybe woble is the strongest ene user in all of hxh maybe her ability is to cause hiatus which is the only way to stop her from dying.jokes aside im enjoying this serie despite the hiatus hxh is so dense and full of content that itll take years to analyse everything.
@tordlindgren2123 5 күн бұрын
Im not surprised about bisky. She know all the fall pits of training nen, her hatsu is simple and she is incredibly advanced with her techniques which are all perfected. Besides that ranking isn't how strong someone is, its how close they are to achieve their full potential (some going beyond that). And the ants all seem to have been born close to their peak.
@captaincool6268 5 күн бұрын
Seems very unlikely but its original the theory props to that UwU
@unnoticed9988 5 күн бұрын
I’m sorry but did I just see HalkenGOAT disrespect? No you would never do that to the true king of the empire. The one who will win it all
@theoverthinker348 5 күн бұрын
Copium is a real and serious addiction that harms both you and the people you care about most. I wish you luck in your battle with (un)reality. Togashi bless.
@fell5514 6 күн бұрын
There is the point that "Kafka", or if you prefer, "Kafuka" is not a japanese name, but it SOUNDS plenty japanese. It has the same ring as a typical Japanese first name, so it doesn't really stand out as especially foreign unless you get the reference.
@kyokotakoya7257 6 күн бұрын
or its intentional bc what if his parents are somehow foreigners.. the fly says 'found you' meaning kafka has some innate trait about him that is related to a condition he was born with and related to kaiju. and there are kaiju disguised as humans. so what if a foreigner kaiju in disguise is secretly his parent
@squizzmahbowls9214 6 күн бұрын
4:20 That's not how lifting works 💀
@dicksolomon701 6 күн бұрын
nice vid, keep it up!
@theoverthinker348 6 күн бұрын
@thedestroy3r303 6 күн бұрын
The yellow-haired girl reminds me of the broom-riding girl in JJK for some reason... Must be the hair...
@theoverthinker348 6 күн бұрын
Momo? Blonde, petite and twintailed. That'll do it.
@kyokotakoya7257 6 күн бұрын
blonde petite condescendingly confident/self-assured and twintailed
@theoverthinker348 6 күн бұрын
@@kyokotakoya7257 Trueee
@slevinchannel7589 9 күн бұрын
Well, if we KNOW one thing about this Conjurer is that he will never use Transmutaiton. Cause Togashi doesnt do Neughbourlyness with those 2 Affinities. H-ck, i dont know if anyone noticed but he doesnt even do 'Ability-Thievs EVER using Transmutation'. Haha, we have to my Dismay Multiple Specialists who steal ALL TYPES EXCEPT ONEE @theoverthinker348
@theoverthinker348 7 күн бұрын
@@slevinchannel7589 I continue to claim that the majority of body transformations are transmutation-based, which would mean we've at least seen Tsubone utilize a transutation-conjuration-based hatsu. Kite and Hanzo are a Transmutation-midpoint Conjurer and Conjuration-midpoint Transmuter respectively.
@slevinchannel7589 7 күн бұрын
@@theoverthinker348 Yeah but the Uncertainty is killlling me so heres obvious points who unfortunetly have to exist: -Youpis Power is totally unexplained and may as well still be just Enhancement. Enhancement of his GENES. His species may as well just give him the natural Power to transform a bit and he enhances that. A Squid may be able to enhanc his Ink-Production but a HUman cant enhance that for themsleves cause theres nothing there so nothing to enhance! The whole Mystery is also not helped by shis sheer Talent, s H-CK he MAY EVEN manipulate himself despite being a Transmuter. His Talent almost by-itslef destroys every good-fun one can have questioning this Riddle. Sure seems like that possible: if you just havee a certain Uniqueness, you seem to be capable of enhacing it. -Training in Enhancement or maybe even Emission can quite-possible move you on the Nen-Ring towards Enhancement, which may as well be the Case for Kite and others - Kite, who even you admit doesnt seem to have Transmutation used in his Hatsu AT ALL
@slevinchannel7589 4 күн бұрын
@@theoverthinker348 Off-topic, i know, but me and my Disablity just get bullied, ridiculed and mocked in a comentsectionb y New-World-Review. If that ever happens in one of your comentsections, can i count on having your back?
@lexilunke525 9 күн бұрын
Morel uses transmutation, Emission and manipulation even though he is a natural manipulator. Since smoke plays a large role and transmutation is only at 40% it is reasonable that his ability while incredibly useful with the highest utility is still not that advanced. Morel will probably never master it. He traded much of his potential for a super useful & versatile ability.
@lexilunke525 9 күн бұрын
Little Flower is only used to get rid of lowbies & n00bs. Anyone who has at least 50% of Genthrus aura output can just shield himself and take no damage. :)
@thedestroy3r303 10 күн бұрын
Love your videos, keep up the good work!
@hcohic9884 11 күн бұрын
as we have seen from the chrollo jisoka fight . nen combat is not a fair 1v1 duel or the noble art of bioxing where 2 people square up.. this is why some abilities are built around indirect combat like the bodyguard rihan for example . so you cant just make a list without the nuance of distance , intels requirement , and the ability of the oppenent .every category has its counter depending on the nuance of the oppenent and situation. for example an emiitter is stronger overall than an enhancer in a large space but weaker in a small space where the distance is you cant just make one list there are so many lists. but still after taking everything into account there is a category that comes last in every list and thats conjuration because most abilities are usually not combat oriented . they have a lot of restriction , visibil to the naked eye , take a lot of time to activate ,tend to require a lot of intel and perefect set up to pull off , weak in close combat because its not proficient in enhacement , , very average in long range combat , doesnt have the one shot potentiel of manipulation
@dachchet7385 11 күн бұрын
At the very least i really enjoy these vids
@RobertToosmooth 12 күн бұрын
Saying GSP over n over makes me wanna watch UFC
@theyoungknight.3119 12 күн бұрын
When Franklin gunned down the puppets almost instantly the guy who summoned them was utterly baffled and mentally exclaimed (is he using nen bullets?!) implying that A the power of Franklin’s bullets is unprecedented and B using nen bullets instead of nen enhanced bullets is extremely rare.
@theyoungknight.3119 12 күн бұрын
Franklin gang where you at?!
@theyoungknight.3119 12 күн бұрын
Calling Knuckle who was a veteran of 5000 fights (according to Narrator) and was trained by one of the top hunters a bottom feeder???? Him being capable of beating half the troupe is fine since it’s their utility and collaboration that makes them so deadly that was showcased during the Hisoka vs Chrollo fight and by the fact that every single member of the phantom troupe that gets overpowered or killed is always in a situation where they are separated from the rest (Paku died in front of them but only got chained when she met Kurapika alone).
@tjadams98 12 күн бұрын
More of these and more videos on jus your thoughts about hxh in general. Your analysis is some of the best out there nd hxh needs more deeper tho let’s ti break down. Keep up the good work man. I’m here for it no matter the engagement lol A little side note. I’ve noticed the deeper the analysis, the better hxh gets. I believe this is the case due to it being a series that thrives on interpretation and questions that don’t necessary have answers.
@lewisdutra6104 12 күн бұрын
I wonder if those Coins will gain more power if the 3rd Prince dies and those coins have traces of Post-mortem Nen if the person has coin meets certain qualifications given by Prince or violates qualifications for taking the coin without permission?
@squizzmahbowls9214 12 күн бұрын
Cool video you should do an analysis of A Place Further than the Universe next and why it's the Hunter x Hunter of Slice of Life
@theoverthinker348 12 күн бұрын
We need to finish it first though
@francob3155 12 күн бұрын
Coins make you rich... in inner peace currency
@user-ks3bp8eh2z 12 күн бұрын
A great over thought character analysis as ever 🎉
@shaeam.4124 13 күн бұрын
I really like this series! I love the succession war arc and any discussion about it is always so interesting, because it’s so complex. I think Zhang is one of the most intriguing princes- all the other high ranking princes have very extreme personalities, and it makes me wonder what the catch is with Zhang.
@comedygold6249 13 күн бұрын
This arc introduces so many princes and sets up the political scene of the succession war, kudos for fleshing each prince out
@scramble7902 13 күн бұрын
To reiterate what others are saying in the comments, these videos covering the princes are really good, and I'd like to see videos for each of the princes, even the less interesting ones, because I think you'd still find something meaningful to say. Your specific style of in-depth analysis for HxH is the sort of content I haven't seen anyone else making on KZfaq, which I think suits the show's target audience well. It's a shame these videos on the princes are underperforming compared to some of your other videos, and I think that's just an unfortunate consequence of HxH's fanbase being divided between manga readers and those who stopped at the end of the anime, rather than a reflection of the videos' quality. I think your channel deserves to be more popular, and I've liked all of the videos I've watched, so if you wanted to post videos that are specifically designed to get more views, I wouldn't be opposed to it, because I think you'd find a way to make them equally engaging and worth watching, and you do deserve to get compensated for all the work you put into these, but at the same time, please don't get so fixated on numerical success that you end up getting burnout or only producing content you think will do well that you don't personally enjoy.
@scramble7902 13 күн бұрын
Completely unrelated to my above comment, is there any way I could get in contact with you to speak privately? I didn't see anywhere off KZfaq in your "about" section.
@AugustusRay 13 күн бұрын
If you don't want to spend time making a whole video covering each of the less prominent (or less alive) princes, you could knock them out in just one. You could do, say, princes 6-8 between Tubeppa and Halkenberg and maybe another one for the child princes 10-14. Or you could even do one for all the dead princes so far and analyze how they each lost the contest and what possible implications their deaths might have for the rest of the royal family.
@dershishi 13 күн бұрын
I can totally see tiger pitching himself the ball. While its not done professionally it dose fit the child hood game aspect of hunters abilities, like knov's hide and seek gon's rock paper scissors or killuas yo-yos.
@KanderUdon 13 күн бұрын
Ok last comment. Much as I love zhang lei, he is very unlikely to win imo. He has a few advantages(underworld conmections, relationships with kurapika and melody, relatively high standing, biggest beneficiary of kurapikas stalemate, low profile atm), but I think his undoing will be that Benjamins guard took his first coin, thus tipping off benjamin that they are increasing in value, and therefore ensuring that benjamin knows that the longer Zhang lei stays in the contest, the stronger he becomes. I worry that this will lead to a target on his back, and his ultimate demise.
@theoverthinker348 13 күн бұрын
Excellent point. I wish I had mentioned that.
@onlyfool8170 13 күн бұрын
Found your channel recently, high quality stuff, keeping me going until those new chapters are released!
@slevinchannel7589 9 күн бұрын
Well, if we KNOW one thing about this Conjurer is that he will never use Transmutaiton. Cause Togashi doesnt do Neughbourlyness with those 2 Affinities. H-ck, i dont know if anyone noticed but he doesnt even do 'Ability-Thievs EVER using Transmutation'. Haha, we have to my Dismay Multiple Specialists who steal ALL TYPES EXCEPT ONEE
@dabreadmaker7109 13 күн бұрын
These videos are the best HxH vids on the site, keep it up!
@theyoungknight.3119 13 күн бұрын
Your videos on the princes have provided more depth than I knew was present with the princes and has greatly increased my enjoyment of this arc and his intertwining characters and narratives, I sincerely hope you will grant us more of these gems but I understand if you ultimately decide to focus on videos that bring you more engagement.
@theoverthinker348 13 күн бұрын
That genuinely means a lot, thank you.
@theyoungknight.3119 13 күн бұрын
He is probably the closest to the middle in terms of the prince’s likelihood of winning.
@abyssal113 13 күн бұрын
I actually think the coins increase in value more based on the favours you have done for Zhang Lei. Note that Zhang Lei asked Coventopa what he thinks his Coin does and Coventopa answered truthfully. It is possible that is what made Coventopa's coin increase its value. Tenfutori also completed the mission of completing the Nen class and that might have immediatelly increased the value of his coin when it was given. I think this makes more sense because: 1) It'd make coin holders more likely to try to act in behalf of Zhang Lei's interests, which I think fits his personality and the idea that they are "badges" to reward his subjects. 2) 8 days just seems a bit arbitrary to me even with the 8 pattern in the Dharmachakram 3) Waiting 8 days limits a bit what you can do narratively with new coins. 4) He gave Melody a coin and a mission of playing for him. This could be a test or another hint. As to how trading the coins works, I think they might have some kind of healing, buffing, or damage reflection power, if we judge by who has been getting them: they are all Nen users, so the coins giving nen abilities doesn't quite work. And if we consider what is happening to Fuugetsu, I think Melody might need something like that.
@theoverthinker348 13 күн бұрын
Hmm, the issue is that: 1) Coventoba lied (by omission) in not mentioning he had picked up Zhang's GSB's coin on the first day. Furthermore, he feigned ignorance initially when Zhang noticed the coins on the second day, saying something along the lines of "there's no need to speak to non-Nen users about Nen" 2) Tenftory wasn't in possession of Zhang's coin while he attended the classes, but was awarded a coin that had already changed from 1 to 10 while ib Zhan'g possession.
@KanderUdon 13 күн бұрын
I’m certainly hoping that the GSB does grant zhang lei some advantage, possibly giving whoever inserts the coin extra abilities. It would be a great representation of how zhang lei values patience, with the longer that you hold onto the coin, the greater the value of ability you could get.
@theoverthinker348 13 күн бұрын
@theoverthinker348 13 күн бұрын
Woah, much appreciated!
@theoverthinker348 Well, it's not a grand gesture, but I earnestly mean it.
@KanderUdon 13 күн бұрын
Hell yeah probably my favorite prince besides maybe Halkenburg. Please cover the other princes, especially with hxh probably returning this year
@willcacti8302 13 күн бұрын
I’m excited if it is returning soon, I can only speculate with how much we’re seeing Togashi’s progress reports
I guess the only questions left are if Zhang Lei will learn nen and of he does in what way will he combine his SGB and ability. I see a lot of potential if he gets a manipulation ability with his SGB.
@theoverthinker348 13 күн бұрын
While not impossible, I do heavily doubt it. Unless he's a Terror-sandwich level (or somewhat comparable) genius, even if he were to start to learn now, he'd only get a feeling for Ten most likely, if that.
@otastar4887 13 күн бұрын
Awesome videos as always! I’m really excited to see the fourth Prince 👀👀👀
@theyoungknight.3119 13 күн бұрын
Your videos are getting better and better and they were already good to begin with.😁
@cosmoroach 13 күн бұрын
It’d be a tragedy for this series to not cover the other princes, don’t be discouraged
@isaiahthefriend 13 күн бұрын
I agree i think the princes are so interesting 😁
@MRXDOLLA 13 күн бұрын
i have HxH Chapter 342 Animated :DD
@ivanbluecool 13 күн бұрын
He's coming to take your name overthinker
@theoverthinker348 13 күн бұрын
@ivanbluecool 13 күн бұрын
He's got the plan and waiting compared to the way his older siblings are acting making enemies. Could easily win the war by keeping his side high in defense while the rest fight. His coin power he's basically thinking of the future when he hasn't figured out how to stay alive in the present if he gets taken out