hawkkz birthday q&a
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Top 10 Weirdest Warrior Cats Names
Warrior Cats 20 Questions in 2022
The KING of Warrior Cats Fan Games
Are Official Warrior Cats Games Fun?
@turtlemaster2717 3 күн бұрын
This makes me so happy Ziggy is my birds name, and I had zero clue he was a warriors character. <3 Love your videos.
@VioletScar-Star1589 3 күн бұрын
Swiftpaw wasn't a hero, and he wasn't brave he was selfish. He is now officially overrated- a good ol' hot take.
@Snapdragon_drawz 5 күн бұрын
I ain’t here to simp but why is their voice so hot?!
@JosephTerry-jk4sl 7 күн бұрын
Forbidden romance is okay I just wish it wasn't forbidden like feathertail and crowfeather but I kinda wonder why can't they just be in the same clan?
@AOT_suicidalmaniac 15 күн бұрын
Did the Erin Hunter team forget about Deadfoot? He was WindClan’s deputy under Tallstar? He had a disability similar to Cinderpelt and was alive when Cinderpelt was. So I’ve always been confused about why no one talks about how cats can still be warrior with a damaged leg. I like to think after Cinderpelt was depressed from her injury she felt an affinity and respect for medicine cats and became one not because of her injury but because of Yellowfang
@RavCat 29 күн бұрын
Yk what, fuck you Erins \*hcs Squilfstar as having a perma limp*
@DogBat Ай бұрын
I love forbidden romance but I totally get these points, super true
@IcestarZ Ай бұрын
Man you just really hate the last half of DOTC lmao
@Imperfectpaws3-nq1ru Ай бұрын
I still like the dynamic even though it's over used. Sure there's alot forbidden ships but its fun to read about them but yes, I do think there needs to be more dynamics and different kinds of love stories. My only guess is books are usually meant to be dramatic so adding in forbidden love if a popular drama starter for Warriors but no I dont hate it and its in fact one of my favorite ships
@carbitch9498 Ай бұрын
Bro took thats intro very seriously
@witchofthestorm Ай бұрын
I noticed that the more books that are banned, the more people want to read as to why they are banned. Not saying banning is okay but love how people figure why books are banned. I still think banning LGBTQ+ books is dumb since, why not ban straight couples books? It's the same thing after all, love. Also hate that the companies are so afraid of losing profit. Kind of the reason I want to, if I ever publish, to be self so I'd have little restriction. It won't be exactly swimming in money but would love to publish without worry.
@Kaminoboi 29 күн бұрын
I don’t like your profile pic isn’t it a symbol of discrimination and evil it scared me
@witchofthestorm 29 күн бұрын
@@Kaminoboi No it is not. It is a pentacle which is protection in my spirituality of being a witch (and no that's not evil either), it also represents the elements. The color is for me being transgender. Nothing evil about it.
@motorcitymangababe Ай бұрын
He is my favorite character because I vibe with him on a lot of levels (Not blind, mind you) im so happy to listen to an analysis on his caustic little ass.
@SleepyCoffeeCup Ай бұрын
Glad you talked about this.
@motorcitymangababe Ай бұрын
My hot take is that if the warriors series wants more steam we need a hard reset. New threat that takes out a majority of cats until a new solution is found. Aka, we need a rabies epidemic solved by reaching out to kittypets to get medicated food dropped in for a cure. It would wipe out so many from each clan that the culture wold have to change. It would even make sense as the last arc in the current territory- the gathering place is a lake, so rabid cats wouldnt cross over and harm survivors; and who would want to stay after a calamity like that? Let the next arc be finding a new home, then time skip into a new ruleset and culture- the pre plague cats are legendary in the same way the cats look at big cats and star clan now.
Fact thats strange: i,A danganronpa fan who reads warriors and yes u heard it >DANGANRONPA<
@Third7Plays Ай бұрын
Bloomingheart twitched her tail as Leafstar spoke to Finchstar; “There are so many cats who wish they could’ve had better, like Bloomingheart with her leg, or Dashthorn’s blindness from the fire, we don’t want any more cats to have to live a life like theirs-“. Suddenly a dark shape emerged from behind Finchstar, “Say that I’m not a worthy warrior to my face” Dashthorn had been listening the whole time, and was right up in Leafstars face, hissing out of his pure frustration. Bloomingheart got up and limped over to Leafstar, dragging her mangled leg behind her, “He’s right. Just because we aren’t as able as you would like, doesn’t mean we aren’t warriors just like you are”. Finchstar nodded her head, “You need to watch what comes out of your maw Leafstar, or you’re going to royally ruin MossClan’s reputation, again”. Tinystep and Littlebush nodded their agreement to Finchstar. And that my friends, is how you deal with this stuff correctly.
@Third7Plays Ай бұрын
2:23 me: sees Dako’s post Also me: *squeals in adorabetes*
@Cheetahwindstar Ай бұрын
I only really like CrowfeatherxFeathertail I hate leafpool and Crowfeatherxleafpool lol
@uhoh8489 Ай бұрын
@ThunderStarStudios-xm2hm Ай бұрын
I loved the forbidden love until Power of Three. It became overused and milked until it’s boring
@pookio5939 Ай бұрын
gay furry cats is crazy. weird ass fandom.
@birb70 15 күн бұрын
Cats (and many other animal species) can have same-sex encounters, and you can learn that simply from searching it up. Also, they aren’t even normal cats?? They talk to each other and have religion and medicine, so of course they would be sentient enough to be homosexual or straight. Go back to playing minecraft instead of calling a fandom of some book series you likely don’t even read weird bro 💀
@VioletScar-Star1589 Ай бұрын
@pookio5939 Ай бұрын
ok i think you need to calm down i think the forbidden relationships are a bit much but some of them arent even forbidden. example Firestar and spotted leaf. also leoperd star and tiger star seriously?
@jamillatorres7226 24 күн бұрын
You forgot medicine cats cannot have mates OR kits.
@Tree_Fox Ай бұрын
@somethingorother10 Ай бұрын
Okay- so it's unrealistic- but like- the disabled cats aren't so horrible. It's a kids book- there's going to be unrealistic stuff. Cats in Clans are unrealistic. so like- wth. It's not that big of a deal.
@Mistedleaf Ай бұрын
The name Shnuky sounds so cute
@Yeibaldreamss Ай бұрын
Are you alive 😭😭
@SomeoneCalledCrystal Ай бұрын
Idea: instead of reusing the trope of forbidden love, use it for sibling love. Siblings that were torn from eachother at a young age and want nothing more than to just be best friends again. It’s literally a billion dollar idea. Because frozen.
@SomeoneCalledCrystal Ай бұрын
New to this fandom, but I have four cats of my own, all of them are disabled. two deaf, two with only partially functional back legs, one of each of these two also having heart murmurs. And one of those two along with that and being deaf has a deformed skull. All of them are perfectly healthy and act exactly the same as any other cat, even the one with three different disabilities, she’s actually the most high functioning of all four.
@SomeoneCalledCrystal Ай бұрын
Also she actually has four if not five, she sometimes will go completely blind in one eye (we don’t know why) and she has an underdeveloped brain. She’s sleeping right now a few feet away from me, again she’s perfectly healthy.
@rahtsnake144 Ай бұрын
i want lezbian kitties 😿
@SageKJS Ай бұрын
I just recently discovered your channel. I’ve listened to your podcast vids on ASC with Moon, Sunny, and Akira. I tend to agree with your opinions on almost everything. So I know that this comments section is quite old, but you asked your viewers for requests for future videos. I have no clue if you’re still accepting them, but here is mine. I love Barb a.k.a. Berryheart, and I truly have enjoyed hearing your thoughts on her. Could you please do a video discussing her character, including her seemingly contradictory actions in books prior to ASC? I have so very many head canons on her sudden personality change, but I’d really be interested in hearing your theories.
@Olushies 2 ай бұрын
I was so happy to see that you mentioned the tiny detail of the Rusty missing poster!! I noticed that the first time I read the graphic novel and thought it was a really cute detail.
@Pus811 2 ай бұрын
wait Firestar is the son of Life Of Luxury?????!!!!! I did not know this
@GodApolloEditz 2 ай бұрын
5:35 Im dying laughing the random stay is crazy. Do they have beef or something
@Duskblaze 2 ай бұрын
Oi.. I.. absolutely.. HATE THIS..! Just because characters such as Cinderpelt, Jayfeather, and Briarlight are disabled, it doesn’t mean they’re less worthy of being what they wanted to when they weren’t! (Okay, I know Jayfeather was born blind, I read PoT, OoTS, Leafpool’s Wish, etc.) Ugh! Why are there even people like this in this world?! Warrior Cats is one of my favorite book series, and to see the characters I love treat their Clanmates like that is breaking my heart.. And when I found out that it was Sandstorm who said that line.. I honestly didn’t know what to think.. my thoughts of her were already conflicted, but with this.. This is just.. painful to read.. and I wish issues like this weren’t *ever included* in the books. I don’t mean they shouldn’t have written those characters, but they could’ve at least made the others more accepting of their Clanmates. I think the best example of this is after Briarlight received her warrior name and when Molekit and Cherrykit showed their support when she went to the fresh-kill pile. It warms my heart whenever I read that passage. I just wish that we could have a better way to represent disability in book series and the film industry.
@novafiregalaxy204 2 ай бұрын
As someone who has partial vision, I relate. Not completely, but to a degree. I've only got vision in my right eye and the crap effected by that is annoying. Not to mention my other issues that make life even harder.
@novafiregalaxy204 2 ай бұрын
Honestly though, if forbidden love was never a thing, the clans would be so much more inbred than they already are.
@whouni 2 ай бұрын
I may be in the minority here, but i personally think that forbid relationships, at the very least, make sense for the world of warriors: 1. Gene pool: there is just not enough cats in any one clan to make a wide enough gene pool, inbreading would become pretty inevitable (even with the 4 or 5 clan) so from that perspective, its mildly obvious 2: realism, i know these are cats and not humans, but people just dont tend to have full relationships with people they have known their etire life, but the other clan memebrs are still known and often friends with other clan cats, so it follows, 3: let love be: i dont tend to like romatic subplots overall, (i have low to no sence for it) but love irl and in real cats can form in the weirdest places, it only makes sence that the warriors would gain those relationships. Some might say its overused, but the fact that there is a rule against cross clan relationships in the first place is weird.
@Sadness_and_I 2 ай бұрын
1:48 bro changed it to gay 💀
@jemsartstuffs267 2 ай бұрын
I only just realized that Mothflights Vision was not, in fact, about Riverclans Mothflight, Leafpools friend
@sashkingston2141 2 ай бұрын
8:10 video is so old but I have to say I'm pretty sure she (the Erin) was talking about Tigerstar 1 (Tigerclaw) when answering this even though the question was about Tigerstar 2 (Tigerheart). Her response fits him a lot better than it could ever fit Tigerheart so she probably misread the question.
@Fanta-Feathers 2 ай бұрын
And the dealing with spottedleafs heart, when she was being groomed, they showed her just hiding away and not telling a soul. KIDS read these books, let me ask you, if you were a kid that realized that you were being groomed because of this book, would you follow this book’s advice and hide away, embarrassed? You most likely would, and, the way they look at briarlight, cinderpelt, and cinder heart all show pure pity, instead of actually trying to have other cats look at them and see a normal cat. All of them deserve their own super edition, and a bonus scene at the end of squirelflight’s hope of every disabled cat or disabled supporter, (ex. Holly leaf, , briar light, snow kit, long tail, etc) yelling at sandstorm for how ableist she was being. RALLY FOR DISABLED SUPER EDITIONS! Or at least novellas
@erickkisreal9398 2 ай бұрын
I'm kinda not surprised. the story is about cats in the wild. being able bodied is key to survival and contributing resources to the clan. what do we expect? an egalitarian society of cats in wheelchairs? tech and IT cats? I don't think its that the writer hates disabled people, its just that it makes sense for the setting of the book
@Aromantic-freak 2 ай бұрын
Why did 'caterpillars' make me laugh for like 2 minutes straight??
@SOPH-cw7gw 2 ай бұрын
Ya back! Woo!
@minihttydedits1658 3 ай бұрын
So, the reason im not allowed to read warrior cats is all i lie, a trick?! There's no LGBT in it. ARE YOU FROCKEN KIDDING ME, IT WAS JUST A FAN MADE SHIP!?! WHY, WHY DIDNT I FIND THIS LAST YEAR WHEN I ASKED MY PARENTS?!
@iridiumSerpent 3 ай бұрын
I remember when I was in an online roleplay a bunch of us wanted to be medicine cats, including me, so what the thread owner (and clan leader) did was to give each medicine cat a speciality that we could do, like being a midwife, a therapist of sorts, and a herb grower. We all performed regular medicine cat duties as well. I think a system like that would be good for a medicine cat who wanted to start a family.
@epylypsythyryyn 3 ай бұрын
" big 😖 fluffy 😍 and... AN ATHEIST 😁😄😃😀😐 " Me: uhm... Okay, greatttt!