The Secret of Photographic Seeing
@chrissbayer9561 Күн бұрын
Das sind wirklich wunderschöne Bilder geworden, Christian! Toskana pur, da kommt richtig Sehnsucht auf, mal wieder hinzufahren. 🙌🏻🥰 Hab einen schönen Sonntag und liebe Grüße aus München 🖖🏼
@GuidoVanDeWater 2 күн бұрын
Wow stunning lcoation. It's a shame you didn't have some nice clouds there that would have made the shots even better. Hope everything is OK with the accident you mentioned 🤞 grt guido
@christian.irmler Күн бұрын
Hi Guido, thank you so much, my friend 😊 There are different weather phenomena that could bring an image to work at that spot. But yes, clouds had definitely supported my compositional concept. If I had had the choice I would have waited for the ideal conditions for the story I wanted convey. But unfortunately I didn't have this advantage this time. Thanks a lot for watching and enjoy your Sunday, Christian
@joelbarto1103 2 күн бұрын
Great photos !
@christian.irmler Күн бұрын
Thank you so much, Joel 😊 Have a great Sunday, Christian
@thomaseriksson6256 2 күн бұрын
the pictureat 9.08 is the better of them
@christian.irmler Күн бұрын
Hi Thomas, thanks a lot, my friend. I also like this one 😊 Have a great Sunday, Christian
@hxl6162 2 күн бұрын
As usual Amazing 🎉 Best regards from Brazil 😊
@christian.irmler Күн бұрын
Thanks a lot, @hxl6162 😊 Nice greetings back from Europe, Christian
@margareteirmler6998 2 күн бұрын
Ein wunderbarer Sonnenaufgang, die goldfarbenen Felder und die herrlichen Zypressen, der Himmel, fantastisch 👍👍😀
@christian.irmler Күн бұрын
Vielen Dank 😊
@stigfloberghagenphotography 2 күн бұрын
Very nice video. 👍🙂
@christian.irmler 2 күн бұрын
Thank you, Stig! Means a lot 😊 Have a great weekend, my friend, Christian
@stigfloberghagenphotography 2 күн бұрын
@@christian.irmler Have a great weekend 👍
@erichstocker8358 2 күн бұрын
Du hast es genau gesagt: ‘ It just doesn’t feel right’ Aber trotzdem tun es Leute. Wie immer schöne Fotos und alles super hergestellt!! Danke!!
@christian.irmler 2 күн бұрын
Hallo Erich, ja, das ist leider wahr und für mich eigentlich überhaupt nicht nachvollziehbar. Und das obwohl ich wirklich sehr, sehr viel Wert auf die bestmögliche Kameraposition lege. Es gibt immerhin meist wirklich ausgezeichnete Möglichkeiten für Kompositionen an den Rändern der Felder, wo man nichts niedertrampelt. Es sind aber eigentlich gar keine Landschaftsfotografen, die ich da immer in den Feldern herumspazieren sehe, das sind eher Leute die einfach nur Selfies mit dem Smartphone machen. Das wäre natürlich ebenfalls vom Rand aus möglich. Keine Ahnung, warum die in die Felder latschen müssen. Wie auch immer, vielen Dank für's Schauen und hab ein schönes Wochenende, Christian
@adrianalfordphotography 2 күн бұрын
Awesome images Christian. The light on thise hills was sublime and the minimalist compositions worked very well. Great job buddy, brilliant video 👍🙏
@christian.irmler 2 күн бұрын
Hi Adrian, thanks a lot, buddy 😊 The Tuscany hills are just awesome and and offer indeed many possibilities for more minimalistic compositions. Enjoy your weekend, Christian
@michaelhall2709 3 күн бұрын
I must say, I found this video to be very, very confusing. I find your photography to be excellent and very inspirational, but with all due respect, I think I’ll just stick with facts of this issue as I’ve come to understand them.
@christian.irmler 3 күн бұрын
Hi Michael, I'm so sorry to hear that this video was confusing you. The thing is: the target group for this video are photographers who are using the hyper focal distance method already as their prefered focusing method or who are thinking about replacing it with their default one. This is why I maybe didn't go as much in detail about the focusing method itself as I usually do to cover all skill levels in all my videos. The biggest problem with KZfaq videos in my opinion is that the creator doesn't know exactly which target group will watch the video. This is why I always try to keep my videos interesting for beginners, intermediate, and advanced in photography or in a specific topic. I simply don't only want to produce beginner videos. Every book is written for beginners. I want to add value to experienced photographers as well. The tricky thing hereby from the creator's side is that the advanced don't get tired while the basics are explained and the beginners don't get overwhelmed by too complex explanations. I think, I've learned to solve that issue over the years here on KZfaq and that works in most cases, but it seems that I haven't achieved that in this video. Sorry therefore, but also thank you for the reminder that I have to think deeper about every skill level when I make a video, so that every single skill level in photography and for a specific topic is covered. Sorry again, my friend. I hope you'll like the upcoming videos more! Nice greetings, Christian
@ROUGHROADPH 6 күн бұрын
Excellent tutorial buddy. Factual and as we must all admit as photographers, composition, circumstances =camera settings. TQ
@christian.irmler 4 күн бұрын
Hi @ROUGHROADPH, thanks a lot, my friend! Yes, absolutely: first of all there is the creative idea of a photograph. How we take it in the end is the 2nd chapter in photography 😊 Nice greetings, Christian
@ROUGHROADPH 4 күн бұрын
…your welcome buddy.
@GuidoVanDeWater 6 күн бұрын
Good video! I've never understood all those talks about hyper focal distances. It's what your saying "you just take the best you can". A photo for me doesn't have to be 100 percent in focus. 1 thing youndidbt mention but it realy helps is the size of your sensor. People always complain that micro four thirds has a shallow depth of field but for landscapes it is perfect. I rarely have to focus stack.grt guido
@christian.irmler 4 күн бұрын
Hi Guido, usually I try to avoid hyper focal distance focusing, as it is too complicated and doesn't lead to the sharpest possible results. But there are also situations when I need to use hyper focal distance focusing. That is the case when I can't focus stacking because of moving elements and my depth of field is not big enough. I would say, that's even the biggest strength of smaller sensors: having a bigger depth of field. I mean, besides getting the weight down, which is also a big advantage 😊 Thanks a lot for watching, my friend! Nice greetings, Christian
@anthonyross-fallon9624 6 күн бұрын
Hi Christian some great info something I never considered love the photos! Best wishes Anthony
@christian.irmler 4 күн бұрын
Hi Anthony, thanks a lot, my friend 😊 Nice greetings, Christian
@thomaswentworth6433 7 күн бұрын
I've always thought this hyperfocal distance stuff was a bunch of bs.
@christian.irmler 4 күн бұрын
Hi Thomas, yes and no. Usually I try to avoid it, as it is too complicated and doesn't lead to the sharpest possible results. But there are also situations when I need to use hyper focal distance focusing. That is the case when I can't focus stacking because of moving elements and my depth of field is not big enough. Thanks a lot for your comment, my friend! Nice greetings, Christian
@thomashilmersen711 7 күн бұрын
I totally agree. I am amazed that more people do not point out this! These guys spend 5000 dollars on buying Leica Summiluxes, then immediately close it down to f8 and guesstimate the distance in street photography. The images would have been sharper with a 2000 dollar Sony kit with lighting fast eye detect AF.
@christian.irmler 4 күн бұрын
Hi Thomas, I'm so sorry for my delayed response, but I'm currently traveling 😊 Thanks a lot for your kind comment, my friend! Yes, absolutely: using cheap gear in the right way tends to lead to better results than using expensive gear in the wrong way. Nice greetings, Christian
@DarrenJSpoonley 7 күн бұрын
Great video buddy ! How also about the sweet spot if a particular lens? Great explanations and graphics in this video 👏👏
@christian.irmler 4 күн бұрын
Hi Darren, I'm so sorry for my delayed response, but I'm currently traveling 😬 Yes, the sweet spot makes a difference, of course. But you know, I use hyper focal distance focusing usually when I run into a fringe situation with my focus and I can't do focus stacking. In a case like that I'm usually already happy when I get my image in focus with using the hyper focal distance method. Being able to use the sweet spot would just be a bonus in that case 😊 Nice greetings, Christian
@thomaseriksson6256 8 күн бұрын
Do you have a video on how colours are setting the mood?
@christian.irmler 4 күн бұрын
Hi Thomas, I'm so sorry for my delayed response, but I'm currently traveling 😊 I made a video about colour, but not about colour psychology. Thank you for the suggestion. I'm currently not sure, if this topic is maybe too common, but I will think about it in future. Nice greetings, Christian
@thomaseriksson6256 3 күн бұрын
​@@christian.irmler Load up the video if you are interested. No hurry. I will start to work seriously on my Woodland photo during this month but I have two new? cameras to get used to and some new lenses.
@uncle0eric 8 күн бұрын
Opinion (maybe others will feel differently?): I actually find the background music distracting, even though it is pretty quiet. Great content, though!
@christian.irmler 4 күн бұрын
Hi Eric, I'm so sorry for my delayed response, but I'm currently traveling 😊 Thank you for your honest opinion. I made a poll about that some time ago, but almost everyone didn't find it distracting. I guess it has also a bit to do with how your audio is configured on the device you are watching. But thank you for the feedback. I will think about reducing the volume maybe a bit in future. It should not be distracting, of course. Nice greetings, Christian
@StefanoMorri_photo 8 күн бұрын
Beautiful pictures of Rocca Calascio! Abruzzo is an stunning region of Italy! this castle is also famous for having been used as a set for many films including Ladyhawke with Matthew Broderick, Michelle Pfeiffer, Rutger Hauer
@christian.irmler 4 күн бұрын
Hi Stefano, I'm so sorry for my delayed response, but I'm currently traveling 😊 Yes, absolutely: Abbruzzo is an amazing area, I really love it. But entire Italy is awesome for landscape photography. I enjoy photographing there every time. Thanks a lot for your kind comment, my friend! Nice greetings, Christian
@joelbarto1103 9 күн бұрын
I may be wrong, but doesn't the hyper focal distance change when you change the aperture and or focal length? Therefore, it seems incomplete to point at a rock in the foreground and say that's the HFD. I think. I'm not trying to troll you. I'm currently attempting to fully comprehend this subject because you hear so many different explanations.
@christian.irmler 8 күн бұрын
Hi Joel, thank you for your thoughts. And yes, that is absolutely true: the aperture has of course an effect on the depth of field and so also on the hyper focal distance. But I'm seldom interested in taking a photo with a specific aperture or hyper focal distance, I'm more interested to take one with the best possible composition 🙂 That means, in practice we have to think in the opposite way: what is the closest element I want to have sharp in my frame and by that I can define the hyper focal distance for my particular photo. By that I find out where to focus and which aperture to use. Or in other words, I want to find out the hyper focal distance for my composition and not the composition for my hyper focal distance 😉 There is no way to troll me, by the way. I'm really more than grateful for questions like that, because that helps to clarify things in a constructive way. So, thanks a lot for your question, my friend! Have a nice Sunday, Christian
@joelbarto1103 8 күн бұрын
@@christian.irmler I comprehend your point now. Thanks for the reply. This is the one topic, in my opinion, where photo educators are all over the map. Anyway, I enjoy your channel! See you next time.
@andybusard6694 9 күн бұрын
Nicely explained!
@christian.irmler 8 күн бұрын
Thanks a lot, Andy 😊 Have a great Sunday, Christian
@chrissbayer9561 9 күн бұрын
Wieder mal sehr interessante Infos, Christian, danke für‘s Teilen. Auch die ausgewählten Beispielbilder sind absolut top 👌🏼😍! Hab ein schönes Wochenende und viele Grüße aus Bayern 🖖🏼
@christian.irmler 8 күн бұрын
Vielen lieben Dank, Chris 😊 Auch einen schönen Sonntag zurück! Schöne Grüße, Christian
@Z_EOS 9 күн бұрын
Before i start with my toughts a tilt/shift lens ;) Hyperfocal distance is a term which is decades if not century old. The problem is not that it is a myth, but it is more about the fact how much of a sharpness and details we got used to lately. Everything today is high resolusion dependent. FF cameras with 45+ megapixels, video in 4K on 20" 4K monitor... We have started with focus bracketing around 2008-2010 and produced large prints with over 200 DPI you can stand few inches away ...non of this was bothering photographers even on medium format cameras in film days.... And then we got 50mpx, 100mpx and PTgui pro... We use 16 or 14mm lens, close it to f/11 and still need to focus bracket... Great! 🙈😂
@christian.irmler 8 күн бұрын
Hi @Z_EOS, yes, that's true. I used hyper focal distance a lot in my analogue times 20-34 years ago, as there was no way of focus stacking, obviously, and the resolution you got out was not comparable to that of today. The higher the resolution the higher the requirement to the DOF. TS was never an option for me, to be honest, as I prefer zoom lenses and the existing methods of getting everything sharp in my frame work perfectly for me. Thanks a lot for your kind comment, my friend 😉🍺 Enjoy your Sunday, Christian
@elho001 8 күн бұрын
Hehe, watching the video the same two key aspects came to my mind to comment on: The main point is that the key issue around DOF calculators, hyper focal distance and people using insanely narrow apertures is how one defines what is acceptable in "acceptably sharp". The other is that indeed, tilt lenses should be mentioned as the special case, where the thin focus plane can be tilted to e.g. lay flat on the ground of the landscape or run through the image diagonally resulting in points at vastly different distances to the camera falling into it and being perfectly sharp. The focus plane is still closer to an infinitely thin plane than a thick layer. I say closer, because, while only looking at the lens optically it is, but looking at the imaging system at a whole, it arguably is a (thin) layer, where the circle of confusion of (slightly) out of focus points projected on the sensor is small enough to still only hit the same pixel(s in the same relation) and thus still be indistinguishably from in focus points perfectly sharp.
@thomaseriksson6256 9 күн бұрын
Thank you for the information of were we shall put the sharpness point. I got a laser distans meter for using during night photo so I can be more exact when focusing. I have never perform a focus stacking but I shall test it in coming mounth when I start using my new D850
@christian.irmler 8 күн бұрын
Hi Thomas, funny, I also had a laser pointer in my bad for quite a long time 😀 I can really recommend to engage with focus stacking. The only problem is that common methods lead to a too oversharpness in the foreground. There will come a video about this in future, for sure. But I will take some time therefore 😊 Have a great Sunday, Christian
@thomaseriksson6256 8 күн бұрын
@@christian.irmler Looking forward to that video.I have problem with the foreground when using ultra wide lenses. But I need to get used to my two latest cameras D800E and D850 first so I cannot expect any good results. Switched from APS-C to FF D700 after my D300 broked down 3 year ago. In a few year time I hope to have a 15mmF2.8 lens untill then I using a 18mmF2.8 prime
@ravimathew4123 9 күн бұрын
Very useful information. Thank you. 🙏
@christian.irmler 8 күн бұрын
Thanks a lot, Ravi 😊 Have a nice Sunday, Christian
@MattsBrabus 9 күн бұрын
Oh absolutely! Thank you for creating this video and hopefully getting people to understand. Keep up the great work, Christian!
@christian.irmler 8 күн бұрын
Hi Matts, thanks a lot, my friend! Yes, I thought it would make sense to make this video as there is so much of wrong information about this topic out there 😊 Have a great Sunday, Christian
@MattsBrabus 8 күн бұрын
@@christian.irmler I’ve been trying for years to make hyperfocal work for me and gave up in the end thinking I was too stupid. Now I know from your video that it has its place IF You accept its limitations (which are fine if you are printing an image for wall display). Thank you again :-)
@therightfoot81 9 күн бұрын
What an excellent explanation that was Christian. Great video.
@christian.irmler 8 күн бұрын
Hi @therightfoot81, thanks a lot, my friend 😊 Have a great Sunday, Christian
@adrianalfordphotography 9 күн бұрын
Great job on the video Christian. You showed some beautiful examples photos to reinforce what you talking about. Thanks for sharing the info buddy cheers 👍🙏
@christian.irmler 8 күн бұрын
Hi Adrian, thanks a lot, buddy! I thought it would make sense to make this video as there is so much of wrong information circulating around in the internet 😊 Enjoy your Sunday, Christian
@GuidoVanDeWater 12 күн бұрын
Great images! You were lucky to have found that shelter. You don't want to be up there during a thunder storm. Really liked how you used those rocks as leading lines. Grt guido
@christian.irmler 8 күн бұрын
Hi Guido, I'm so sorry for my late response, but I'm currently traveling with quite bad signal 😬 Thanks a lot, my friend! Yes, I was really more than lucky about that shelter. It helped me to stay long enough out there for taking my shots and to prepare for next morning 😊 Have a nice Sunday, Christian
@GuidoVanDeWater 8 күн бұрын
@christian.irmler no problem my friend. Looking forward to see what you are up to then! Enjoy your trip! Grt guido
@stephengray1973 13 күн бұрын
Absolutely beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing your experience and knowledge 👍🏼
@christian.irmler 13 күн бұрын
Hi Stephen, thank you so much for your kind words, my friend! Means a lot 😊 Nice greetings, Christian
@DarrenJSpoonley 13 күн бұрын
Super work my friend, great selection for composition too. fantastic choice for music in this one too
@christian.irmler 13 күн бұрын
Thank you so much, Darren 😊 That place is really awesome, I have to say. I'm sure, you had also liked to photograph there 😉 Nice greetings, Christian
@margareteirmler6998 15 күн бұрын
Was für ein herrliches Video, der prächtige Sonnenaufgang, der farbenprächtige Himmel, das mächtige Schloß, soooo gut gelungen, wunderschön 👍👍👍👏😀
@christian.irmler 15 күн бұрын
Vielen Dank 😊
@carloslima6747 16 күн бұрын
Amazing pictures, you never miss the point. See you next round.
@christian.irmler 15 күн бұрын
Thank you so much, Carlos! Means a lot 😊 See you, Christian
@chrissbayer9561 16 күн бұрын
Wow, Christian, diese Fotos vom Sonnenaufgang sind richtige Kunststücke; du hast die Stimmung wirklich einmalig schön eingefangen und festhalten. Wirklich klasse 👌🏼🥰! Hab ein tolles Wochenende und noch eine tolle Zeit in Bella Italia 🖖🏼
@christian.irmler 16 күн бұрын
Hi Chris, vielen lieben Dank! Ja, das Wetter war tatsächlich herrlich an jenem Morgen. Der Ort ist auch absolut klasse, was allerdings auch auf die gesamte Gegend zutrifft 😊 Hab ein schönes Wochenende, Christian
@ivanferrero 16 күн бұрын
Impressive the photo 08:34 ! Great vlog very well worked and edited! I don´t know whey these kind of vlogs doesn´t have too much success on KZfaq, really loving them
@christian.irmler 16 күн бұрын
Hi Iván, thank you so much, my friend. Means a lot! Yes, that's indeed interesting why vlogs don't run as well as other formats. But that seems to be just for photography channels 😆 Enjoy your weekend, Christian
@TamasPlachy 16 күн бұрын
Nice photos. The last one is the best.
@christian.irmler 16 күн бұрын
Thanks a lot, Tamas! I also love this one 😊 Enjoy your weekend, Christian
@marek_vanco_photo 16 күн бұрын
Hello Christian, I absolutely love the music. First with grandiose film orchestra style. I love the music when you present photos. It's so quiet and positive. 😊 Very nice castle! There are many of castles like this also in Slovakia. If you want, you can visit it. I'm sure you can find many nice places there. At 11:22 minute, why you didn't use 30 min log exposure? Why you would to freeze it little bit? I really like theses rock and scenery! Our Europe is so beautiful 😊!
@christian.irmler 16 күн бұрын
Hi Marek, thank you so much, my friend. Means a lot 😊 And thank you for the tip about Slovakia. Sounds interesting! Who knows where I will go in future. I will definitely engage with that idea. To your question according to long exposure: I try to consider every detail in an image. In this case the tree was moving due to wind. It is possible to show motion blur in an image by the right shutterspeed, but in this case that hadn't add anything to the story of the image. Everything else was calm and the movement of the tree hadn't been prominent enough to overtake a significant role in the frame. The solution was to freeze it 🙂 Have a great weekend, Christian
@marek_vanco_photo 16 күн бұрын
@@christian.irmler yes I understand now. Thanks you very much! I wish you a great light!
@cajdajana 16 күн бұрын
@christian.irmler 16 күн бұрын
Thanks a lot, Jana 😊 Enjoy your weekend, Christian
@erichstocker8358 16 күн бұрын
I love the composition in the photo of the round building where you mirrored the dome on top of the tower with the mountain peak in the background. Very nice!!
@christian.irmler 16 күн бұрын
Thanks a lot, Erich! Oh yes, I also love this one 😊 Nice greetings, Christian
@erichstocker8358 16 күн бұрын
You know I believe that they can! San Francisco Bay is pretty but SF Bay with the Golden Gate bridge is spectacular
@christian.irmler 16 күн бұрын
Hi Erich, oh yes, absolutely. In the past I often tried to separate landscape photos out of pure nature from cityscape photos out of human-built scenes. But a good mix can really add 😊 The golden gate bridge is a good example. I hope I will photograph it one day. Enjoy your weekend, Christian
@adrianalfordphotography 16 күн бұрын
Excellent video Christian. I enjoyed watching. You captured some magic light on those sunrise photos. I think the buildings certainly added some interest in your shots. Great work buddy 👍🙏
@christian.irmler 16 күн бұрын
Hi Adrian, thank you so much, buddy! Oh yes, the light was so awesome there. All done by blue hour 😊 Have a great weekend, Christian
@greger589 16 күн бұрын
Very nice pictures in an interesting environment ❤
@christian.irmler 16 күн бұрын
Thanks a lot, Bengt 😊 Enjoy your weekend, Christian
@Stop-All-War 16 күн бұрын
Thought of buying a A7Rii, any thoughts on this Camera? I've never used a Sony.
@christian.irmler 16 күн бұрын
Hi @Stop-All-War, the camera is good, I just don't like the batteries of the older sony cameras, as they are quite fast emptied. The solution is to take a lot of batteries with you. That works, I did the same in the past 🙂 Up from the a7riii they used better batteries, which last multiple times longer, by the way. But everything else is fantastic also at the older e-mount cameras. Have a great weekend, Christian
@markushorhager3094 17 күн бұрын
Super Video Christian. Da hast du wirklich recht und mir einen neuen Denkanstoß gegeben. Vielen Dank dafür 😊
@christian.irmler 16 күн бұрын
Vielen lieben Dank für deinen netten Kommentar, Markus! Freut mich echt sehr, dass dich das Video inspiriert hat 😊 Hab ein schönes Wochenende, Christian
@photonomist6345 18 күн бұрын
Just came across this video and your channel. Funnily enough I have been on the verge of getting a printer (this Epson or the Canon 1000 you mentioned) and I have had the exact same thoughts and doubts as you, along with the reservation that the printer has to be used just about daily to avoid automatic cleaning processes which consume a lot of ink, and I am not sure that I will be needing that quantity of prints. Yet, everything you say is true and I think finally your video is giving me that final push to get (probably) this Epson printer. And the excellent lab Printspace has been getting quite a bit more expensive, so time to take the plunge too. Thank you for the video and for your wise words and great enthusiasm, and I have now subscribed.
@christian.irmler 17 күн бұрын
Hi @photonomist6345, thanks a lot for your kind comment, my friend. Yes, the cleaning process eats indeed a lot of ink, independent on the printer and brand. The question is just if it runs all 2-3 days or only when I start one manually 😊 A warm welcome to my channel and nice greetings, Christian
@marek_vanco_photo 22 күн бұрын
Thanks you very much Christian for inspirational video. I thinks one of mystery to take nice photo is slow down, prepare composition and wait... and wait... and wait for the good light. 🤣 You cannot be with someone with you because he/she will obviously not have patience to wait with you. Photography is like painting, but with painting everything understands that take scenery to canvas will take some hours. Photography can do in fraction second. Do we are tempted to do everything quickly!
@christian.irmler 22 күн бұрын
Hi Marek, thank you so much for your kind words, my friend 😊 And yes, that is so true: taking time, thinking deeply into a scene, and waiting for the right timing is quite a good tip. In my experience, having someone with you who is also a photographer can work, but non-photographers do not always understand why we need so much time to get just one single photo, haha 😆 Great comparision to painting, by the way. I made already a video about this topic, where I show up even more differences and what we can learn from painters. Just in case you are interested, that's the link to the video: Thanks a lot for watching and have a great Sunday evening, Christian
@marek_vanco_photo 22 күн бұрын
@@christian.irmler yes, I did view this video already. Your grandpa was a teacher and painter. It's very interesting! Btw I began some painting courses (mostly of drawing characters, but maybe I will try scenery also one time...) I will stay watching your nice video. I like your style of photos! There is something harmonious!
@andrewthomson7367 23 күн бұрын
I did not want to do this the public way but have no choice. I signed up with Photrus 4 weeks ago and set up multiple locations, some with very basic requirements. I have not received a single report. I have used the "contact" link on the website 3 times with no response. I am in Australia so if Photrus does not work down here please let us know. My Photrus credit balance is going down, but I am getting absolutely nothing for it. This is very disappointing.
@DarrenJSpoonley 23 күн бұрын
Very good advice my friend !
@christian.irmler 22 күн бұрын
Thanks a lot, Darren 😊 Have a great Sunday, buddy! Nice greetings, Christian
@GuidoVanDeWater 23 күн бұрын
The four I,s... I'll try to remember that. Very good explanation! Enjoyed this video. Grt guido
@christian.irmler 22 күн бұрын
Hi Guido, thanks a lot, my friend 😊 So nice to hear that you enjoyed this one! Have a great Sunday, Christian