AITA for ki*king my step daughter out?
My girlfriends life is about to CHANGE
@cottoncandiez8872 9 секунд бұрын
Nta but you are dumb for paying for rent when your parents are letting you live there for free. Consider the free rent the room and board part of college and youd be saving about half the cost of tuition
@umani9983 55 секунд бұрын
Hmmm idk, the chance of a female being color blind is low. To be colorblind to the point not being to distinguish any color exept black or white is even lower. Color blindness is a spectum, most color blind people can still distinguished between different colors, they just see it differently.
@Jasmineahmed-w7u 2 минут бұрын
@moony_mi 5 минут бұрын
You know my solution probably wasn’t the best but um… have you heard of ✨being trans 🏳️‍⚧️✨
@0-SkyHalo-0 6 минут бұрын
I think that you should respect your daughter’s choice of being called her first name, I understand if you hate that name but that doesn’t give you a reason to disrespect her choice. If you ask if it’ll be okay to call her the name you have been and she says no, respect it; but that’s the best you can get. I understand where you’re coming from, and your husband is in the wrong here for going against your trust, but that doesn’t mean disrespect your kid’s choice of what to be called
@kristahathaway9308 14 минут бұрын
Maybe she was going to pay for you but then her mom ordered something very big and decided not to because she wasn't going to pay for a friend either but I guess she owes her friend money so I think she was going to pay for you but then when her mom ordered an $80 item she probably couldn't afford it that's my thinking on this
@JPD1990 15 минут бұрын
Is it common for parents to pay for their kids collage/university fees? Where i'm from if you wanna go l, you gonna pay. Its very rare for parents to foot the bill
@hollyleafwell2118 16 минут бұрын
I do appreciate forcing a child to eat something they've never had before to try and see if they like it. But forcing them to eat it even when they expressed dislike and even distaste for it is unacceptable. You can always try to revisit the food at a later day, week, year, to see if the child still dislikes it. The child already fulfilled their end of the deal and established a preference, that should be good enough. The father did well in how he handled the situation.
@untiedshoelaces2588 17 минут бұрын
Her family "means a lot to her". I believe OP needs to put some thought into how important SHE is to them.
@sofianemov9469 20 минут бұрын
If he cheated on OP then who says that the girl he cheated her with us not OP's sister? Afterall the "we started dating when you were officially over" is a he said she said situation. On top of that, who said that he is not going to cheat on the sister aswell?
@Caramia-w1x 32 минут бұрын
Really? Obviously, the wedding couple should come first. The sister should get a babysitter to be at home with her 3 children. smh.
@indiamcbuggins9758 33 минут бұрын
You are kind of the a$$hole. Not really being a part of the family are you? You knew your husband had children. It's perfectly alright that grandpa watches the kids, most of the time, but not to help out when your husband is out of town makes you the a$$hole.
@m.w.8789 36 минут бұрын
Let me get this straight: you decided that your boyfriend would be uncomfortable sleeping in that bunk bed without even asking him? Who in their right mind would make a decision for an adult who's pretty much capable of deciding themselves, without even discussing the matter with them first? The boyfriend's a keeper, but you have to work a lot on your attitude! Having a relationship does mean you discuss matters and take your significant other's opinion into consideration. You just decided this over his head. Despite that, he stood by you publicly. But he was absolutely right to tell you that you're the AH. You clearly are.
@aparnaramaswamy7095 36 минут бұрын
It's just a prank .. No harm ment why do you make it this big.. When you put a snake in their bed and your mom didn't do anything to you. You showed your sisters you can go too far with your pranks.. Why blame them now.. It's you showed them the way not your mom.. Stop being dramatic over it.
@Flxmeplxyz 40 минут бұрын
So wholesome
@Sai0912 45 минут бұрын
Why don't she give her seat to her kid?
@StevenHix-wy1qp 49 минут бұрын
Tell him to pucker up and kiss your !!!
@falconcorban4128 51 минут бұрын
All I could hear in my head : Sweet Home Alabama.... The moment he said he can't marry cause his sister comes first....
@kellybiddulph421 58 минут бұрын
People that give in,And let the other person get away with whatever they’re doing, it’s just teaching said people that they can walk all over you. You shouldn’t have to explain anything .she asked ,you said no ,that should be the end of the story. At least it would be with me.
@Scout844 58 минут бұрын
Maybe a hot take but YTA it sounds like she tried to accommodate for your daughter by going to target or ordering off Amazon or even going out of her way to get something early in the morning that you shot down so what else did you want her to do? Sounds like your making a big deal over nothing and just don’t want to talk to your mom anymore
@katsimpsforleviathan Сағат бұрын
The way Sam said that OP's daddy was "also a step-parent" was gross as hell. He was there for everything and OP understands there's more to a real parent than just biology. OP loves his Daddy because of how much his Daddy wanted him not because they do/don't share blood.
@Ketzellthedragon Сағат бұрын
She gave you the food you hate so you should also give her the food she hates Fair exchange 👍
@diapysik Сағат бұрын
Yo what college lets blind people graduate, I'm pretty fucking dumb but I can read and write so I should be able to compete decently.
@TheDeepEnd57 Сағат бұрын
That is illegal steal dog nap 3.selling items that are not yours especially living creatures
@CATS_ARE_CUTE417 Сағат бұрын
@charlottes_web1416 Сағат бұрын
Im starting to think we need to start our own clinic or hospital where any person can come no matter what gender they identify. We learn about whats going on with them and they can ask for there tubes to be tied over the age of like 21 or a bit later depending on the reason why. Whether that be because there periods are a danger to their physical and/or mental health, or they arent going to have kids and they just want to get rid of their period, they are infertile do a period isnt worth it, any specific ish reqson like that. Plus, research could be done there as well. I'm just rambling about a place I wish existed 😭
@gregoryzn87 Сағат бұрын
My sister and i are both low vision. This is wildly incestuous.
@SkyByethedemon Сағат бұрын
He's not the A-hole. The dad should have acknowledged OP's distress. (Also, side note, my dad wasn't at my birth and I don't give a fvck. As long as the dad is there for the child even if it's after birth it's good.)
@chloesibilla8199 Сағат бұрын
It's interesting how she clearly loves the brothers who can't be bothered to help her more than you
@patricfriberg2678 Сағат бұрын
Be the maid of honor and call them both out on their going behind your back
@zeusdarkgod7727 Сағат бұрын
I have gone through something similar, it took many many years (sadly to little to late) to realize i was being childish, but at 18 losing your dad there really isn't a guid book for. However i let my emotions turn into anger towards my mom and never got to rebuild the bridge i burned b4 it was to late. Most times, when it comes to real life their aren't a whole lot of "right" answers, just multiple choice. Wish this family nothing but the best
@kazoosc Сағат бұрын
1 - she asked, you answered. NTA 2 - she has some of your mom's jewelry _(despite the mom's wishes)_ 3 - she can wear something else borrowed .. maybe from her mom, something of HER family
@rebeccaconlon9743 Сағат бұрын
A tampon in a wine bottle? Wtf?
@advitsrivastava7277 Сағат бұрын
W mom
@charzemc Сағат бұрын
She just wanted to be a part of his life forever. Now he will most likely lose her.
@alicemcknight6335 Сағат бұрын
She is shining you on. As of her "reasons" are pure bunk. If you do loan it to her, you will never get it back.
@deadgirlwalking4354 Сағат бұрын
You even admitted you were jealous YTA, no question about it
@daniellejarvis157 Сағат бұрын
YTA - who cares what she wears? It's literally a cultural dress-up day. Maybe that's all she had. Quit gatekeeping what OTHER PEOPLE can wear.
@nimisilverbird1239 Сағат бұрын
Lea is not her child. That jewelry is yours. You father is a thief
@vimeli Сағат бұрын
why does he assume any talk they have is going to be about her sex life? weirdo
@liciewhiteley7376 Сағат бұрын
Is it a cultural thing???? Why does living with your sister means no marriage??? I think most people don't understand. Get married and have babies. Let your sister do the same. There are a lot of families that cohabitate. It's not the end of the world. Unless OP only has enough love for 1 person. Or inc*st 😮
@wiktorbednarz229 Сағат бұрын
She took your dog said she would sell it bc you had to leave to your bfs ill grandma and youre the ahole? Family should support eachother not try to sell you beloved puppy like its a cheap toy you grew out of. NTA
@ronaldproctor1776 Сағат бұрын
Your girlfriend has shown her true colours. She, as an adult, knows that since she invited you SHE pays. What her mother ordered is immaterial. The bad news is she's used to taking advantage of your generosity. Don't be a doormat! The good news is she's only your girlfriend. I wouldn't marry this woman.
@SusannaShira Сағат бұрын
NTA. You are doing an amazing job. Your wife and in- laws need to stop coddling him.
@janette2691 2 сағат бұрын
Yes You Are
@janette2691 2 сағат бұрын
Op is a crybaby
@TheBlekkis 2 сағат бұрын
Complete story AITA for telling my stepdaughter I don’t want to watch any fucking kids and that includes yours I have never wanted kids. I was forced to watch my younger siblings (4 of them) until I left at the age of 16. I greatly dislike babysitting and never had my own children. Never have been comfortable around young kids after that. My husband has three children, I met and married him when his kids were in their 20s. I am not a mother figure to them at all, just their dad’s wife. Overall I got along well with the three adults. The problem started when my Kelly became pregnant. Everyone was excited for the first baby in the family. I made it clear I didn’t want to babysit and when grandkids were around my husband was to be the main caretaker. My husband agreed. The first two years went great, my husband is an awesome grandpa and I am fine being the relative that brings toys and other fun stuff once in a while. Kelly has been pushing hard for me to take up a more traditional grandma role. Her MIL isn’t involved ( she lives a few states over). Kelly has gotten in her head that I should be doing the babysitting instead of her father. We have talked to her multiple times. My husband is on a work trip and will be back next week. Usually he babysits on Monday but he informed her that he won’t be there so it was canceled. She stopped over and was dropping her kids off. I asked what she was doing since her dad wasn’t here. She told me that I need to step up and babysit. That she doesn’t care if her dad isn’t here, I am present. I told her no. This went in circles for a bit and got more heated the longer we went. I told her I don’t want to watch any fixing kids and that includes yours. She is pissed. My husband is fine with what I did but his other children are on his ass. So AITA?
@rebeccaconlon9743 2 сағат бұрын
Better calling authorities than john wick
@Hcloud3738 2 сағат бұрын
No NTA I can see why
@MatrixDownload5150 2 сағат бұрын
Going to dinner isn’t an emergency! The sister has told her already she’s extremely uncomfortable with babies! Needing medical care is an emergency and it’s appropriate to call a family member because they may need to be there because of a health directive! The wife is an overly entitled person who thinks since she’s baby smitten everyone should be regardless of them tell her they can’t do babies! Not everyone can nor should! Just today a woman met a man at the Sandals Resort at the pool and trusted him to watch her child while she showered! He took her kid and dropped him head first off the balcony! Everyone is not meant to be child care! I’m not saying the sister would abuse the child I’m saying she isn’t emotionally capable and has set her limits which show more intelligence than someone who thinks everyone must think and live like me!