Aeris 3 in 1 Update Klaara P7 Pro
Health Pro Plus Review 2024
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Air Purifiers for Dust 2024
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Consultant Airpurifiers 2024
@NicolaCiccoli-b1y Күн бұрын
Hi Doug. In one of your video you said that it would be better if the carbon filter was before the hepa, otherwise some carbon particles might be released in the air. I'm trying to decide for an air purifier and I was wondering if that should be a deal breaker. For example, if in the Coway Mighty the carbon filter was the last one, would it be better to take instead a purifier with an hepa 13 and the carbon filter before it, or the Coway Mighty would still be better?
@AirPurificationEducation Күн бұрын
I have a Mighty with the cloth carbon filter coming before the HEPA and in this Coway video: - They show the pelletized carbon version also with the HEPA coming last, as well. So, I think the carbon comes b4 the HEPA on both versions of the Mighty. The Coway Mighty is hard to beat for the price and particle filtration performance, IMO. It is not elite but pretty darn good for the money - if it can get 4+ air exchanges in your space. Also, it is currently on sale on the Coway website for $150 which is a GRRRREAT DEAL! I've never seen it this low -
@NicolaCiccoli-b1y 22 сағат бұрын
Thanks for your answer. I agree with what you've said, but I think that I've explained myself poorly: I know that in the Mighty the carbon filter is before the Hepa, but if, for example, it was after, would still be a better choise than a normal Hepa 13 with the carbon before or in that case it would be worse?
@AirPurificationEducation 15 сағат бұрын
@@NicolaCiccoli-b1y I think you are asking if the carbon filter was after the HEPA filter - would it be as good a solution as a HEPA 13 with the carbon before the HEPA. There isn't really an answer to this question. We don't know the quality of the HEPA 13 unit in question. It may be great - or it may be poor. Air purification levels don't work like this - a lot depends on how well the filters are sealed in the units... There are other variables, as well. We can't just say would a HEPA 13 be better. It's like asking would a Corvette that couldn't do 0 to 60 in 3 seconds but in only 4.3 seconds... would that Corvette be better than a $70,000 sports car? We don't know how good the other sports car is. Hope that makes sense.
@NicolaCiccoli-b1y 11 сағат бұрын
I'm sorry, I meant with all the other characteristics being equal. I'm just trying to understand how much of an impact the carbon filter after would be.
@AirPurificationEducation 2 сағат бұрын
@@NicolaCiccoli-b1y It will depend on the brand and the carbon being used and how much airflow is going through the unit and filters. I would suspect more carbon getting into the air on higher airflow settings than lower. I would also expect more carbon getting into the air with pelletized carbon filters vs. the cloth version. So how much carbon that gets into the air will depend on some variables, for sure. So, I can't just make a blanket statement like "don't worry, it's not a lot" or don't worry - it won't affect your health much." What long term studies have been done on the carbon being emitted into the air and people breathing it? Maybe none. But what if someone does a study on this in 10 years and we find out there is a 37% more chance of lung cancer associated with units that put carbon pelletized filters last in the airflow process? Then that would possibly change a lot of thinking on this. That said - I currently believe it is probably much less of a health risk/issue, in general, than not having the air purifier in the room at all. But if I see data that conflicts with this current belief - then I may change my mind.
@derHolzstift 2 күн бұрын
Intersting video, i ask me how i should interpret the message: only loooking for CADR is surly not the way but when other factors like filtre layers, EN1822 certificate are excellent AND the CADR Rate is outstanding good then i don't think it hurts to involve the CADR rate, what is your point of view?
@AirPurificationEducation 2 күн бұрын
Yeah, there is a lot to it, I think. 1) CADR rating only tests brand new air purifiers for 20 minutes but the units leak dirty air more so as the filters get dirty through use of weeks and months. So, we have no idea how the unit will actually filter after a month. 2) EN1822 and 3rd party lab testing can't even be trusted as some of the labs are getting paid to create bogus results to make some of the air purifiers appear to be better at filtering than they actually are... Basically, there is corruption in the testing industry. 3) CADR rating does not test for the most dangerous particles in the air - the Ultrafine Particles and they account for 90% of the particles in the air... so THAT is a huge problem. 4) CADR rating does not account for VOCs/chemicals, etc. This is a big issue esp. when so many of the units say they have "carbon to absorb harmful chemicals", etc. but they are actually ineffective in doing this... and/or much less effective after a month or so... 5) I think the CFM/Airflow rate - which is a component of the CADR rating IS SUPER important of course. If I have an IQAir HealthPro Plus in my room and I know it performs at 99.5% for Ultrafine particles and I know based on the CFM rating of the unit that I am getting 5 air exchanges in my room - then YES! THAT is very important and useful to know. But IQAir is one of the most upstanding manufacturers in this industry - and the 1st to get EN1822 tested. I trust their numbers and testing results much more than most all other manufacturers. For Example, many air purifier companies lie about the true airflow of their units... and make them seem more powerful than they actually are. Unfortunately, there are a lot of shenanigans going on in the industry... Some/many of the HEPA air purifiers don't even have a True HEPA filter in them - even though, they are marketed in this way. If you saw my Levoit video - you saw that they've been marketing their units as having HEPA filters for many years but they got busted last August for not having HEPA filters in one of their most popular units (the Core 300). So, with a little more checking I found that they actually don't have HEPA filters in 11 of 22 of the units they make. But the box I received from them said "HEPA" on it over 10 times. And the manual used the word "HEPA" over 10 times, as well. And this was a few months after they were told by the BBB to stop using the word "HEPA" with the Core 300. Ridiculous! As SO MANY Core 300 customers will think they have a HEPA filter in their units... how could they not? Again, a lot of sneaky, lying stuff going on - because there are MILLIONS to be made if they can market their units well to the consumers... regardless of how well they actually work. I hope some of this makes sense - thanks!👍
@Vislab-ds1gt 3 күн бұрын
Great video. Excelent detail of the information provided on this video and channel in general. Keep up the good work! FYI, I ended up getting an IQAir based the information available on this channel and on your feedback about it, and also because of the flexibility of swapping different filters whenever needed. One thing I dont see much (or at all) about the topic of air purification around youtube is air ventilation (because of CO2 levels), specially what is the optimal way to ventilate fresh air into a room that has a running air purifier clearning up the air without basically undoing most of the work of the air purifier just to deal with CO2, specially if you live in a city and near a busy road. My first though would be to have a heat pump swwaping air with the outside and have some sort of filtering in the process or have a special adapter attached to the purifier in order to extract outdoors air directly into the air purifier and get it cleaned that way. What are your thoughts on this? Appreciate all your hard work on this channel.
@AirPurificationEducation 3 күн бұрын
1) Thank you for your comments and I am happy to hear I helped persuade you to invest in the elite IQAir HealthPro Plus. I currently run it in my bedroom, as well - because I deserve it, LOL! 2) Yes, the CO2 issue is definitely something I wish to eventually get into as I’ve seen some disturbing results from research on the hazards of it. And I don’t really love air quality testing monitors but I do think there are probably some decently accurate ones for CO2 levels that are reasonably priced so it may make sense to invest in one… and I think I probably need to do this, myself. But, I’d have to research them to try to figure out which is best… 3) “what is the optimal way to ventilate fresh air into a room that has a running air purifier clearning up the air without basically undoing most of the work of the air purifier just to deal with CO2, specially if you live in a city and near a busy road.” Now THAT is a VERY good question and I don’t think there is a “perfect” way to do this. I can tell you - I currently have a portable Air Conditioner hooked up to my window so the window is ajar and the PAC window kit is in the bottom half of it… but it does not fit perfectly. There is some leaking of outside air into my bedroom. I have taped all around the window and the window air kit from the AC unit but some air still gets into my room from the outside… How do I know this? Because, when it is smokey outside (like yesterday was HORRIBLY smokey outside for a few hours) the smoke leaks into my room and I can definitely smell it. I am only 3-4 feet from the window so I am between the window and the IQAir HPP in my room (which is about 8 ft. behind me). So, how could I improve this situation in my bedroom when that irritating smokey air comes in? Just thinking and typing… A. I could move the IQAir between me and the window so the air hits the HPP b4 it gets to me. B. I could put an IQAir Atem on the desk between me and the window and have purified air pushed into my face (I already own the Atem). But it would be better to get the version with carbon in it. C. I could get an Airpura R414 with 8 lbs. Of carbon and a SUPER HEPA filter and put it on the desk between me and the window (as it is a smaller unit) but it’s pretty strong. D. I could get a lot more tape and really try to tape the living crazy out of the window and maybe buy some stock in the tape manufacturer… and hope for a win/win, LOL! Now, for someone else (outside my particular PAC situation) who puts a CO2 monitor in their room and sees the numbers getting too high… A. You could open the window or have a window fan in place to bring in air from the outside and leave the room whilst doing this (if the outdoor air quality is really bad) - then come back into the room and close the window or turn the fan off… and maybe leave the room again… and then with trial an error - figure out a general “air swapping” time that leads to good CO2 levels in the room and calculate 1 or 2 air exchanges from the IQAir unit b4 they re-enter the room permanently. CO2 levels would be improved and after 1 or 2 air exchanges from an IQAir HPP… I think, the air quality should be decent… After some reps of this - I think you would know how long to stay out of the room. But this of course, forces one to leave the room from time to time - which may not be convenient. So… B. “Direct Line of Fire air purification solution” Stay in the room and open the window/turn on the fan and have the IQAir blowing clean air on you the entire time while it is between you and the window/source. The clean air coming out of the sides of the HPP is an advantage for situations like this as you can navigate the solution to have the clean air blowing directly on you (with the unit being between you and the window/source of dirty air). Here is the IQAir owner doing an exaggerated version of this with smoke: He's really close to the unit but his circumstances dictate this... You wouldn't have to get so close. C1. IQAir Atem (version with carbon) on your desk blowing clean air towards your face also enables one to stay in the room while simultaneously bringing in air from outside - without really breathing much poor quality air from outside… or at least - very little. C2. Ditto, the Airpura R414 - on the desk next to you like the Atem. As the air leaves the R414 from the sides. D. IQAir Ducted: on page 26 of the manual - they show a ducting option for the IQAir HPP. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ So, the outside air would be going through the unit b4 it gets to you… this would be GREAT, I think. If you can implement it into your space correctly. Maybe you can get a window kit like they have for the PACs and implement/jerry-rig the IQAir accessory to it. F. The aforementioned solutions are providing breathing air from an elite air purification solution - which is preferred… You could probably buy or construct a fan/MERV 13 solution to bring in air from the outside… so some of the larger particles would be filtered… and I am sure there are a lot of “filtering” type air exchanger/fan type solutions available. I don’t think they’ll filter as well as the above units but… it would be better than nothing, I think. G. Maybe get a fan and push the air outside and depending on the building you are located in… maybe the air which is forced back into your room will be of a better CO2 level. For example, in my room -if I did this… air would come into my space from under the door from my hallway - which may (or may not) have the CO2 levels I desire. H. Maybe bring air into your room from another place inside your building - like the hallway or the adjoining room… if the CO2 levels are desirable in that air. There are fan/air exchanger units that fit in your wall that will bring air in from the room next to you. So, those are just a few options off the top of my head… if you do something in this regard - please let me know what you did and how it works for you. Thanks!
@muhsyakir 4 күн бұрын
I was thinking of a simple air filter that uses positive pressure system which places a centrifugal fan blow into a filter chamber. Reason being is so that atleast the particle are trapped inside the chamber..and placing butterfly gate between the fan and the filter chamber just to ensure one way air it a bad idea?
@AirPurificationEducation 3 күн бұрын
I don't have much experience with DIY solutions but you may wish to ask this guy - The 3D Handyman. As he has a bunch of different DIY builds and he sells some of them, as well:
@muhsyakir 4 күн бұрын
I was about to construct my own DIY air purifier, and most video i found suggest CR Box which uses 4 filters couple to a box fan...Quickly few issues came to mind... Box fan is axial fan, moves alot of air in free space (ambient static pressure), so now they use larger filter area with those 4 filters...but that will result to a very slow air movement around a large area. CFM is high but at slow speed..this mean u need something to circulate the air throughout your room..on top of that, the particle wont stay on the filter for long as they were merely sit on the filter...any abrupt movement of air or the filter will release everything back to the air as the filter are exposed and facing outward...
@AirPurificationEducation 3 күн бұрын
Wow... sounds like you may have brought up some good points. I think you need a KZfaq channel! LOL! JK... but thanks for the input - I do appreciate it! 👍
@NickDungo 4 күн бұрын
Hey Doug, thanks for the informative videos. Been watching all day, was wondering if you had a video or thoughts on the Air Doctor units? We currently have one, but moving into a new home and have a baby on the way so looking to get a few more units but so torn on which direction to go. We like the idea of the Austin air bedroom units and then one IQ air HPP, or considering staying with one brand and getting more air doctors but wanted to get your thoughts, thanks!
@AirPurificationEducation 3 күн бұрын
Thank you for watching some of my videos and congrats on the soon to be new addition! I don’t have any first hand experience with the Air Doctor units but I have been asked about them multiple times in the past - so I have done a little research on them… + I want to get one to do a review on it, eventually. So, here are some of my current thoughts on the Air Doctor Product line: 1) The filters are implemented in a perpendicular manner to the floor - for most of the units and this is not ideal for sealing issues. Dirty air will escape around the fillers over time. Filters installed in a parallel manner to the floor can be superior solutions for sealing issues - like the IQAir HealthPro Plus and the Aeris 3 in 1. 2) Air Doctor has documentation which shows that some of their units have been 3rd party tested and they claim to filter 99.99% down to .003 microns but I HIGHLY doubt this to be true in the real world. That is better filtration than the elite IQAir HPP but the Air Doctor units are not sealed nearly as well as the IQAir HPP. And the HPP doesn’t even filter 99.99% at .003 microns. So, they are presenting some really sketchy 3rd party testing documentation, IMO. Yes, some 3rd party testing labs will provide testing results which make some of the units appear to filter better than they actually do. No ethics. 3) Air Doctor has used some very sketchy/underhanded marketing tactics in the past with online influencers making their units appear to filter at an elite level when this is not the case. And influencers are more than willing to throw all sorts of debris into the filters to make them super dirty and seem like they filter extremely well because Air Doctor provides them with a 15% commission on the sales. And this is the most commission I’ve seen for any air purifier in the entire industry. Now, I am not against influencers making money with manufacturers (Heck, even I want to do this) but - they have been more aggressive then most manufacturers and the few influencer videos/blog pics. I’ve seen show a ridiculous amount of debris stuck to the prefilters - which will NEVER occur in the real world. Fake marketing. I run 7 or so air puriifers in my home and I’ve never accumulated even 20% of the debris these influencers show on their prefilters - which supposedly got filtered within only 4 weeks or so. I believe they coached these influencers to make the prefilters super dirty - as the influencers were “generic” and not “air purification” specific influencers. I believe these are unethical marketing practices. 4) The Air Doctor units only have a 1 year warranty which I think STINKS and it is one of the worst and shortest warranties in the entire industry - that I have ever seen in 16 years. Very Bad! Where is their confidence in their product line? I cannot believe they are selling air purifiers - mostly for over $300 - and they only have a 1 year warranty… I was very surprised when I found this out. They are definitely one of the worst manufacturers when it comes to warranty length. And I complained in past videos about Aeris only having a 2 year warranty, LOL! I mean, only 1 year??? Crazy. 5) All that said, I think they are decent solutions - kinda like average - but not elite. But definitely better than nothing. And so I'd probably rank them around #12B on my current dust/asthma ranking list for a 300 sq. ft. room. So, I currently think they are decent but def. not elite. 6) Here is my current listing of some of the best air purifiers for dust/particle filtration for small and large room sizes: Please let me know if you have questions - thanks!👍
@Mojo_DK_ 5 күн бұрын
What is your opinion on the Nukit Tempest or the Clear Air Kit stuff?
@AirPurificationEducation 3 күн бұрын
I do not have direct experience/feedback with either solution(s) (ie. I never sold them to customers) but knowing that - here is what I currently think of MERV 13-centric solutions, in general: 1) The people who try to sell/push MERV 13 solutions tend to stress lower costs and lower noise vs. typical "HEPA" air purifier solutions. I do think - depending on the solution that sometimes/oftentimes a MERV13 solution can be quieter - however, just of note: CR Boxes can oftentimes be very loud (even though, I know we are not really talking about them specifically - I want to add them into the general MERV 13 conversation). 1B) When it comes to the cost of the solutions - good quality MERV13 filters from say 3M, are not really that inexpensive and I don’t think the MERV13 solutions, in general, are as “super inexpensive” as some may think vs. a HEPA solution. This all depends on the specific units we are talking about and how much they are run, etc - of course. But when I did a cost analysis of a CR Box with 3M filter replacements vs. about 17 other air purifiers - the CR Box ranked #9 as the most expensive solution to run over a year. This really surprised me because all you see online is how inexpensive they are vs. manufactured air purifiers… well, with 3M filters - which I’ve heard are supposed to be the best in the industry - I found that not to be the case: That said, the Nukit and Clean Air Kits are probably going to be less expensive to own - I am assuming, since they utilize less filters + the power supply is supposed to be more energy efficient. So, I can see where the Nukit and Clean Air Kits will in general, be less expensive than most HEPA air purifiers on the market to own and run. So, without much analysis on this issue - I do currently think these 2 brands will possess lower cost of ownership than most HEPA solutions. 2) As for the filtration - neither MERV13 solution possesses any carbon so I think they will lacking when it comes to filtering VOCs/odors vs. some other air purifier brands. 3) I do think these MERV 13 solutions are good for filtering larger particles. And they will help take out larger particles in the air but the smaller particles are the most dangerous to humans and the most plentiful in the air (ultrafine particles = 90% of the particles in our air and they are .1 to .003 microns in size). And I am not sold on the MERV 13 solutions at doing a good job of filtering them. 4) NASA, Thousands of US Hospitals (and others around the world), Airplanes, the DOE - Department of Energy... and on and on and on use HEPA filtration for superior air quality NOT MERV 12,13,14 filters… So, while I am open minded to MERV 13 solutions… I’d have to see major installations involveing critical air quality applications, basically “decide to switch from HEPA to MERV 13 solutions” because they feel the filtration is superior to HEPA. And I think this makes a lot of common sense. 5) The CDC recently said, "DIY air filtration units may be effective for temporary use until commercial portable air cleaners with known performance characteristics can be acquired, or used in areas that cannot obtain commercial portable air cleaners. However, the EPA does not recommend the DIY units as a permanent alternative to products of known performance (such as commercially available portable air cleaners)." I know we are not specifically talking about DIY solutions but I do think the CDC is probably referring to MERV 13 filtration solutions, in general, in this statement (not just DIY) so… I currently think this statement also applies to other MERV 13 filtration solutions on the market. 6) I had a European 3rd Party air quality tester with 30 years of experience (with clients including Mercedes Benz, IQAir, General Electric, etc.) tell me that MERV 16 filtration can sometimes beat a good quality true HEPA solution… but there is a big difference between MERV 13 and MERV 16 performance. They did NOT say a MERV 13 solution could match or surpass a good quality HEPA solution. 7) MERV 13 filtration solutions are better than nothing and they definitely do improve the quality of air in your space esp. for larger particles - but I do not think they filter better than the upper echelon HEPA solutions on the market. Like I said - I am willing to change my opinion on this over time but I’d have to see strong proof from multiple unbiased, reputable sources. That’s just common sense, right? Hope that helps. 👍
@Insolitus11 6 күн бұрын
I hope you become more well-known. Could you test Finnish designed Lifa Air air purifiers?
@AirPurificationEducation 6 күн бұрын
Thank you - I have never heard of the Lifa brand but I am not too impressed with the verbiage on their website. They state, “When purchasing a home air purifier, you should pay attention to the product’s CADR value, since this is the best indicator of the product’s capacity to purify air. Products’ CADR values can vary significantly between manufacturers, so product comparison is worth your time.” This is absolutely NOT true and therefore I already do not have a high opinion of this brand. Companies push the CADR ratings usually so they can just just sell more product but good CADR scores do not mean an air purifier filters well. I made a video on this called “Is the CADR Rating Important? NOPE! It’s GARBAGE!: So the Lifa brand may make decent or even good air purifiers but I highly doubt they are elite as the elite air purifier manufacturers generally do not hype their CADR Ratings and/or don’t have particularly good CADR Ratings and/or don’t even have CADR ratings for their units. Thanks!👍
@genericmike7361 7 күн бұрын
Any opinions on the smaller Coway Airmega's? like the 250/230/150 models? Thanks!
@AirPurificationEducation 7 күн бұрын
I think they are all going to be somewhat similar in their particle filtering abilities. They are all perpendicular installed filters - with similar looking internal seals - and the filters themselves appear to be quite similar in composition (with the exception of the 150 which does not have the carbon attached to the HEPA and comes with a carbon type cloth which possesses less carbon than the other options). Coway does make good air purifiers for particle filtering for the money. They seem to have really focused on the "design" and "look/aesthetics" of the units to provide consumers with different looking units/options - moreso than trying to create better/different filtering capabilities (outside of the amount of airflow moving through the filters). So yeah, I do think they are good for the money provided you put them in spaces that are sized within their capabilities. But, I don't think 1 is significantly better than another for particle filtration, in general.... Yeah, a 300 will have 2 filters installed so it will have around twice the carbon for odors/chemicals but I do think they will all be somewhat similar for particle filtration depending on how large a room you put them in as they possess different CFMs.
@user-hd5ni7wz8f 9 күн бұрын
Thanks for this info. I'm also allergic to water 😩 Can you please do a video on water
@AirPurificationEducation 9 күн бұрын
How are you allergic to water? What symptoms do you have? When did it start? I have not heard of this before.
@user-nh9fi2sx2x 10 күн бұрын
I bought. Levoit 600s, its marketed as a true hepa filter. Is that incorrect?
@AirPurificationEducation 10 күн бұрын
IIn the past, Levoit marketed all their air purifiers as having HEPA filters but last I checked 3 months ago - ½ of their units do not have a HEPA filter. The 600S is not marketed as a HEPA air purifiers on their website. On Amazon, they say “Levoit Original Filter is HEPA-grade while operating in Sleep Mode”. Which means the 600S does not have a HEPA filter and only works at a HEPA level on the lowest setting.
@user-nh9fi2sx2x 10 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing your expertise. I have a newly build house that they used spray foam as insulation. I feel a sliht chemical smell in the house and I wonder what air purifier you would recommend for this situation?
@AirPurificationEducation 10 күн бұрын
I think you need a solution with a good amount of carbon to absorb the chemicals. 1. You may want to chat with Airpura as to what they think would be the best for your application: They are the closest thing to carbon experts that I am aware of. DZAIR10 gets you a 10% discount with them. 2. You could also consider the IQAir GC unit as it has 12 lbs. of carbon and I know it is good for chemicals. So, I would consider one of those two options - off the top of my head. Good Luck!
@NormalGuy561 13 күн бұрын
Aeris was purchased by IRobot, is unit still good? Any changes? thank you
@NormalGuy561 13 күн бұрын
Disregard, I watch video , answered my question. thanks. what's best indoor air quality test unit?
@AirPurificationEducation 12 күн бұрын
@@NormalGuy561 Indoor air quality testers are not as accurate as the vast majority of people may think they are, IMO. I have 5 different ones at my home but I don't use any of them. Plus, I have about 7 different air purifiers running and some have air quality monitors on them but I don't really pay attention to them, either. I have a short post on this here which which will let you know about some of the limitations on them + a video between 2 fairly popular units... Temtop and Dylos... and you'll see they don't really agree with each other on the air quality for particles: That said, I do think the Dylos 1100 Pro is a decent solution to tell you the general particle concentrations at about .5 microns which may be of benefit to you. Thanks!
@Turnsnap 14 күн бұрын
Thank you for doing the work that very few in this world are willing to do, you are a paragon of truth and justice
@AirPurificationEducation 13 күн бұрын
Thank you for your kind words - I appreciate it. 🙂
@0xRick00 15 күн бұрын
IQAIr's AtemX is pretty good. It doesn't have any carbon filter that I know of, but it runs when it detects anything in the air. Thoughts?
@0xRick00 15 күн бұрын
I am a little hesitent to trust anything from the EPA. What are your thoughts on the AQI readings from sites like IQAir or Purple Air?
@0xRick00 15 күн бұрын
Thought you might like this comparison with Aspen Air Filter vs competitors. I still think IQAir HealthPro Plus is great. Sure they all have their flaws, but would like to see your review between HealthPro Plus vs Aspen Air vs Aeris: For whatever reason I cannot post links so if you look up Aspen Air Purifier and go to the product page there is a demo link on the bottom of the specifications. It will say "Watch it clean a real room" For the video demonstrating a HealthPro Plus the president of the company goes into a glass chamber filled with noxious gas: Just go to youtube and lookup HealthPro Plus smoke chamber
@AirPurificationEducation 15 күн бұрын
Yes, thanks - I saw the Aspen demo a few months ago. They are just trying to copy the brilliantly designed IQAir HealthPro Plus.. here are some comments I made on one of their videos about 4 months ago: They basically tried to copy an IQAir HealthPro Plus But for a lot more money. 1) The airflow through the unit is very similar to the IQAir HPP. Air comes in from under the unit and travels upwards through the 3 filters just like the HPP. 2) The position of the filters are exactly the same as the IQAir HPP. 3) The size of the filters are very similar to the IQAir Healthpro Plus 4) It also has 6 fan speeds just like the HPP. 5) The fan looks similar to the HPP's fan. 6) And it also has a handle in the middle of the top of the unit like the HPP. 7) But it does not appear to be EN1822 certified like the HPP so it will not filter Ultrafine Particles as well as the HPP. 8) It only has 3 lbs of carbon vs. 5 lbs. in the HPP. 9) It does not appear to be sealed nearly as well as the HPP so I would expect there to be some dirty air leakage around the filters esp. as the filters get dirtier and on higher speeds. 10) And it seems to cost 45% more than the HPP at $1,649 + the annual filter replacement costs of $260 appear to be 42% more expensive than the HealthPro Plus replacement costs.
@0xRick00 15 күн бұрын
What are your thoughts between MEV vs HEPA filters?
@AirPurificationEducation 15 күн бұрын
If sized correctly - HEPA air purifiers from IQAir, Aeris/iRobot, Airpura and Camfil - can provide elite filtration for particles. Currently I think MERV 13 solutions - like CR Boxes (if that's what you are asking about) - are good for applications like woodworking environments, etc. to take the larger particles out quickly. And they are def. better than nothing in smaller spaces, as well. I know some folks on the Internet are trying to say they are better than HEPA filter solutions... but I've checked with a reputable 3rd party testing facility in Europe about this and they said MERV16 solutions can sometimes be better than good HEPA solutions... But there is a big difference between the filtering of a MERV 13 filter and an MERV 16 filter. So, I don't currently think a MERV 13 solution will be nearly as effective as a good HEPA air purifier. But, I am open minded on this... when/if NASA, the DOE, major airlines, Hospitals and Emergency Rooms switch to MERV 13 solutions because they feel they are more effective than HEPA solutions... then I will definitely be more prone to believing otherwise... Also, The CDC recently said, “DIY air filtration units may be effective for temporary use until commercial portable air cleaners with known performance characteristics can be acquired, or used in areas that cannot obtain commercial portable air cleaners. However, the EPA does not recommend the DIY units as a permanent alternative to products of known performance (such as commercially available portable air cleaners).”
@0xRick00 15 күн бұрын
@@AirPurificationEducation For my HVAC MERV16 filters are available so I use those instead. Reason I ask is because the air purifiers like Aspen seem to reference MERV over HEPA so I wasn't sure if one technology was better over another
@AirPurificationEducation 14 күн бұрын
@@0xRick00 Actually, MERV and HEPA ratings overlap. A MERV 17 Rating is 99.97% at .3 microns which is also considered HEPA.
@0xRick00 15 күн бұрын
What I like about IQAIr is that its all manufactured in Switzerland. The majority of the competitors are manufactured in China. Also, I like that the HealthPro Plus the filter replacement is 18 months or more depending on which filter you are replacing. The carbon filter is 24 months. The cost is reasonable and you get a 10 year warrenty. I liked the video where the owner demostrated the performance within a glass chamber. The other brand that I have seen is the Aspen Air Purifier. There are differences between the two brands. Aspen uses a MERV 16 filter whereas IQAir uses H12/13 (HEPA) filters. Also, I liked that the HealhPro Plus has 5lbs of carbon. If you go with the HealthPro Plus GC that has 12 lbs of carbon.
@AirPurificationEducation 15 күн бұрын
I currently run an IQAir HPP in my bedroom and it is a really good unit, for sure. I run mine on speed 5 all day long 247 - so my filter changes are sooner. Also, I don't think the carbon is super effective after 6 or so months.... but maybe that's just me. I wouldn't really buy one for odor issues. The GC IS really good for odors/VOCs.
@0xRick00 15 күн бұрын
Great review! What are your thoughts on an Air Quality Monitor that monitors Formaldehyde, VOC, PM2.5 & PM10? Any brands that you recommend? Is it better to just get a PM monitor rather than a monitor that supports other features (VOC, Formaldehyde, etc)? I am looking for a Air Quality monitor that can monitor some of the Ultra Fine Particles. Is there a monitor that you recommend? What are your thoughts on AQI advisories through sites like IQAIr & Purple Air? Have you reviewed any of IQAir's products like the HealthPro Plus? Thanks
@AirPurificationEducation 15 күн бұрын
1) "Is it better to just get a PM monitor rather than a monitor that supports other features (VOC, Formaldehyde, etc)" - I currently think, yes. I think the Dylos DC1100 Pro is pretty good for .5 micron sized particles. If the monitor tests for all sorts of different things - I tend to believe it isn't accurate for some of them - esp. at "reasonable" price points. And it is supposed to be harder for testers to be accurate for VOCs/chemicals, in general. 2) "I am looking for a Air Quality monitor that can monitor some of the Ultra Fine Particles. Is there a monitor that you recommend?" Unfortunately, not currently. I think it is very difficult for monitors to be accurate for UF particles. 3) "What are your thoughts on AQI advisories through sites like IQAir & Purple Air?" I made a video on some of the variables with AQI advisory issues. The closest testing device for particles is about 10 miles from my home... how accurate can it be for my "local" particle issues - like a neighbor burning leaves 100 ft. from my home? I'm guessing not too helpful in that scenario... ditto insecticide being sprayed on all the lawns around me... That said, I do think they provide very valuable "general" information that is being researched and analyzed to make connections between air pollution and our health. So, I think they are super important on one hand for research issues but not totally reliable for air quality issues when I open my front door or windows. Purple Air: I saw some negative feedback on them last I checked - so I don't really know how good the Purple Air products are... 4) "Have you reviewed any of IQAir's products like the HealthPro Plus?" Yes, for sure - I think some of your later comments show you saw some of the reviews so I won't post links - thanks!
@0xRick00 15 күн бұрын
@@AirPurificationEducation Thank you again for your help I understand that these particle counters are not going to be no where near like the industrial models and those instruments are going to be thousands of dollars more, but for a general use to measure the indoor air quality do you still recommend the Dylos? Have you used REED R9930 or the Fluke 985 particle counter? I always liked Fluke instruments, but they too are very expensive. REED is around $1300 which is within reason whereas the Fluke Particle Counter will cost around $6,500. Overall it would be nice to have an air quality monitoring tool to gauge if you walk into a building, room, office or whatever
@AirPurificationEducation 14 күн бұрын
@@0xRick00 "for a general use to measure the indoor air quality do you still recommend the Dylos?" Yes, I think the Dylos DC1100 Pro is pretty good for .5 micron sized particles. "Have you used REED R9930 or the Fluke 985 particle counter?" No, I have not. Eventually, I expect a "breakthrough" for air quality monitors to eventually become more accurate and hopefully, less expensive. We'll see.
@starry3824 16 күн бұрын
What do you think about TPA Airdog new filters?
@AirPurificationEducation 15 күн бұрын
I don’t have direct experience with them. They seem like decent units and look like they have above average quality. They do make some pretty large claims, though, “Airdog X8 is powered by patented TPA technology. TPA® creates an ionic field that actively removes ((instead of trapping) harmful particles, common allergens such as pollen, pet dander, and dust, filtering them down to 0.0146 micron (6x smaller than similar air purifier filters) and around 10 to 20 times more efficient than traditional HEPA air filters.” What exactly does 10 to 20 times more efficient than HEPA mean? Plus, they only have a 1 year warranty which doesn’t inspire tremendous confidence in me. $650 to $1,100 air purifiers with only a 1 year warranty? Where is their confidence in the longevity of their products? To me, that’s kind of a red flag. I can see a $100 unit having a 1 year warranty but $650 and up? I don’t like that, at all. Thanks!
@raghavtakiar 18 күн бұрын
What would you recommend about dreo mc710s does it have a good filtration system?
@AirPurificationEducation 18 күн бұрын
I do not have direct experience with the product but my knee jerk opinion based on their website: is that these guys make a lot of different products but the best air purifiers are made from companies that only manufacture air purifiers like IQAir, Austin Air, Airpura, Aeris, Camfil... so looking at this fan purifier - seems like a similar product to the Dyson fans which are not really good air purifiers... so I don't think this product will do a very good job of filtering based on those reasons. Thanks!
@davidaddis7786 18 күн бұрын
Yeah, I just bought 3 extra filters for my Aeris 3-in-1 so I should have at least 4 years of use.
@AirPurificationEducation 18 күн бұрын
OK, very good - of note, carbon is less effective over time - even if you don't use it so IDK how the filters were packaged but I'd make sure I had a good wrapping/bag/whatever to store them and try to salvage the carbon as much as possible... just a thought - thanks!
@davidaddis7786 18 күн бұрын
Bought an open box aeris 3-in-1 for my living room and a Dyson HP09 for my bedroom. Love the aeris for my living room. It is every bit as elite as your reviews. The Dyson, while not nearly as good as an air purifier, the fan was the reason I bought it more than the filtration so although it is extremely overpriced, it is exactly what I needed and beautiful to look at.
@AirPurificationEducation 18 күн бұрын
Awesome! That Aeris is a GREAT Investment in your long term health. I hope iRobot figures out what they want to do with it soon, and let us all know, LOL! Thanks for the feedback!👍
@fanfan867 18 күн бұрын
@AirPurificationEducation would a hepa12 filter from aeris be good enough?
@AirPurificationEducation 18 күн бұрын
I'm not sure of an H12 option for it. I've only seen H13 and H14 options. Do you have a link to the H12 option that I can see?
@williemasterofdestruction5339 18 күн бұрын
My C M detector went off early this morn and skys are hazy. I assumed from the fires raging hundreds of miles from here,decimating Ruidoso. The weather app says high pm 10 levels today. Nice... 97 at 11 this morn...
@AirPurificationEducation 18 күн бұрын
Yeah, supposedly when there is a fire on the west coast like CA - we still get small particulates from it all the way over here on the east coast... and we also supposedly get some of the poor air quality from China, as well... just crazy when you think about the distances. Thanks!
@masx4468 18 күн бұрын
Could you install your own gasket on the machine? You could probably get some self-stick rubber gasket from Home Depot or another hardware store.
@AirPurificationEducation 18 күн бұрын
Yes, I do think there are ways to make the seal better, however... A: If you make the gasket/seal stronger then it will force more air through the filter media itself, and I would expect more leakage in that area especially on higher CFM settings. So, my knee jerk reaction to this would be - If you improve the seal - I'd put the unit in a room size that it can easily accommodate and not run the unit on more than medium. The fact of the matter is, in most all air purifiers - the higher you run the CFMs- the more leakage that will occur. And that has even been documented on the most recent large IQAir Atem that retails for about $1,400. And I consider IQAir to be an elite air purifier manufacturer. Also, Coway - and MOST air purifier manufacturers - engineer their units to do well on the CADR ratings to get more sales... so I think they probably "Know" their seal isn't great but it helps them get better CADR ratings which helps sell more units. You will be making more air go through the HEPA media than they tested for... so I'd keep it on lower CFMS. It is possible there may be other issues that occur from modifying the unit, as well... But IDK. So, I'm not gonna tell you it's a good idea and I would not do it. For ex. if the unit somehow catches fire and burns up one of your rooms - then you may out of luck when it comes to warranty/legal issues... IDK but... there could be issues. Also, doing this will void the manufacturer's warranty - I'm pretty sure... but... I won't tell if you don't, LOL! So, it is up to you... and Good Luck! 👍
@wowguy3562 19 күн бұрын
I remove the filters and vacuum / blow them out from the inside out on the main filter, always outside and up wind using an electric leaf blower, its amazing how much dust and material blows out then I reinstall, its the same filter over 10 years, it appears to work the same as the day I bought it used for 200. I love the low tech features
@AirPurificationEducation 18 күн бұрын
Several years ago, I banged the IQAir prefilter on the concrete about 17 times and was amazed at all the dust continuously pouring out of it. Then when I put it back into the air purifier - on the same speed (5 or 6) - I could feel the air at about 8 inches away instead of the 2 inches b4 the concrete banging. It made a HUGE difference in the air flow. I'm fixin to make a video of the dust coming out of it when it is full... Your method sounds less "cavemanish", LOL! I just got a leaf blower last month and blew out my dryer vent... We thought something was dead in it... but maybe I'll try that on the IQAir prefilters, as well. I had a few folks say they used an air compressor to push out the dust from their filters... But hey, I now have a leaf blower so... we'll see - Thanks!👍
@npcRegard 19 күн бұрын
This guy is a literal blessing for everyone's lungs and health. I bought an IQAir Health Pro recently thanks to you. Levoit can burn in hell especially after their disgusting "true hepa" levoit 300 scam.
@AirPurificationEducation 18 күн бұрын
Thank you for your kind words. Awesome - so happy to hear it. The IQAir HPP is a great solution for particulates. It is a GREAT investment in your long-term health! Hope you love it!👍
@shellywickers788 21 күн бұрын
Hi Doug. Ive really enjoyed watching your videos and have learned so much. I have a neighbor who smokes and it really is affecting me. I wake up with a sore throat and dizzy. I have purchased a Levoit Core 600S and a BlueAir Pure 211i Max. Not much help.From what you have said, cigarette smoke is .1 micron or less. Are either of these air purifiers doing anything to reduce the second hand smoke? I was considering getting the IQ air Atem desk for while I worked and slept. Mostly because it is less money. Do you think it will help me in my case? Not sure if my symptoms are from PM or VOC. Any other recommendations for second hand smoke air purifiers for $300- $800?Thank you for what you do.
@AirPurificationEducation 20 күн бұрын
Hey Shelly - thanks for the question. Can you please tell me: 1) What is the square footage of the space you are in? and 2) how tall is the ceiling? I think the 600S and 211i do improve the overall air quality, in general (like any air purifier). However, taking smoke out of the air is one of the harder contaminants for air purifiers to deal with. Oftentimes, it will require a "more serious" air purifier solution. **It drives me crazy watching all these short videos of air purifiers taking smoke out of a small box within a minute. Things are not that simple when it comes to smoke. Thanks !
@davidaddis7786 21 күн бұрын
What’s the difference between the Aeris 3-in-1 P101620 (Pro) and P301620 (medical) and which is better (particularly for asthma and severe allergies? Thinking about getting an open box one.
@AirPurificationEducation 20 күн бұрын
The 3 in 1 filter has carbon in it to help with odors/VOCs however, I am not crazy about the carbon's staying power after a few months so I wouldn't buy a 3 in 1 for odors. It only has about 2.2 lbs. of carbon. cutaway of filter: The Medical filter does not possess any carbon and has an H14 HEPA in it (vs. the H13 in the 3 in 1) so it will filter the particles even a little bit better. But it will possess a little less air flow. Both filters can be interchanged within the same air purifier "chassis". You could really go with either - I think I'd go with the regular 3 in 1 as it provides more air flow and therefore, more air exchanges.
@rock05climber 23 күн бұрын
Great videos! Do you have any info on how trustworthy the refurbished Aeris 3 in 1's are. I can't find who refurbished them. Thanks!
@AirPurificationEducation 23 күн бұрын
I know there are some refurbs out there but I don't know how good they are or the length of warranty. A 3 in 1 customer was complaining yesterday that she couldn't get any assistance with her unit as she was apparently having some issues with it. + we don't know what the new iRobot CEO plans for the Aeris product line. So, I personally would wait to see what iRobot plans to do with the product line. Of note: it only accounted for about 1% of their sales last year so I don't think it will be a major focus for the new CEO for a while, unfortunately. Thanks!
@gregoryconran 23 күн бұрын
Hi, whats the best in car air purifier, that can stay in the car, dont mind size, just needs to be able to run in a car
@AirPurificationEducation 23 күн бұрын
I think the IQAir Atem Car is the best for particles and it has some carbon to help with VOCs. And I would pick the Amaircare Roomaide as my 2nd best option at this point in time. Good Luck!
@gregoryconran 23 күн бұрын
@@AirPurificationEducation Thanks, of course they will be impossible to find in my Country - Australia, but I will look into it, thanks for taking the time, do you have Patreon?
@gregoryconran 23 күн бұрын
@@AirPurificationEducation Thanks so much, hard to get those here, but will try, how big is the Amaircare Roomaide, its ok if it is big? There is one I was looking at the Philips GoPure GP523BLACKX1, at least its not a cup holder type, would it be poor compared to the Amaircare?
@AirPurificationEducation 23 күн бұрын
@@gregoryconran Here is the IQAir Australia website: No Patreon but thanks!
@AirPurificationEducation 23 күн бұрын
​@@gregoryconran The Roomaid is 8.5" x 8.5" and 7.5" tall (21.5 cm x 21.5cm and 19 cm tall). Yes, I think it is probably good if it is at least a little big. *I don't know about the performance of the Philips GoPure but in my experience - the best air purifiers come from companies that almost exclusively focus on manufacturing only air purifiers. IQAir, Airpura, Austin Air, Camfil and Amaircare - all make good to very good air purifiers and that is all they make. * Companies like Philips that make a lot of different products and "oh by the way, we also have a great air purifier, too" - tend to not make high level air purifiers. I love my Philips shaver but it is much different to make a really good filtering air purifier. *Coway makes a bunch of different products, too. And they make decent air purifiers but they don't filter as well as some of the companies that focus exclusively on air purifiers.
@npcRegard 24 күн бұрын
I made the mistake of cheaping out on crap air purifiers. Then I’d happily spend thousands on resteraunts, blah blah. Just save up for an IQAir or Austin. I’m talking to myself from 4 years ago specifically smh.
@AirPurificationEducation 24 күн бұрын
I spend a lot on restaurants, too - good tasting food is a staple of my happiness :)
@jennyh290 25 күн бұрын
You can’t get them. You can’t get help from iRobot with the ones you already own. So frustrating!!!!!
@AirPurificationEducation 25 күн бұрын
1) I've had multiple people in different countries say they had access to these units over the past several months. So, they are available in some countries. 2) Last I checked, about 2 months ago - they are available in the US as refurbs at a discount. 3) iRobot got a new CEO a little over a month ago so hopefully they will provide us with an update on the future of the product in the near future. Thanks for your feedback!👍
@jennyh290 25 күн бұрын
Why do you keep putting the 3 in 1 Aeris when you can’t even get them and if you already have them you can’t get assistance with them.
@AirPurificationEducation 25 күн бұрын
Thank you for your question. 1) I've had multiple people in different countries say they had access to these units over the past several months. So, they are available in some countries. 2) Last I checked, about 2 months ago - they are available in the US as refurbs at a discount. 3) iRobot got a new CEO a little over a month ago so hopefully they will provide us with an update on the future of the product in the near future. 4)They filter particles at an elite level - and that is what this particular list is about. Thanks!
@LUCI4N019 26 күн бұрын
so what airpurifiers should i get
@AirPurificationEducation 26 күн бұрын
Thank you for your question - can you please tell me... 1) What is the size of the room you are putting it in? Square footage and ceiling height. 2) What do you want to filter out of your air the most? What is the 2nd most important thing you want to filter out of the air? Thanks!
@davidaddis7786 27 күн бұрын
For dust and allergies?
@italoamaralnvcc 27 күн бұрын
I think you would have more views if you got to the point faster. When looking for a review, I want to know how the product performs. Maybe you should do a separate video for your beef with the brand.
@AirPurificationEducation 27 күн бұрын
I think you are probably right. I never intended the video to go on for so long but I just kept finding more stuff to add and b4 I knew it - it was an hour in length... yes, way too long I think. Thanks! 👍
@davidaddis7786 28 күн бұрын
Would you wait for the new “Aeris” or if not, which would you go with for a large room (about 600 square feet and l-shaped) with high wilted ceilings (over 10’)?
@AirPurificationEducation 28 күн бұрын
Thank you for your question. Can you please say what specifically you want to filter out of your air? Allergens/dust? VOCs/odors? Thanks!
@davidaddis7786 27 күн бұрын
For dust, asthma and severe allergies and
@AirPurificationEducation 27 күн бұрын
@@davidaddis7786 1) There are some refurb Aeris 3 in 1 units on the market but - I want to wait on the Aeris air purifier product line at this point in time as iRobot just got a new CEO a month ago. They lost money the past 2 years in a row and their CEO was let go around Jan. 2024. The Aeris product line only accounted for about 1% of all their sales in 2023 so the new CEO will definitely not be focusing on it in the short term, IMO. He needs to get the global vacuum strategy figured out and no one knows what he will do with the air purifier product line or when he will address it. Also, prior to the new CEO - they were going to replace the Aeris units with the newer Klaara P7 units and they were going to introduce new H14 filters in the units, as well. But now, no one knows what is going to happen. Therefore, I think it is kinda risky to go with an Aeris solution these days. 2) I would go with an IQAir HealthPro Plus: or 3) An Airpura R614 (which has a Super HEPA filter/Better than HEPA at 99.99% at .3 microns) : You can get 10% off on the Airpura with coupon code: DZAir10 I would love to hear feedback on what you choose and how well it works for you. Good Luck!👍
@alphonso0077 28 күн бұрын
Looks like IQAir just release an XE version which has a quieter and more efficient fan and also adds wifi control and a particle smart sensor so the unit will only operate when necessary.
@AirPurificationEducation 28 күн бұрын
Yes, looks like for $300 more - they've made a smart version that's more energy efficient... thanks!
@AMGMATIC Ай бұрын
Hello I had a question, this isn’t related to an Austin Air but what do you think of Alen Air purifiers? I know the only downside is the ozone that it may produce because it has an ionizer.
@AirPurificationEducation Ай бұрын
I think Alen makes decent air purifiers - not elite for particles like IQAir and Airpura. But I do think they make some decent units.
@AMGMATIC Ай бұрын
I’m definitely considering the IQ Air since I have asthma. Thank you for the response back.
@AirPurificationEducation 29 күн бұрын
@@AMGMATIC Good Luck!
@LoganRST Ай бұрын
I want the app for scheduling run times. I would run on high when I'm not home/sleeping, and lower/less audible setting while I'm home/awake.
@AirPurificationEducation Ай бұрын
That's cool - thanks 4 the comment👍
@davidaddis7786 Ай бұрын
What about the Dyson Big+Quiet? Is it good or junk?
@AirPurificationEducation Ай бұрын
I don't have first hand experience with it but from what I've seen online - it looks like a decent unit. It doesn't look like an elite performer like an IQAir HPP or an Airpura but it is probably a decent solution... I'd say it is probably somewhere in the Coway 400 range for particle filtration... but it is much more expensive, I know.
@Jose-ds1de Ай бұрын
Good morning! I have beem watching your videos for a few days now. I found refurbished Aeris 3-n-1 for about $400. What are your thoughts on buying this unit or any air purifier that has been refurbished? I'm torn between the refurbished Aeris 3-n-1, Airpura R414, and Coway 400? I was wondering what you would recommend? Thank you in advance for your time ans help.
@AirPurificationEducation Ай бұрын
1) I don’t buy refurbished units myself but if I did - I would probably want to purchase it directly from the manufacturer with at least a year warranty on it… I am guessing. 2) As far as the 3 in 1 goes: I want to wait on the Aeris air purifier product line at this point in time as iRobot just got a new CEO a month ago. They lost money the past 2 years in a row and their CEO was let go around Jan. 2024. The Aeris product line only accounted for about 1% of all their sales in 2023 so the new CEO will definitely not be focusing on it in the short term, IMO. He needs to get the global vacuum strategy figured out and no one knows what he will do with the air purifier product line or when he will address it. Also, prior to the new CEO - they were going to replace the Aeris units with the newer Klaara P7 units and they were going to introduce new H14 filters in the units, as well. But now, no one knows what is going to happen. Therefore, I think it is kinda risky to go with an Aeris solution these days. 3) “I'm torn between the refurbished Aeris 3-n-1, Airpura R414, and Coway 400? I was wondering what you would recommend?” A) How large is the room you are going to put the unit in? B) what do you want the unit to purify? Allergens, odors, etc. Thanks!
@bluegables Ай бұрын
I need to replace filter on one of the machine. It's PET Machine HM410 Standard HEPA Air Purifier. Now I don't have a pet, can I replace the filter with other filters? e.g. Bedroom. Thanks.
@AirPurificationEducation Ай бұрын
Yes, you can - the filters are interchangeable.
@nathanstevens6290 Ай бұрын
Any thoughts on ISO-Aire? RSF series I was looking at the RSF300.
@AirPurificationEducation Ай бұрын
I don't see the quality of the seals inside the unit but, in general, it looks like a pretty good unit. Probably better then most. Seems to be more of an "industrial/commercial" type solution. I wonder what the cost is.
@khaliaf Ай бұрын
What's your opinion of the Medify Air MA-112?
@AirPurificationEducation Ай бұрын
I don't have any 1st hand experience with it but it looks like a decent unit. That said, they put the carbon last in the filtration process which I think is a mistake. The best air purifiers put the HEPA filter after the carbon so it can catch any carbon particles. IQAir, Airpura, Camfil, etc. all put the HEPA last. Thanks!
@khaliaf Ай бұрын
@@AirPurificationEducation Your videos are so informative and helpful. Thank you!
@AirPurificationEducation Ай бұрын
@@khaliaf thank you!
@weiss27md Ай бұрын
There was someone that took their Air Doctor apart online and there was a lot of dust inside. Proof that a lost of dust bypasses the filter on those air purifiers.
@AirPurificationEducation Ай бұрын
I think the Air Doctors that have the filters installed in a perpendicular manner (just like most all other air purifiers with perpendicular installed filters) are going to have significant leaking issues over time. That said, they will typically still improve the air quality in the space - just not at an elite level, IMO. Thanks!
@vital2300 Ай бұрын
Hello, I'm a person who got allergic rhinitis (genetic problem), and unfortunately, I suffer so much from any odor or smoke and even sneeze at anything I smell. It's tiring. My room is so small, may I have a suggestion please? Something that's $100 or less
@AirPurificationEducation Ай бұрын
I don't know of anything less than $100 that has much carbon in it. You need carbon to take out the odors. Maybe a Winix 5500 at about $160 may be able to help you but that's the least expensive I can think of.