How to Lucid Dream Consistently
Can AI Help You Lucid Dream?
Is The Goal to NOT Dream?
8 ай бұрын
@ShroomNation 21 сағат бұрын
Can't believe I just searched for this 😅
@AnkushBudha-b5j Күн бұрын
I saw a girl in my dream she is japnese . I didn't saw her face cuz she was wearing a hat. We both can speak a little bit english .We talk a lot i really enjoyed But i woke up fuck man. i tried to go back to sleep . Well my type girl is tall and cool but when i meet her i feel like my heart to told me this girl is more than enough for you . Idk i deserve this . Now i know why everyone says face ,height money doesn't matter in love . I wish i could find her in real life. But in this generation i don't think it's possible . Her voice was so beautiful. I'm regretting that why i didn't ask her name . Waking up from the dream that was 100 time better than reality . I love her idk if we can meet again but thanks for giving me beautiful dream ever .
@Braedynite 2 күн бұрын
I had my first picks dream last night and I thought I has been blinking normal and I wasn't thinking about not blinking so I was just acting as I thought I would normally. I told somebody they werent real and they were in my head. They looked at me like I was insane and said what? After that I sort of felt like how you do when you are tired where your eyes feel a bit heavy and your blinks get a little bit longer. And I swear I held them shut for like a third of a second and woke up in my bed. Still was insane but it felt sort of all blurry hoping grounding will help that.
@DuendeCaughtOnTape 3 күн бұрын
Most terrifying dream of my life
@enhtsetsegbatkhuyag5565 3 күн бұрын
When I was young, I always got nightmares but now I never got nightmares
@user-md7zc7hk3j 3 күн бұрын
Little story : okay so as a kid I had a lot of nightmares and I like sometimes I got to the point where I was afraid to fall asleep because I was sometimes afraid to like sleep in the dark so I l just keept on thinking bad things would happen so I just often fell asleep having a nightmare and also it was when I first got my first tablet I was like five and so like I was on KZfaq and like I would be seeing like this scary things I like seeing like scary movies on them and I saw like this movie I forgot what it was called it was like a boy and a dream and like one of the character said close your eyes and count to three and so that worked for quite a long time like in my dreams but I know I was just my mind thinking that would work until I just stopped remembering my dreams for like 5 years but still to this day I barely have any dreams but it's not like I don't have any dreams I just can't remember any of them like when I wake up but even when I do have a dream nowadays it's not a bad or good dreem its just a dreem but now I'm 11 going on 12 and I really want to have a bad dream cuz I haven't had a bad dream in like forever I just want a dream I don't care what it is I just want to dream😂 also please like it this took me a long time to write🙏 if anyone has a relatable story please comment
@user-md7zc7hk3j 3 күн бұрын
I sound weird but I want to have a nightmare tonight😂
@user-md7zc7hk3j 3 күн бұрын
I also want to have a sleep paralysis I wonder what it is like
@juliesmith6272 3 күн бұрын
I have magical powers of travelling….🙏 Beautiful true spiritual doors are for all to open when ready 🙏
@russell3642 3 күн бұрын
@RussellWorkman 3 күн бұрын
I Analyze My Dreams In The Process Of Having Them, & I Am Told In Sleep Studies I NEVER Reach Rem Sleep. SO? ANY IDEAS ? This Is Every Night & My Brain Is Tiered Everyday..... ANY THOUGHTS ?*
@urbanryzo 4 күн бұрын
I love having nightmares
@kaasbal7229 4 күн бұрын
I always have lucid dreaming and sleep paralysis. I know that I am dreaming I try to wake up in that dream and boom suddenly that freaky demon is back
@galpinklilyempire6905 4 күн бұрын
A lot people don’t take this seriously . Lucid dream , is not something to do voluntarily . Lucid dream is the act of controlling dreams remeber you are the dreamer in it . Rembering dreams is a different thing . lucid dreaming is dangerous in aspect , some people are more good at than others . Lucid dreaming people usually staring out fear something , didn not knew it was lucid dream. . Learning about . What todo. .
@SnakePlisskin. 5 күн бұрын
I dont dream only occassionly
@aubbamonkier623 5 күн бұрын
Its currently 2024 and the last time i had a nightmare was in 2019 it was about my grandma dying few months later after that nightmare she had died from a tumor growing too large... 💔
@mathcraft84 5 күн бұрын
I didn’t know it was minecraft😊
@thatfirewon 8 күн бұрын
You know I had a weird but cool dream so my annoying little brother was annoying me as usual so I got a knife out the I unalived him then stabbed my own eye out for no apparent reason then I was escaping the police then there was this cute Japanese girl and I was with her my brother and someone I used to know in school in real life there's this hill that goes down but in the dream it was a big like pool of water down there and we started swimming away and ended up in Minecraft
@woozii.capalot 9 күн бұрын
I have lucid dreams consistently when I want to n I’ve had at least 50-80 lucid dreams since 2020 while lucid dreaming off and on. I never get to enjoy them tho cuz in every single one of them, my eyes get heavy n I end up falling asleep in the lucid dream. I’ve tried everything I can think of to stop it but it keeps happening. I’ve tried to not worry about it in the dream, I’ve tried repeating to myself in the dream that it won’t happen, I’ve tried drinking coffee in the dream to make me not tired, I’ve tried dream stabilization techniques but nothing is working. When I fall asleep n wake up in the dream I lose lucidity. Anyone know how I can stop this?
@woozii.capalot 9 күн бұрын
I have lucid dreams consistently when I want to n I’ve had at least 50-80 lucid dreams since 2020 while lucid dreaming off and on. I never get to enjoy them tho cuz in every single one of them, my eyes get heavy n I end up falling asleep in the lucid dream. I’ve tried everything I can think of to stop it but it keeps happening. I’ve tried to not worry about it in the dream, I’ve tried repeating to myself in the dream that it won’t happen, I’ve tried drinking coffee in the dream to make me not tired, I’ve tried dream stabilization techniques but nothing is working. When I fall asleep n wake up in the dream I lose lucidity. Anyone know how I can stop this?
@1uvlli492 10 күн бұрын
Number 3 was two times for me Time 1 - I was just in a lucid dream in this big white box, with one person that I didn’t know and I went up to them and said, “hey, is this a dream?” Knowing dang well it was a lucid dream. They just looked at me and the dream ended 😪😪 Time 2- I was with my two best friends at our old school, the teachers gave us the assignment to teach the younger kids as we were in the older kids group. And so we started to help out but then let’s call her pookie 1 (YES I KNOW MY BFF NAMES😭) had gotten the idea of sneaking out of the building and pookie 2 was like “Okay! Anything to leave this hell!” And I just agreed. We snuck out the back door and I finally said to them, “hey, are you guys also in a lucid dream?” They both had said yes but bro I was so gullible and believed that 💀so we had decided to go to my house as it was just 3 minutes away from the school by car, but we were gonna walk so about 7 minutes to get there. But then I had this great idea out going back into the school and stealing all of their Nutella 💀💀💀💀💀 my pookie’s said let’s do it! So we went in I had grabbed the Nutella and we made a dash for it ( idk why there was Nutella in a school-) when we got outside we turned around AND BRO….. (I don’t remember all the police like people there so there might have been more) THE FBI THE ARMY THE POILCE THE SWAT TEAM WE WERE SURROUNDED BY CARS AND HELICOPTERS- the end 😃
@mrsandwichcat9858 11 күн бұрын
Hands down nightmares are more thrilling than any thriller thing
@murphyno7653 12 күн бұрын
Finally I can finish some beef I had With a mega mind unicorn and springtrap
@bryant8647 12 күн бұрын
Jesus is real
@jugantorkonwar3597 12 күн бұрын
It happens with me....feels like I did time travel.....but how?.....
@Itsmetharun91 14 күн бұрын
I got a new big sister in last night dream
@Coolboy2009-KB 15 күн бұрын
I love the adrenaline after waking up from a nightmare
@I_like_pickles789 15 күн бұрын
Thank you bro. I have some very bad things going on with my life and I am over two months in of depression, anxiety, anger, sadness, self hatred, etc. it has been so much on me for so long I don’t even feel emotion anymore. It’s tricky to explain, I question if I fully understand it myself. I don’t know what to do, how to feel, who to talk to, what I think is best for me, and so on. I’m going to have some very serious conversations with my subconscious.
@Eclipz-ih4me 17 күн бұрын
I’ve had a dream that felt like a week
@Gamemaniac213 17 күн бұрын
Bro i actually saw a movie in my dream which doesn't even exist in real life.. it was about shinchan on an adventure (like in all movies) but at the end, the spirit of the tree (gender: a girl) went back to the tree... it was pretty emotional😅 remember, it was in anime form, but the background was like REAL LIFE well, it was quite the same, al.ost same this time...but i only saw the beginning and ending (replaced with another plant's spirit)
@ShadowCyberHunter666 15 күн бұрын
I had a dream where im the pov of a movie trailer about zombies being rebels after 50 years which doesnt exist in real life💀
@Gamemaniac213 14 күн бұрын
@ShadowCyberHunter666 14 күн бұрын
@DanielMorkvunka 17 күн бұрын
@sebastians783 18 күн бұрын
It also happens to me very often, but the only problem is i can't remember what i dream sometimes, but yeah, this was very scary for me the first time it happened, i was so freaked out, but now i've learned to live with it, in my opinion is that we always live the same life over and over again thats why we dream of sprcific eventse because they're very relevant, but this is not limited to dreams, for it's just like the so called Daja vu feeling, when you suddenly realize that you have actually been through that exact situation before and get that momentary, very weird feeling of disconection from life.
@unknown36l 18 күн бұрын
so your WRONG when i go to bed i close my eyes and then i fall asleep then i open my eyes and its morning i dont have any dreams its just a quick night to day transishion
@KennethAkin-me9je 18 күн бұрын
Can you snort it, I heard about people smoking it though.
@ntandohlatshwayo6953 19 күн бұрын
I’m always in a half lucid state want to make it full
@vernitico 19 күн бұрын
I think I had a lucid dream last night. I found myself in my living room and I felt the need to floss... I flossed and some gross stuff was stuck on my dental floss, it morphed into some disgusting green goo. I thought: Ok this is strange and went to look into a mirror and looked at my mouth. It was all green and sickly and disgusting. I wasn't freaking out or anything, I just thought it was weird. I returned to the living room and everything had this green tint about it. I started to figure out I was dreaming, then I started thinking about my real self sleeping in my bed and I woke up! It all felt pretty fucking real!
@ianblackmore-allen163 19 күн бұрын
Really appreciate what you do Matt, for being so open and honest about your struggles. Wishing you all the very best and hoping the colours, flavours, sights and sounds come back into your life and you find more peace and joy in the forthcoming weeks and months mate.
@NickoVasley 20 күн бұрын
I'm confused AND concerned. I took a nap after not sleeping too well. I simultaneously all lucid dreamt. Jumped between dreams, woke up but didn't and was back to sleep (kept happening at the same part?) some scary dream thoughts. Had another dream right after that I got up and went to my roommates room/weird stuff was happening in the living room idk shit was ALL OVER THE PLACE. 💀 All this just now has lead me to this KZfaq search about what the FUCK just happened. I woke up pretty irritated and jarred after someone knocked on my door because I went lucid only twice and then boom back and forth rips between dreams(im glad someone woke me up). I don't think I was supposed to be aware of all that 🤣
@stELjedi 22 күн бұрын
I can understand your troubles with anxiety , I passed too through that I had mild paranoia too :( all those shite can be undone through change of diet (KETO AF) and through potent mefitation so on the latter BTW have you tried the monroe's Gateway experience? id does miracles.
@vishnewt331 22 күн бұрын
Omg, this is bloody brilliant ! Thanks man
@humanbeing7938 22 күн бұрын
I kinda had lucid dreams before, but they feel like having a normal dream about having a lucid dream, not an actual lucid dream. Anyone have the same issue?
@Pristleparks 22 күн бұрын
Bro i love nightmares i called horror movie dreams
@ChefCharlieDreams 22 күн бұрын
Have you considered that you may have a nutrient deficiency? Vitamin D is a big one for people with anxiety n such. Also im not a big believer in the synthetic versions of vitamins. They help. But make effort ti get the real version of it through food and drink. ViT D magnesium Zinc and B vitamins coukd do a lot to help you. Worth a shot i would say !
@ianblackmore-allen163 19 күн бұрын
I had a really rough time a year ago and it was due to lack of vit D. Sorted easily with some mega doses over the following weeks. Was really suprised how much of a big deal it was.
@MeH-to3iw 22 күн бұрын
Last night I was in a lucid dream and I asked my subconscious what was my biggest fear, he said it was being disliked. I always thought it would be something like snakes or whatever, but if you ask your subconscious it tells you the real thing. It's really cool.
@GyyiVghj 23 күн бұрын
I had dream when i told someone one were in dream he ignored me i told him again did not dare to look i just walk away
@Freddyfanmulti3214 23 күн бұрын
I just experience void, i am not forgetting
@Poojawhatisthisbehaviourr 23 күн бұрын
here's my story.. i didn't even tried to lucid dream,even I was sleeping on my side, but I still got the 2nd sleep paralysis of my life, it was very scary, even the intensity of the pressure and pain I was feeling was very weird, it was like someone is applying pressure and twisting my body in different directions, i didn't even tried to open my eyes as I was fully aware that I'm having sleep paralysis and It'll stop eventually till then i have to endure it, or if I did managed to open my eyes I may have see some scary shit.. ( I've never seen anything till now but the experience alone was terrific ) i even tried switching to lucid dreaming by imagining some scenarios in my head, and as my imagination was becoming vivid the pain and pressure slowly started decreasing, but because I wasn't able to focus on the imagination fully under all that pressure, the pain came back.. it's not over yet after all that I finally woke up, I texted my friends what happened with me and I had the sudden hit of checking my fingers as I've heard in some Channel to make sure to check and count your fingers once you wake up from a lucid dream I did so.. and something very crazy happened, it was not my reality, i entered a dream which I thought was my reality, i was only able to count 5 fingers in my one hand and other hand was blurry, and suddenly everything went pitch black and I woke up all over again.. but it was STILL A DREAM , I knew it because everytime I was waking up i started to count my fingers and everything after that went black and started all over again it was like I was stuck, and the loop kept on continuing, i would be lying if I said I wasn't scared, because I've never exprenced anything like this before, then it finally happened and I woke up in reality, but I was still very unsure, everything felt real, but it also did in every single dream I had, so to make sure I again counted my fingers and the relief I felt after i realised I had 10 fingers, was something else, i rented all that to my friends like I did in my dream, i was in shock for next 2 hours and so scared to fall sleep again (it all happened between 3-4 am) NOW I KNOW IT WAS FALSE AWAKENING
@Titian_0 23 күн бұрын
You really fumbled not writing it down lol
@jermane2501 23 күн бұрын
I've done this loads of times even kn accident for years and years
@sonicatyt1082 24 күн бұрын
At night, I sometimes, very rarely, have these weird dreams where I know I am dreaming but I keep bouncing back and forth between being conscious in my bed and lucid dreaming kind of. I don’t know how to explain it. It only happens on nights where I can’t sleep well and it is NOT day dreaming because I can’t form that kind of realistic imagery in my head while awake
@JuggerDoNaut 24 күн бұрын
The f*uck is my dream but, my dream had already been done, it's just last month, is it normal to dream what had passed and whats in the future cause I had dreamed that I'm gonna search on KZfaq to how to re-enter a dream and comment, and this is it, is it normal?