I have cervical cancer.
5 ай бұрын
@LeighAnneLinehan 10 сағат бұрын
That was such a great video! This was a sweet gift. Thanks Jessica for taking the time to speak such wisdom into a complex life situation. You're truly an important voice to parents. I'm living a full and happy life with a two year old basketball loving boy and a six month old social girl. It's the best, and what a journey!
@brittanychanelle 18 сағат бұрын
I can't describe how important this video is for mom's who have anxiety or fears with having babies after their first !! i am saving this for when i'm postpartum with baby #2 (due in 2 months) and will be sending this video to any other moms who are expecting another baby. thank you for making this video ❤i don't have many mom friends and all my closest friends do not have kids so this is the exact thing i needed to hear coming from another *experienced* mom. thank you.
@cherierichards8139 22 сағат бұрын
He was so gentle with her. Great job dad!
@micaelablogs 22 сағат бұрын
Yes!! "The way you have this baby has nothing to do with anyone else" that's the reminder we all need 🙌🏼 i just had my third 😊
@AllIAm1 Күн бұрын
On point
@AllIAm1 Күн бұрын
She looks just like Eloise!
@ShaunHover Күн бұрын
I love her so much 😭😭 best filmer I’ve ever had
@elizpingree Күн бұрын
girl yes 👏.
@LytlBug Күн бұрын
"I yelled at a baby" Yup. Thank you for being so real.
@mirianinoa1964 Күн бұрын
Very encouraging! Thank you!
@Mindfulmaven19 Күн бұрын
I did a video on how I didn’t enjoy motherhood and I didn’t get a ton of comments or anything but I did get two and those two comments were not very kind. I know I didn’t explain myself very well and I use humor to get through, but still. Didn’t realize I would be discriminated against my feelings. Owell, it’s the internet. 😅
@mmitchellsunshine 2 күн бұрын
I appreciated the thoughts, thanks girls. I would have loved if you had leaned into the “love my life” idea from Jessica a little more, I think it got a little distracted during middle of the cast. -really liked the idea that even as you are growing and working towards dreams leaning into the truth that this is the life I have right in this moment and it is good. It is good to be in my life even with its current sorrows. In the joys and in the sorrows to be present and say I love this life that I have and am grateful.
@jess_hover Күн бұрын
Thank you! Did you listen to the original love my life episode from last season? ♥
@mmitchellsunshine Күн бұрын
Also Jess, I really liked that story you shared about talking with your children and subsequently yourself about “who told you cuz…? It was really poignant because it reminded me of Genesis where God asks Adam and Eve, “who told you that you were naked?”
@katelinabercrombie491 2 күн бұрын
I love this episode. I needed this perspective shift.
@jess_hover Күн бұрын
Happy it helped!
@katelinabercrombie491 Күн бұрын
It also resonates with a conversation I had with my therapist where she pointed out that our brains (my brain? Lol) don't like to focus on what we know and do well, they like to focus on what could go wrong, what we don't know, what's scary. ❤
@esterwikstrom 3 күн бұрын
I love this! <3
@Durrpadil 3 күн бұрын
What would be hilarious is if your baby came back to this years later and demanded a percentage of profit made from the baby's cameo in these videos. Or even worse, doesn't consent to being filmed entirely due to privacy 😂
@6anthony8 3 күн бұрын
I’ve been wanting to check myself into the hospital because of my depression
@R3sp3ctMyGam3 3 күн бұрын
When you say "don't hire someone you don't trust", well.... that's pretty much impossible for two main reasons: i) There is no inherent trust between the parent and a professional baby sitter (and I mean someone who isn't family). No matter how many positive recommendations and good first impressions, the parent will always have some reservations at the back of their heads ii) When you let someone look after your child, there is SO much at stake (i.e. your child's well being) that simply you can't absolutely trust anyone other than you. So my point is that there is no way a parent can 100% trust a nanny anyway (and probably that's the healthy thing to do), but they obviously will still need to get one (they one they trust more than the other ones!) to take care of their little ones because sometimes there's no other way to get by.
@beckymonalisa8059 3 күн бұрын
HPV is not a virus he/she should be living with this virus almost ruined my life, thanks to DR ALAHO OLU on KZfaq Channel who helped me eradicated the virus with his Herbal mixture🌿, he cures HSV 1&2, ALS, HIV, FIBROID, MS……….
@beckymonalisa8059 3 күн бұрын
HPV is not a virus he/she should be living with this virus almost ruined my life, thanks to DR ALAHO OLU on KZfaq Channel who helped me eradicated the virus with his Herbal mixture🌿, he cures HSV 1&2, ALS, HIV, FIBROID, MS……….
@micaelablogs 4 күн бұрын
I just had my third (three under three!) and I definitely had more anxiety this time around than the first or second time. But of course, now that he's here i wouldn't have it any other way 🥰
@Woopthereitis90 4 күн бұрын
Watching this and sobbing hysterically. Yes, I happen to be pregnant with baby #2, so it could be hormones. But how did you know I was feeling all this lurking, ever-present existential dread? I similarly decided to “wing it” with my firstborn, still basking in newlywed bliss and naive optimism almost 3 years ago. I told myself the same thing, “we’ll figure it out! This is the most natural thing ever! Yay so excited!” How was I supposed to know that I’d need to “figure out” my marriage taking an absolute nosedive, my professional performance completely tanking, everyone who I thought would be my “support system” suddenly disappearing? The hardest thing about becoming a mom, believe it or not, was how shitty my life in the periphery became. When I look at my happy, beautiful toddler, I feel like a sadomasochist thinking I’d do it all over again just for the sake of his existence and the love that explodes out of my heart for that kid, but MAN was it rough. I am so scared for how “bad” my life is going to get again with my beautiful baby girl due in a few months, but weirdly I know it is so worth it at the same time? It’s the weirdest mind eff of all time and it’s been really keeping me up at night.
@jonnamia2609 4 күн бұрын
I was so lucky 😍 to get cured permanently from HIGH RISK HPV by DR ALAHO OLU on KZfaq Channel..
@jonnamia2609 4 күн бұрын
I was so lucky 😍 to get cured permanently from HIGH RISK HPV by DR ALAHO OLU on KZfaq Channel..
@FoodologyFeeding 4 күн бұрын
I only have 1 but i've heard going form 1 to 2 is a huge shift vs. from 2 to 3 is relatively easier.
@sergiowilliam5552 5 күн бұрын
God bless DR ALAHO OLU on KZfaq channel for curing my High Risk HPV, that later turned to throat cancer, he cured me with his herbal medicine, after many test my results came out HPV Negative. I’m grateful sir…….
@sergiowilliam5552 5 күн бұрын
God bless DR ALAHO OLU on KZfaq channel for curing my High Risk HPV, that later turned to throat cancer, he cured me with his herbal medicine, after many test my results came out HPV Negative. I’m grateful sir…….
@freemasonjurgan9124 5 күн бұрын
I’m so happy and glad of my healing journey with DR ALAHO OLU on KZfaq Channel, he cured my High Risk (HPV) with his herbal supplements. After multiple Pap Smear test from different labs my test results came out Negative…………
@freemasonjurgan9124 5 күн бұрын
I’m so happy and glad of my healing journey with DR ALAHO OLU on KZfaq Channel, he cured my High Risk (HPV) with his herbal supplements. After multiple Pap Smear test from different labs my test results came out Negative…………
@lauriewromar5478 5 күн бұрын
The kid filming perspective is awesome!!! She did great! And that sweet sweet voice. ❤😢❤😢
@pterojacktylus2475 5 күн бұрын
I dont know if ill ever be a father, but little wonderful humans like this one make me hope. Big love to you and your wonderful daughter, thanks for warming a 33 year old man with no kid's heart on a really bad day.
@nateritter4921 5 күн бұрын
So cute and bad ass at same.time. kool.koddo and kool.daddy. you did it lol. She's gonna look back some.day and cherish this😊
@deandranorman9337 5 күн бұрын
She’s a better camera holder than the professionals
@jadenchristian6536 5 күн бұрын
I used to not want kids. Then I saw this video. Now I want kids
@Sir_Richard_Crainum_lll 5 күн бұрын
Lol this is absolutely adorable and amazing at the same time 😂
@evanhartman8602 5 күн бұрын
That kid is better at filming that a lot of adults that I’ve seen
@klvatten 5 күн бұрын
I was worried about loving both children. I just couldn't imagine how "the love/heart grows". Our first born came to visit us in the hospital to meet his sister for the first time. He walked over to her and I realized that I felt the same way about both children already. It wasn't anything "growing", just that the love for your child feels the same no matter how many you have. It is it's own special thing :)
@micaelablogs 4 күн бұрын
Same!! This was my biggest fear before having my second.
@lenahe3078 5 күн бұрын
That filming really was amazing!!
@Twill1s 5 күн бұрын
So sick dude, she’s a natural!
@jennig3057 5 күн бұрын
Hooooooray its a lovely day when Jess hover posts. Please never stop making these. Even when the views feel low - we're still here 🌟
@jess_hover 5 күн бұрын
Thank you!! 😭😭
@Munashorta9292 5 күн бұрын
Thank you so much and I felt relief when I saw your video. I have 5 c-sections and now I am pregnant I am little nervous the 6 c- section thank you for the information.
@angelaneal7154 5 күн бұрын
Living life with a deadly virus HPV 🦠 was not the end of life for me, all thanks to DR ALAHO OLU on KZfaq Channel. He cured me..
@angelaneal7154 5 күн бұрын
Living life with a deadly virus HPV 🦠 was not the end of life for me, all thanks to DR ALAHO OLU on KZfaq Channel. He cured me..
@jeremyblack9737 5 күн бұрын
Why are videos for adults made like there are small children watching?
@TheTravelingSwiss 5 күн бұрын
Currently pregnant with my second and love loved this video! Love the idea of the love you give to one child flowing into the other, etc <3
@cakemebysurprise 6 күн бұрын
Thank you so much Jess. I found you 4 years ago with my first and you taught me how to swaddle. Im now 38 weeks pregnant with my 2nd and this video you uploaded at the most perfect time. Im so nervous and yes so so tired worrying how ill have the energy to do this ❤
@RunaaSteinamrk 6 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for this ❤
@zackjordan1626 6 күн бұрын
(I share my husband’s KZfaq account) I just got out of the hospital after an extremely similar occurrence to your story. I had an IUD (not my first) placed two weeks ago at six weeks postpartum and it was excruciatingly painful. I ended up in the ER the next week because the pain had not stopped and I was spiking high fevers. After several exams and eventually an ultrasound, xray, and CT similarly to you, they found the IUD up high in my ribcage. I had immediate urgent surgery to remove it. I’m now trying to decide how to move forward and was wondering if I could ask a couple of questions.. Did you remain at your OB’s practice following the incident or change doctors? Did you consider attempting a medical malpractice case with an attorney? Why or why not? Thank you either way; I’m so glad you’re healthy and your little one is precious! And likely not so little anymore ♥️
@moldovanca 6 күн бұрын
I just found out I’m pregnant with our second so your video was a godsend. Thank you, Jess. Thanks for always giving light to what many of us keep in the dark recesses of our hearts. Thanks for always trying to make the lives of others better. You yourself are a godsend.
@AloraLacen 6 күн бұрын
This video has helped me confirm that I really do want a second child 🫶🏻💕