Thargoid War Update - July 4th
It is almost Indra-pendence day
Titan Indra rewards: my guess
14 күн бұрын
Thargoid War Update - June 26th
14 күн бұрын
Thargoid War Update - June 22nd
21 күн бұрын
@enirshadowfang8595 2 сағат бұрын
A cg that is not focused solely on AX combat or Thargoid things is punishment? Look bud, the Thargoid war is coming to a close, they are trying to get the community to re-integrate with the REST of the game and story again. Poor form chap. Poor form here.
@TheBlackOf1993 8 сағат бұрын
Hey mate can you share the build once more? Thanks!
@Astyrrean 4 сағат бұрын
As I said I really wouldn’t recommend it much for what I was doing … but it’s the FGS from this page, just with an extra shard:
@evilsteve8915 8 сағат бұрын
Personally, I'm hoping for more hauling CGs. I'm hoping for more non-AX content in general tbh.
@xShadowXscarx Күн бұрын
To all of you, it’s real simple. If you don’t like the game, then don’t play. DUH!
@RayHorn5128088056 Күн бұрын
If you have a Fleet Carrier you don't need anti-caustic cargo racks because the caustic damage stops once docked, and you store the caustic materials in your FC.
@vepeu Күн бұрын
L take
@RobertWorrillow Күн бұрын
you are an arse. disliked.
@Hughie-f7h Күн бұрын
Hey Mechan, you don't have to fly each individual ship to an engineer to add the experimental effect to the SCO drive - just store all the modules of the specific size you want to engineer, fly to the engineer and transfer them, then you can apply the exp effect for each in turn with the engineer. For some reason the SCO drive didn't allow me put a lower size drive in a big slot, so I had to fly one ship to do each drive size (eg Krait MK2 for all my size 5 etc)
@Astyrrean Күн бұрын
Yeah I mean at the very least you have to fly one ship for each FSD size … plus the transfer … might save a little time but the bulk of the effort is still there sadly.
@scratchbinary8167 Күн бұрын
Elite is something for everyone. Not just for the space truckers, or AX, or anything else. You can never please everyone, but you can always complain and know better and then miss the point. What's the point of that anyway?
@steve6290 Күн бұрын
Great Stream Lad. I had fun while Space Trucking
@Docaston1976 Күн бұрын
The fact that the goal isn't made for general access is the biggest dumbest decision this month!
@PjAndree Күн бұрын
top 25% in the CG! woo!, but I'm new (had the game forever and trying to get into it now), trying to grind up for some decent AX content! I'll be on the next bombing run hopefully
@mephistar_one Күн бұрын
I like hauling CG
@TheDerekCarroll Күн бұрын
This seems like an odd take on the CG. It's fine if people aren't interested in hauling just like it's fine for those CMDRs who aren't interested in AX combat. There has been a significant focus on the Thargoid War for over a year and a half now and while i have thoroughly enjoyed engaging with it, i would also relish the opportunity to take my Type 9 out for some hauling action. FDev have the constantly difficult task of trying to please all sections of the games community. I love many aspects of the game different play options and if I were in a position to be active for this CG especially with the AX useful module reward I'd be out there hauling like mad right now. Sadly due to R/L health issues im forced to sit this one out.
@Bazirker Күн бұрын
Sorry man, garbage take. I'm enjoying the break from the highly engineered, skill dense loop of attacking the Titans and combat zones to go do some simple space trucking. You're not interested in it? Great, don't do it; no need to put it down publicly. Elite has revolved around the war for the past year and a half, with more new content for it than anything else in the game so don't try to act like you've been neglected. But anyway, glory, to mankind, and thanks for your extensive contributions to the front line
@Astyrrean Күн бұрын
I mean if the rewards were just the silly SRV paint job, I’d have zero issues with it. But, alas, they put up one of the most elusive modules for AX - the 64t CRCR. Which makes no sense whatsoever for a hauling CG. Which more than warrants a public takedown considering only half of participants will get it.
@Bazirker Күн бұрын
@@Astyrrean only half getting it does suck. CMDRs with alts should all go haul a single unit. I haven't done any sampling, but if it were deemed to be helpful and I had one of these racks, I'd load up my Cutter and give it a try. I suspect CMDRs who make an effort but then fall short could send a love note to FDev and still get the reward...
@xblackdogrunsx Күн бұрын
@Astyrrean Күн бұрын
ModShards hit hard. 6x ModShards hit really hard. This is with basic (non-premium) ammo by the way.
@orderoftwelve Күн бұрын
yeah... thought i had the 64-corrosion resistant cargo rack last time around. Ended up with the 32 after the tic
@davelloyd- Күн бұрын
They clearly wanted to give people a reason to test out the new Type 8 that just launched next month. I mean, 8/7 in American format for general release of Python mk 2 will likely coincide with Type 8 for Arx, and that's obviously before 13/7 in rest of world format. yay.
@sfs2040 Күн бұрын
Imagine being such a 1% player that you think approachable gameplay is worse than impossible stuff like AX combat
@godofm3tal1 Күн бұрын
if nothing else, the developer has always shown the community that they think mindless grinding is the fun part of the game. seeing as how 90% of the game is exactly that, and little else.
@Kronic_Offender Күн бұрын
@RayHorn5128088056 Күн бұрын
Maybe FDev just loves hauling? Lol.
@fishstix4209 Күн бұрын
@maxmelnik2105 Күн бұрын
not everyone wants combat only missions. this game is for any types of players. Don't like the activity don't do it, many other things to do in the game
@cozmikal7832 Күн бұрын
CG’s all the time, it’s not punishment it’s the grind as usual
@raf_1987 Күн бұрын
wait ? only the top 50% will get the reward.... omfg....
@user-qu8lw4yp4q Күн бұрын
But it's fun for some players. For example, I found out that there are missiles knocking out a shield generator, when my Cutter was attacked by Cobra named 'DontShootNoRebuy' in open🙃
@shitmandood Күн бұрын
My Space Trucker hat says: “Old fishermen never die. They just smell like it.”
@Roblstar Күн бұрын
I have to say that I agree with Mechan on this one. Yes it is optional. But not only have I been hitting Indra. I have been doing a lot of BGS stuff for the faction I support as well. I would love to have that size 6 rack. But after all of my other activities, I need a little bit of a break from the grindy stuff... Why after people have been so busy doing other things do they choose to hit us with this very grindy CG now? Give people a chance to recover for Pete's sake? Normally I would easily manage to get into the top 50% of this sort of CG. But their timing is terrible! Plus as Mechan says, why do 50% need to fail??? I'm frustrated, by this ill thought out behavior by Frontier myself. So I will be sitting this one out. :/ I need time to chill.
@Bean41 Күн бұрын
“Oh no, gameplay I’m not personally interested in. Woe is me!” (Do agree about only the top half getting the cargo rack, really should give us the tech broker unlock like they did with the C4 for hitting tier 6)
@zeazevedo Күн бұрын
Judging by the comments, this game is full of truck drivers! Seriously, I have nothing against this type of cargo transport task in a GC... I just wish that, like other CGs, there was simultaneously a combat CG, protecting transports from pirates for example, with a similar reward. That way it would be much more inclusive. But maybe that's too much to ask, it must be too much work...
@adrianwilliams6577 Күн бұрын
You're not exaggerating and I respect your honesty, I can haul Bertrandite to Happis in Miphifa for 50 million credits, I only have to do one or two trips for that kind of cash. I don't see the incentive to carry out a community goal that pays far less than what I can get during regular gameplay in Elite Dangerous, I'm just not motivated to take part.
@fcsuper Күн бұрын
It would be nice to have a size 6 Corrosive Resistant Cargo Rack, but I've never needed anything over size 4. Not only that, this CG is moving so quickly, that by the time I'm ready to jump it, it's like going to nearly over.
@mackeysasser420 Күн бұрын
It would be nicer to have the extra cargo for limpets too. More than just the 16 from the size 4
@EvanMorley Күн бұрын
Only 3 hours! I spent 4hrs logging on and off again for materials last night. Rhea 3, I'm coming!
@captainyossarian388 Күн бұрын
Agreed. Also I despise this 'we offer this module for a limited time if you jump through these hoops. And to really annoy you, you may still not get it' anti-player attitude of FDEV. Especially when it's inconsistent. Either do it across the board for all CGs, or don't.
@Unsound427 Күн бұрын
FDEV: Are you not entartained? 🤣 btw I got 2t cr cargo rack, isn't that great?
@sunnysideup1188 Күн бұрын
My disappointment here is not seeing a combat fork of the same CG like they sometimes do, to give players a choice. I'm all for hauling CGs, and adding more thargoid impact for non combat pilots. But you're right, I don't wanna be hauling right now.
@sammorrow8420 Күн бұрын
I have been checking the numbers and the 50% is based on the number of players and the goal or amount done. the middle of the 50% range is the average tonage given the goal if reached or amount reached. I believe it is possible to figure out the amount needed to get the 50% reward and if everyone did the average and no more, almost everyone (cuz of partial tons involved) can get the reward. I am not done with the math to find the range of 50% but the middle is the total turned in divided by the number of contributors.
@hibiki54 Күн бұрын
I wasn't around for the first 6E Corrosion Rack so I've been hauling. Currently in Top 10.
@DubStepTomatoFarmer Күн бұрын
how many units have you delivered? iv delivered over 7000 and only in top 50%
@Bean41 Күн бұрын
@@DubStepTomatoFarmer As of now Top 10 is 38k to 71k according to Inara, Top 50% is 4700 to 9400
@DubStepTomatoFarmer Күн бұрын
@@Bean41 oh i didnt know inara showed those stats! cool!
@Bazirker Күн бұрын
Yeah I'm top 10%. Same as you, I wasn't around for the first go
@hibiki54 23 сағат бұрын
@@DubStepTomatoFarmer 80k
@vagabondquerier9375 Күн бұрын
Uber cringe vid.
@feedbackdt Күн бұрын
Counter Opinion: After a long couple of weeks, I am so ready to veg out on a friday night just running cargo back and forth and listening to a podcast or two. But I get your point.
@g3-is-me Күн бұрын
Three hours? I suspect it will be far far more. Esp if we want to get to the tiers that will unlock it.
@user-qu8lw4yp4q Күн бұрын
FDEV Palpatin: Oh, I'm afraid, that CG won't be done up to level 5. So all the anticorrosive cargo racks will stay at my new powerfull Deathstar;)
@DubStepTomatoFarmer Күн бұрын
agree. considering its been over 24 hours and still hasent even reached level 1
@vagabondquerier9375 Күн бұрын
@@DubStepTomatoFarmer Loading FC ... not Station yet
@DubStepTomatoFarmer Күн бұрын
@@vagabondquerier9375 didja see the FC parked in Rhea trying to sell power generators at 50k a peace 🤣lol
@user-qu8lw4yp4q Күн бұрын
@@DubStepTomatoFarmer 😁It's a business, nothing personal! Better it could be Fujin Tea FC at Muang IMHO. But I found a station 3 jumps away, where I deliver Federal goods the day before CG, and there was half a million power generators for sale.
@user-qu8lw4yp4q Күн бұрын
@@vagabondquerier9375 Is there a space to park FC at Rhea?
@Terrribletom Күн бұрын
Aren’t you supposed to be on the run after breaking out of prison?
@Astyrrean Күн бұрын
… or is Aegis supposed to be on the run? Dilemmas, dilemmas :P
@SGTcz90cz Күн бұрын
Nah, he's stuck on the toilet due to constipation.